The holocaust didn't happen, at least not how everyone thinks it did. Those damn jews did it themselves, so they could garner support and establish Israel again. Fuck them for that, and fuck their shitty little shithole country that's become a fucking nuclear superpower, and fuck the people that wanted it there so they went through all these great lengths to put it there.
Nursey wrote: In many Chinese homes the public school system has convinced the people that Americans were never on the moon. In many Muslim homes children believe without a shadow of doubt that the holocaust never happened. Check put Smurfs post ..... see proof positive. By implementing an intricate web of lies over a span of time you can wear down the truth, change the truth, hide-confuse the truth, and eventually just simply make it go away. The fact that you cannot see this is scary. But it did sound all wise and philosophical and all. I just did not fall for it.
REM has allso convinced many that you never were on the Moon. Most willl believe that certain sets of hypotheses are "truth". That is the weakness of this debate. Of course the truth exists. How real is it if nobody remembers it or there are umpteen versions vying for attention :?
You misunderstand Joe. You gave me examples of truth being hidden, or the paths to it being distorted in order to prevent people reaching it with ease, but that doesn't alter the fact that somewhere the truth remains. And even when it isn't readily apparent, it still exists. Evidence can be destroyed / corrupted, eg. the remains of the WTC or historical artefacts in the 'cradle of civilisation' or , and so evidence needs defended.
Xerx When this happens truth is defeated. This is something that occurs all of the time. Nursey Evidence is truth in its purest form. Often it is not the whole picture but simply bits and pieces. Evidence should be treated with the utmost respect less it be misused and therefore destroy any pursuit of the truth. Truths unattained are truths defeated.
No duh idiot, like all the evidence that 9/11 was staged, and probably by some old white guys here in the US. Or that hurricanes and tornadoes are electric phenomena. Or that there's an economic collapse soon to befall us. I guess some people are selective when it comes to reviewing the evidence.
But Slapper Dont you think they have prepared the stage for a cheat and continue with world economy. ( If what you suggest, that happened 911 and it can easy happen again ).
We're living the cheat right now. And all these past wars and all the bully tactics we've used and advanced money laundering schemes through loosely regulated hedge funds have been helpful in maintaining this cheat, but it could only go on for so long. It's been a good ride, and I really have to give these guys a pat on the back for making us the most critical piece in this world economy, they did an awesome job. You really won't understand why it's been set up like this, or why it can't be avoided until you have Smurf-vision. The people who represent us are trying to lift torture bans, go to war to maintain our fat gluttonous life-styles, we're violent and greedy, we don't sign agreements to restrict pollution, and we disrespect other people's cultures and customs. Having the world hate us and blame all their woes on us for what's coming is the last chapter in this Book of Us, and it's been masterfuly set up.
The truth about Muhammeds life needs censorship. He was a massmurderer that took women as sex-slaves after killing of their male relatives. This should be hidden in light of his role as hero to a billion people. The jews were killed because they laughed when he misquoted scriptures. That was a serious mistake, but it allso means that mistakes in quoting must be kept a secret. "The truth is out there. Luckily not here"
Let's see if you'll 'fall for' this then... "It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself." - -- Thomas Jefferson Truth is always consistent with itself, and needs nothing to help it out; it is always near at hand and sits upon our lips, and is ready to drop out before we are aware; whereas a lie is troublesome, and sets a man's invention on the track, and one trick needs a great many more of the same kind to make it good. -- John Tillotson "Truth is confirmed by inspection and delay; falsehood by haste and uncertainty." -- Tacitus "A man may imagine things that are false, but he can only understand things that are true, for if the things be false, the apprehension of them is not understanding." -- Isaac Newton
Interesting, though, this one. Because, for example, Newton "understood" his laws of physics, and no doubt would have insisted upon their 'truth'. But of course Einstein's work showed that Newton's laws were only 'approximately true' ... which then created a 'new truth'. Of course, this 'new truth' has since been challenged by contemporary physicists, and so it goes. I'm not saying therefore there is no truth. Just that the truth can be very evasive, and requires immense interrogation. It's also difficult to ever be 100% sure you've found it.
XerxesX wrote... Explain. I'm saying that there is no truth in politics, only spin. My justification for that statement is that the political system should be objective, with it's main goal being the distribution of resources alloted to the government in the means that would derive the most benefit for said governments citizens. Seeing as how govenment is not an objective being, and it's goal is to push resources into it's subjective idea of what is best for it's citizens (and the survival of the govenment itself) means that it must spin truth in order to justify those opinions. All politicians ignore evidence, based on personal bias. Tell me where the truth in politics is XerxesX?
Slapper wrote Moron. Your have not thought through your hypthesis. When groupal interest can be debated without it resorting to a screaming-contest. When diplomats can talk without the cameras and when the subjective human experience becomes a lesson of objective human study. The truth of our needs as opposed to the lies we propagate to feed our greed.
Ummm, yeah I think I have. Right after you said, "Dont you think they have prepared the stage for a cheat and continue with world economy." I said, "We're living in the cheat right now." I've had plenty of time to think about this economic depression, and it's not just my hypothesis, many others share it. Like all the people that are snatching up gold right now, I'm sure they foresee the eventual demise of currency. There are many things our government has done to stall the depression, using a vast array of techniques. From lowering interest rates to create a housing bubble to using loosely regulated hedge funds to buy up our own debt. It's not a hypothesis, it's a fact. Look at how Bush is splurging money, and how every country is pulling away from the US. The system is doomed and we're all screwed.
If you are caught then the scam does not work. If the "cheat" is considered the real thing it might continuead infinitum.
No Xerxes, this kind of cheat can't go on forever... just apply a little thought into it, that's all I ask. Do some research on the coming depression. Damn. The people of the world eventually realize how bad things are, how worthless all this stacked up money is, and get pissed.