about to tak the Arab's dad to the airport - YAYYYYY! bye bye senior arab asshole... he called me a sharmouta last night. Im gonna make his last car ride with me very interesting. Im gonna drive the arab's car and be doin some Dukes Of Hazard shit .... yeeeee haaaaw I kinda wish I had some pot to put in his bags ...hehe.
The way I've seen Arabs drive I doubt you can scare him. But you should make him some pot brownies and have him eat a good size dose before he leaves. And have him drink a few double espressos. Nothing scares airplane passengers more then a jittery paranoid Arab.
As he is bording the plane tell him to be carefull and that you thought you saw something really loose on the wing as the plane was landing but hopefully they fixed it.
Fill the hole and you won't have to keep painting it. I just considering putting a booger in the candle to see how it would burn, but threw it in the toilet and washed my hands instead.
Im constipated... I was on big cheese kick Sunday, Monday, today... Im takin a laxative or 2 or 3 ... and going to bed... so I guess I will be stuck in the house tomorrow, till I get empty. I am literally .."full of shit" so much my belly hurts. I hate this.
and I have heart burn... I just ate 4 Tums, and 3 Exlax. I kinda feel like a pill head. I think the heart burn is from being backed up and full of poop. I also just clicked on the wrong porn and saw something that made me sick... not that is was gross like poop or anything, but the girl in it was soo gross...and had a Jersey accent. and her buthole looked like she could stick a half gallon of milk in it. I guess I will skip the porn, and go to bed, and await my explosive poop attack.
went and got some Starbucks to help heat up the poop....went to buy some cat food, started home, had to stop at a little country gas station on the way home to let out the loudest most comical shit I have ever had in my life. so I feel better, but now I cant go in that little gas station anymore. I know they could hear me.
got my poop out at 5:20 this morning. I hope I am poop free today, I am on call... so that means shity asshole arab will be calling me in about one hour to come to work. I feel dehydrated from yesterdays squirts. I have nothing to drink here except apple juice...and that makes me shit more. and I think I am about to start my period. it is time for it ... I think