U may not think this is serious, but . . . .

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by mia, Apr 14, 2005.

  1. Eagle334th

    Eagle334th Guest

    Actually, you were banned because you are a poser. You lied about having PTSD, that you had a Combat Medic's Badge, that you were in El Salvador, in Honduras. You begged members for money after you bounced a check. The list goes on and on. You are a sorry POS, and should be exposed for the lies that you tell.
  2. Your Friend Whipone

    Your Friend Whipone New Member

    LOL, tell me CORPSEMAN isn't multiplying, please.
  3. fivepaknh

    fivepaknh New Member

    Medicvet is a fat assed fraud. She also goes by the name of Amvetalpha91 on most of the forums she frequents. Do not believe a word that comes out of here chubby, grease lined mouth.
  4. LilMissDangerous

    LilMissDangerous New Member

    She's disrespected and dishonored everyone who's ever worn the uniform and she's claiming to be defrauding the VA by falsifying her disability claim which is costing the taxpayers (us WORKING stiffs) money. Now she comes on here claiming how stoned she is. Our money bought that fucking fat ass piece of shit her damn dope. I'm not working for that lard ass, I work for ME!

    Quit sponging off me you unjustified whelp of a whore! Don't you have a cyst to pop or a claim form to lie on? You fucking disgust me.

    Here folks, go feast your eyes and watch this cum dumpster get her magic carpet ripped out from under her, and with an ass that size, that's a mighty big job!

  5. fivepaknh

    fivepaknh New Member

    These people deserve her company. With her post here claiming to abuse drug, we have her real name and address. We can forward her picture and comments to her local VA.
  6. LilMissDangerous

    LilMissDangerous New Member

    I searched all of her posts on here, all 35 pages which is no suprise seeing as how she's an endless supply of drivel and bullshit, and found one where she talks about how the VA will only buy that "I lost my pills! I need more!" story so many times. I'll hunt that one down. 8)

    What a retarded piece of shit and by the looks of it, we very well may be surrounded by them. Fuck, I hope they don't infect our place. (To be read: C'mon over motherfuckers, and bring the fat ass welfare case with you and we'll all have a BIG ol' time!) :twisted:
  7. Eagle334th

    Eagle334th Guest

    Actually, Five, she doesn't have too many friends here. ;)

    And, GiantBryan on mil.com posted that she doesn't actually have a claim with the VA. Just one of her many lies.

    But, I'm sure her probation officer would be interested in the drugs. 8)
  8. fivepaknh

    fivepaknh New Member

    For the bad checks?
  9. Eagle334th

    Eagle334th Guest

    And, the contributing to the delinquency of a minor. ;)
  10. LilMissDangerous

    LilMissDangerous New Member

    Here's the pill post.

    Oh, and on this site, she's got a brain tumor, cancer, cellulite or some shit, on mil.com she had pneumonia eight times, cancer and had quit smoking, and at our place she's all of the above and agoraphobic. This entire time, still suffering from PTSD.

    Holy fucking shit. What a train wreck. :roll:
  11. Eagle334th

    Eagle334th Guest

    Check your PM's, LMD. ;)

    MEDICVET New Member

    I didn't lie about shit.

    And as for the check shit ya'll are talking about, I wasn't the one who started that thread at that forum or began to ask anyone for money, and anyone who gave me money knew what for and no one who actually was among those who gave it to me have ever asked for it back. You may have a problem with that, but those are the facts.

    Nice to know that your little lives are so insignificant that you have a problem with me living mine. I am not going to abandon my computer online life or crawl into a little ball and die because you want me to. At one point I might have, but ya'll don't deserve that kind of attention from me. I got better things to be depressed over than the fact that some people online have their own misconceptions and false conclusions over who I am.

    Because I talked too much about shit and haven't lived my life according to ya'll's standards and then clammed up because I owe nobody online any explanations for anything or any kind of proof for shit, you want to dredge this shit up and stalk me from forum to forum? fucking sad.

    oh and fuck you. fuck you very much.
  13. fivepaknh

    fivepaknh New Member

    You're a lot more bold than I remember. You must have just finished of a bucket of KFC and feel energized.

    Looking like you, you have A LOT to be depressed over.

    Tell us a bit about your combat experience amfat. You run forum to forum to hide from your lies.
  14. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Who cares how she looks you silly wanker? Seems to be a reoccuring ammo you use against her. This is called FUGLY not SEXY so fuck off and go back to your military bumfucks, or whatever the case may be.
  15. LilMissDangerous

    LilMissDangerous New Member

    Uh, get your facts straight before you go running that open grave smelling cock sucker of yours. You might want to check out mikeyr8's post here. Now's your chance to do something right for a change. Send the dude an email and give him his fucking money back. You stole it. Now he wants it back. What are you going to do? Run from what's the honorable thing to do? Any Vet worth a damn wouldn't hesitate to make amends with a fellow soldier and Vet. What are you?

  16. Eagle334th

    Eagle334th Guest


    MEDICVET New Member

    I never got a dime from mikey. I know EXACTLY what I got and who I got it from. I stole it? how? by an online friend posting a thread about my bad check at the da and me taking the money that was given and giving it directly to pay for the bad check? tell me where the lie was? the theft? If I was going to rip anyone off don't you think I could have come up with something better or more 'sympathetic sounding'? jesus chirst on a popsicle stick ya'll are mad because I didn't look a gift horse in the mouth and actually accepted what was offered?

    when this issue was originally brought up, I did ask if it needed to be paid back, and without an exception was told no. I then said I would 'pay it forward' as I could and did and have been doing so.

    again, ya'll are just mad because I won't kill myself over ya'll but frankly if ever i do it won't be over this because ya'll simply aren't worth it. To bad for ya'll I'm actually getting some help from the VA in the form of PTSD group therapy, and proper meds.

    Some of ya'll think I am defrauding the govt because I am not providing you with names, details, and a copy of my dd214? I may have been born in the day but it sure in the hell wasn't yesterday. But if you think I am defrauding the govt go ahead and tell the Muskogee VARO that. They will laugh in your face. Matter of fact, in feb. when this shit started I even made a visit and talked to them and they thought that i was being ridiculous and my concerns even more so, so I ain't worried about shit.

    oh yeah..

    fuck you again.

    go fuck your mother and pray her clap has cleared up this time so this time you won't need to take out your resentment over getting a disease from her out on me.

    MEDICVET New Member

    A. If you will go to military.com ptsd forum and look, davebarker verified that I do indeed have a claim and am receiving as of march a 30% service connection from the VA.

    B. I don't have a probation officer. sorry, wrong answer..and if you are going to try and get me in trouble for online comments, good luck, it's the internet, assholes. There is such a thing as freedom of speech. It works not just for dingleberries such as yourself but also for middle aged fat female veterans like me.
  19. Eagle334th

    Eagle334th Guest

    Bullshit. You have no claim with the VA. For shits and giggles, though, I wonder what they would think of your using pot? :lol:
  20. Eagle334th

    Eagle334th Guest

    Got a link? Because last I looked, he was done with your sorry ass. And, if he verified you, then why are you still banned? :roll:

    You definitely need therapy, but it sure as hell ain't for PTSD! :x

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