Truth Does Not Need Protection

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Nursey, Feb 20, 2006.

  1. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Yes we get pissed , then we act, then the action gets incorporated into the multitude. The them are not percieved as the same entity by any group large enough to rock the boat, and the picture of them is never close enough to give a match.
    Any meme preesenting them close-up would be a political super-meme and that is not allowed. It would be aborted , taken over, and changed into another little sect. In most cases it would go that way quite naturally. Jusat a small nudge, if anything. We are fed with myths made to maintain the status quo and the group-hierarchy. There are good reasons for this, even though it sucks.
  2. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    If the people of the world eventually gets that pissed , then a lot of the people of the world will die ! That will not touch the basic structures of tradition.
    In addition to reading a bit. ( Though give me a few names and i wil check on it ) , I have met field-opperatives of a few quite major players and I played myself for a whil ( Juts dont ask me how, I dont know, stubbornness and stupidity. People are likely to get hurt you know. For real ).
    Lets rather say that the big structurews can be ourr friends and that we can play along and influence subtly. Armed revolution is for pantpissed kindergarten-intellectuals and their victims. Evolution through education about the use of language asd weapon is the thing
  3. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    A lot of people will die. Shit's fucked up, and right now the United States is taking in way more than it's putting out. In addition, we're spending all the money everyone else is throwing at us to rape and pillage even more. That goes against basic tradition, and that will end. And if we go down, everyone else does too.

    Here, read that Xerxes. It's the latest update in a series of articles about the coming depression, so you might have to backtrack a little to catch up. But you'll see why it's going to happen, and why all your notions about why it won't happen are dumb.
  4. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    I do not doubt somebody will pay a price. That is something else. If the usual group pays it, its business as usual.
    I repeat, that the uniquefeature about the US central seserve is its mandate to print as much dollars as they see fit.
    This feature has no clear precedent in world history. There are certain flaws with on one side: The have a BIG plan and on the other side; they are going down due to an analysis based on the surface ( small plan ), interpretation of events :wink:
  5. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    What the hell are you talking about? Yeah I caught the "no clear precedent" part, and there has been another instance where someone tried that: Weimar Republic.

    The rest just sounds like "Chompa chomp, Cha-cha-chompa chomp."
  6. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    USA is no tidbit european nation with a midget army and armed fighting in the streets.
    I do not see ONE conspiracy , but those that are real, exert influence. THis shape world events. IF enough clout believed that a piece of "weimar"or"nazi"( interpretations vary) USA they would still not go to the front singing:
    " We will hang all our laundry on the siegfried-line and roar , roar , roar. With lucifers lights to guide our way , off to war we go".

    There is to much invested in the USA. You can still build a lot of dept. The americam tax-payer is credit-worthy and you still have many assets.

    But thanks for the fact about the weimar-republic :!:

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