To Bully the scientific community to validate bugus theory

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, May 31, 2006.

  1. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    I thought the racoons had looked a little funny lately. They were bigger and shitting hot sauce, so I figured something was up.
  2. TheStreaker1337

    TheStreaker1337 New Member

    Damned Racoons.

  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  5. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    How do you draw that conclusion from that article?
  6. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    The Soy-bean importe Europe and USA kills a lot of jugle each year. Free trade makes sure that the workers go without proper medicare and education.

    Andthen the neo-facist movement in USA complains that you have "immigration" ? I mean, with your system of childcare all women would have had to stay at home if you did`nt have an army of underpaid nannies at your disposal.

    And from a secure fortress that spans a continent, you spend more than half a trillion dollars onarms each year,making the rest of the world "free" like you :lol: :evil: :lol: :?: :lol: :cry: :!:

    The world probably won`t die, but for fucks sake, get a grip. We are running head first into watershortage, foodshortage, and mass-scale species sxtinction.

    The reduction in oxygen production. The thinning atmosphere. Its not only the ozone-layer you know. Its a general weakening of life.

    Yes, it has happened before,some 5-7 mass extinctions. But when the atmosphere could hold 3feet flying insects some scores million years ago, maybe it cant hold 200pound mammals some hundred years from now. The clock speeds up you know. Its not static.

    1337 said it. G-d made it for us to knock down. It sort of says it all. Thats BAD religion. :idea: Monotheists deserve their G-d :twisted:
  7. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Yeah, but we can ignore all of that. It's not like mass de-forestation in conjunction with increased atmospheric carbon could possibly cause a problem. We're America for christ's sake. We never do anything wrong. Countries that believe in global warming ain't America. Same thing with countries that don't have guns. Countries that don't have guns ain't America. And that's what makes them wrong.
  8. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Any problem would likely give the US a bigger lead in the world. Who has survivalist doomsday cults as a big business ? Who has the combined resources of Canada and USA at their disposal ( Together thats the size of Russia, and some,
    ( and without borders to muslem central asia and China). ).

    Its like Joe sas it: Priscopoope or some such. Reality sucks.
    ( The surreal sucks also, but thats beside the point ).

    One of the tragedies about "US, the americans", is the way a lot of amercans are denied beeing american.
    Getting a chance, talking across the barrier that separatesrich from poor. ETC. We are all american. A lot of the mostest american amerians are not americans.
    God bless :)
  9. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Some americans must be quite american still. You are number ten on the human developement index. Net bad for the third most popolous country in the world

    Why the #¤%&!!! haven`t you used that as an argumet Joe !
  10. TheStreaker1337

    TheStreaker1337 New Member

    Wait, I'm drawing a paradox here. If everything you said is true, and we're destroying the earth, and time is moving faster, we should be dead. You realize that the air now is actually cleaner than it has been in the last 300 years? That the invention of steam alone actually improved the air quality in the world of the past?

    Also, there are more trees inside the united states now, than when columbus landed. We have created trees in places where only sand and rock once stood. So tell me where it is that you're gathering this data, I think you need to get a 2nd opinion.

    Wow... shouldn't have taken those Poli-Sci classes, should I?

  11. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    The loss of Bio-mass from the Amazon alone more than cancels those gains. In addition you need to define "cleaner" atmosphere. You certainly couldn't be refering to the increased levels of mercury, rhodium, strontium, and platinum in the atmosphere from coal fired power plants and catayltic converters respectively. Some pollutants have gone up, others have gone down.
  12. TheStreaker1337

    TheStreaker1337 New Member

    So you're saying that a very thin margin of defined "equality" has done no more than shift from end to the other? Last I checked, I never had the priveledge of staying home on a "brown" day. My mother tells me it was kind of fun though. Oh, and I still haven't gotten black lung from the factory down street that has been bellowing since I was young enough to enjoy the warm feeling one gets after wetting one's self.

  13. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    The air quality in California has improved significantly in the last 30 years, but can you say the same for Beijing and Calcutta?
  14. TheStreaker1337

    TheStreaker1337 New Member

    May I also remind you, that they are now experiencing what we call, an Industrial Revolution. Their imports of steel, concrete, Iron, wood, and tools have increased over 1500% in the last year alone. Much of that can be attributed to new factories, we as well as more functional means of production. Our air in the states was atrocious during similar times. There were days when walking around in Pennsylvania was a sure way to get emphesema.

    So is it really all that bad, or is it just countries moving through the same states in history that we ourselves have already been in? Maybe they are just now hitting the curve. What's next? They elect a potato farmer to dictator, run into a huge deficit, and come up with the brilliant idea to just print more money, which leads to the end of the gold standard? God save their souls.

  15. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Hey guys glad to be back I’ve been so damn busy. Wife with car trouble my main water line leaking coming from the street. That’s a fun story I did all the hard work really thought I could save a buck or two. Plumber still charged me 580 bucks.

    Nice to hear a different opinion in the post Streak. I keep trying to lend a little equality to the environ discussion and end up being the bad guy all the time is seems. Pollution is a bitch true and lets be real about it no need to make up bloated and exaggerated stories. Xerxes I appreciate your perspective but streak brings up a point from a different angle that I have made before even if the U.S. cracks down drastically on pollution it does not make much different when the more desperate politically corrupt countries are never going to pay that economic price. Ideally free trade is supposed to bring up the economies for our neighboring country to the South. If you want to believe all the hate America rhetoric then you can believe all misery and evil in the world is rooted in America. But if you want to be more reasonable you can see that America would benefit if Central and South American economies were stronger and more self supportive.
  16. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    I have to agree there Joe and 1337 ! Its not a problem run by , or controlled by , the USA. Its quite international. Additionally, the alternative model to the one used by the Kyoto, takes landarea of nations into account. By that standard Bangladesh is a bigger source of polution per capita, than the USA.
    Maybe splitting the international waters equally on all nations could make up the difference. ( For emmision-quotas ).


    Streaker points to the ongoing industrial rev. in former rural lands. When this hits it will be with a strength that puts the european industrial revolution, (including the neo-european terretories of USA and Russia) to shame.
    Most of this growth is driven by companies that flee the new regulations of payback to humans and nature. ( Filtered exhaust, dentalcare etc ). That makes USA ( the prime successstory of Euroworld ) the prime target for critique. ( And rightly so ). Much, if not most of this critique comes from american sources. Pluralistic traditions rock!!!

    1337 states that if (relative) time really had sped u, we would allready be dead.
    The only answer to that is of course that we might allready be. The burning of everything as fuel for electricity might be irreversible.

    Would like to add that the industrial rev started some 500years ago, on the worlds smallest continent. Nowadays the biggest is kickstarting its engines.
    And even if 1500% a year might be an overstatement, the growth is enormous.
    The cleaner technology rocks as well. Guatemala city during rushhour. Thats big badaboom bad :!: Warsaw on a bad day. Gross :!: Western cities on the other hand 8)

    I am reading Ayn Rand`s "Atlas shrugged" nowadays, for some of that right wing joi de vivre. