Today is a Sad Day.

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by TheGrimJesus, Oct 18, 2006.

  1. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    It was a witty and well conceived retort, and both you and your phone a friend Nursey know it.

    Now give me a smiley. I am in no mood to argue with misfits amd malcontents on the eve of a high holy day in Dixie.
  2. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

  3. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    That is cruel considering soem of us might not have friends to phone.

    Murtha and the analysts at the pentagon might have gotten it wrong though. Maybe Rumsfeldts plan of going into Iraq with fewere troops would have been a sound one ?

    Being greeted with fresh dog-do from local half-knows. Oik ! It surely is an honour serving !

    My family had an old trotsky-link. For some weird reason that might have included Leonard Cohen. Weird or what ?
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Keep em straight Xerx. :wink:
  5. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    7,378 you mean Leonard Cohen or William Cohen? It's just, you know, with all the confusion over politicians and musicians in this thread...
  6. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    That would be old Lenny. Younger back in the sixties, working in the canadian broadcasting system and vietman and all. He wrote that song: "Fieldcommander Cohen was a most important spy". And as for Lenonards. Read Horowitz. Leonard G. M.A, M.P.H, D.M.D, etc. His book Emerging Viruses, Aids & Ebola ( etc ) is right up your ally, you allycat you. And as loose filaments of thought drift that brings us all the way from feline h.i.v to that of the genetically engineered mixtomatosis, ( Or whatever the aussies call their biodivisions war on rabbithood ). The gamble would be wether truth could be presented in a way that excluded a human mixtomatosis. The current weaponry is impressive. And No ! I am not talking about skyward formel ones, and other dildoesque parafernalia.

    But behind the scenes a new international diplomatic truth has arisen during the rule of these neo-con-artists. Nobody in the know trusts the USA. Work with them , yes ! Afraid of sabotage on one of the multitude of levels that US splinter cells can operate on, yes ! But that trust and respect thing slid over to the department of Britney Spears. She is a musician. Just like L.C. She had that hit. Toxic.

    So i`ll say it again. The con-men constitute the greatest risk to the US constitution and the esteem and security of the people of the united states since the days of mad king George.

    He is just perfect for the job. There he sat in the kindergarten as a dire warning for some. A cute innocent for others. Carlucci was in Saudi and everything went Hunky Dory. And as Grim said it. He seems to dumb to be the man here. He has papers to prove that he does not know history. They did a Reagan.

    And now we fold our hands little Nursey, and prey for the survival of that fucked up multitude of people so that the parasitic destruction of the beosphere can continue. We shoul WELCOME an escalation of hostilities and undermine the memes and paradigms that hold the different societies locked and at peace. Though, in the end that would either be a waste of time, or pain far beyond my treshold, mental or physical.

    I`ll tell you this though. A lot of countries are keeping their electoral cards pratty close after that most revolutionary of tribes, the mexicans, once again turned down change in their last ( Hark ) election. If you look further south it will not do, in the long run, to simply deny the atrocities of the US latin-america policies. To many raped nuns and to many tortured indians. Wow that was good to get off my chest. I dont mind GWB or any other cousin personally. I kind of like his looks and moves and all, but this is the serious shit that these business-samurais just dont know. Alternatively, they deserve life in prison for the things they did know. And then again, ther is allways criminal incompetence :lol:

    Blablablablablablablablablablaablablblbalblablblblblblbllblblblblblblblblbl :shock:
  7. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I'll take your word on that but I do believe you are misguided I've paid more attention to the little clues about the inner workings and thought process of Nursey than you think. It is to bad we have so much very large points of disagreement, if we ever were to meet and talk in person I bet there are a lot of things we mutually agree on.

    The Trotsky connection is quite intriguing to me. There are fractions to every side and the left was once much more in the center here. Kennedy was I think very much anti communist as well as a fiscal conservative. His party sure has changed since then.
  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Damn Xerx I don't know where to start. As for Latin America Hugo is a joke and an idiot who stole an election. They are trying to do the same in Mexico. Venezuela is now rampant with crime problems mostly from official corruption pretty soon the majority of people who are brave enough to speak out against the tyrant will be dead or used as a public example. But you talk about American policy in South America. What the fuck? We have gone great lengths to help out South America. Take NAFTA for instance.
  10. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    i don't think stealing south american boys to be love slaves of middle aged american men could be seen as helping
  11. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    oh.. you said naFTa
  12. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Stooges in El Salvador and Guatemala make Boss Hugo a minor perp against the democratic ideals. Same for Nicaragua. No matter the experimentations the left there had in their system, the big bad wolf is still US policy. Hey ! Not saying it would have been better with Sovjets running peacefully though. This was US backyard and no commies were allowed. No matter the dreams of the local populace. Nuns and Indians Joe. Nuns and Indians.
  13. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua. I'm no authority on and have a hard time understanding your complaint I guess it is against free trade. Free trade in case you do not understand was not necessarily supported by either side of the political isle in America and while I understand both sides of the issue I personally think it is a good think for South America not necessarily a good thing for the U.S. but in essence what is good for our southern neighbors is good for us we do not need to have easily manipulated third world neighbors to our south.

