Troops plead the case for staying in Iraq till finished

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Nov 6, 2006.

  1. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    You're welcome. Happy Rumsfeld Resigns, everybody!
  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    A February 2006 poll by Zogby International showed that 72 percent of troops serving in Iraq thought the United States should get out by the end of the year.

    An overwhelming majority of 72% of American troops serving in Iraq think the U.S. should exit the country within the next year, and more than one in four say the troops should leave immediately, a new Le Moyne College/Zogby International survey shows.

    The poll, conducted in conjunction with Le Moyne College’s Center for Peace and Global Studies, showed that 29% of the respondents, serving in various branches of the armed forces, said the U.S. should leave Iraq “immediately,” while another 22% said they should leave in the next six months. Another 21% said troops should be out between six and 12 months, while 23% said they should stay “as long as they are needed.”
  3. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    "The survey included 944 military respondents interviewed at several undisclosed locations throughout Iraq. The names of the specific locations and specific personnel who conducted the survey are being withheld for security purposes. Surveys were conducted face-to-face using random sampling techniques. The margin of error for the survey, conducted Jan. 18 through Feb. 14, 2006, is +/- 3.3 percentage points."

    With the number of troops that are over there this poll is the equivelant of letting one state decide who the president should be. I dont think any soldier 'wants' to be there. I would imagine that if you asked everyone over there you would find that 100% would rather be at home. Common sense tells you that.

    Im all for 100% withdrawal as soon as saddam and his henchmen are dead. Put the Iraqi police force and military on patrol and aid them with equipment. I think the country will tear itself apart and/or be overrun by another country in the region.

    Then everyone will say, "Why didnt America stay and help?". Same old shit, different day.

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