Well if you had all that pumping through you the gas wouldn't have made that much of a difference I don't think.
It got me through and then I came home, took a shower, did dishes, vacuumed, dusted and did laundry. The numbess is gone and my lower teeth hurt. It kinda sucks. Not terrible pain, just a dull ache.
Adrenaline, I think. Maybe my thyroid is messed up? I think it might be hyperactive. I haven't had it checked lately. It usually runs close to being hyper. Maybe something pushed it over the edge. I'm honestly sick of tests and don't care what is wrong anymore.
If you want anything done right you have to do it yourself. Next time go to a place that sells nitrous for street rods, get a regulator from a medical supply place and do-it-yourself.
Lee Washington. I love German Scat Films. Email me at leewashington@hotmail.com and tell me what a useless pile of dog shit I am.
Lee drops a out of context post once a blue moon so he can peep at the boobies on the main site. I should link him to that picture of BigMama's monkey.