    That’s because I as well as some of our more honorable politicians see the big picture on this. There is one other point That I particularly like and that is the fact that it weakens the union system here in the states I personally hate the union idea.

    Please advise to me how your are in position to know about the details of South and Central American politics and explain why you say this?
  14. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Venezuela WAS rampant with corruption when a rightwing junta ruled. It is a little bit better now. They had no real democracy then and they have no real democray now, but now they have better participation and that is the major part of democracy after all.

    Nicaragua dropped their dictator-family but USA would not let them and then you gave them terror, torture, rape and war. This is what I was talking about when I said that the cold-war rethorics ruled. I understand that a superpower-conglomerate fighting another superpower-conglomerate ends up doing attrocious things as a matter of competing, but when the war is won one has to admit to the faults and evils performed in the name of good. If not, the ability to see truthfully through the art of discussion is besmirched.

    I have the lessons of history and a few years spent in central-america to guide me when talking about these areas. Nafta is to recent for me to know a lot about. Seems it secures a US common market growth while providing some opportunity for local business. The lesson learned from Mexico is not that good though. ( For the hispanics ).

    Your honorable politicians do not get the picture at all.
    That , ofcourse , is the greatest threat to US security.
    Either they should trust the professional advice they are given by people in civilian and military administration, or they need those skills themselves.

    It could of course be that the funds controlled by intel central to US interests, ( After the WTC computers got reset ) is worth the current international climate. Who knows ?

    And that is just it. Knowledge of vital facts for the democratic process has been taken away from the american people time and again, and believing that you guys are somehow more democratic than the venezuelans is ludicrous. They have their participation as you have your consumption laden with pro-patriotic context. Democracy seems to weak to stand up against foreign pressure. A lesson we were tought by the weimar-republic.

    That is ( again ), why it is dangerous to elect politicians using cold-war rethorics in the current international climate. You end up with a bunch of clowns that want to play total world domination against the other 6 billion. It is such a mess, and in the end the oil runs out anyway. We need alternative fuel damned quick !

    Apart from that I am i Budapest and they are celebrating 50 years aniversary fro the uprizing against the soviets . We need the positive energy of freedom without the beliefe that everything the winning side had going was "good". Yup !
  15. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    The most amazing illusion the media ever pulled over on the public was to spin a treasons act into an heroic act. While all along committing treason in the name of patriotism.

    Xerx I respect you point of view but I am lost at understanding your idea of right wing politics in the South Americas. I think you might be as much a victim of the spin as any other.
  16. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Today really is a sad day. I hate life today.
  17. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Bad news?
  18. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    It's the end of the world Joe, didn't you know?
  19. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Every day is the end of the world as we know it. Change happens regardless of what you do but in your small way you can evoke your own small change towards the positive.
  20. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    The killings have clear links to the school of the americas.

    The reason for this is of course the effect of "guerilla" . That word made famous by the spaniards fighting against Napoleons reign. This weapon, "guerilla" makes the U.S. look bad in the western hemisphere, and ofcourse, the U.S.S.R look worse in the eastern. ( On account of them loosing the struggle and thusly being forcepulled towards greater physical displays of power ).

    As for spin, Joe. I often fall for spin, and I am an eternal optimist, but spin usually dont keep me down for more than a few years. It means that my history and my sociology blends somewhere back there. Most often 5 years in the past. Less so 50. Still! It gets through in the end. Now is the time for you to ask yourself the question. Why are allmost all the academia leftist.

    The answer to that. ( In my mind ). Is given in the fact that YOU seem to know nothing about the attrocities your military complex has orchestrated south of your border. You need an intellectual awakening.

    The other option is both humanely repulsive, and uttely egoistically foolish. ( Cause that seed can be sown at anytime, and you cant eradicate it ) !

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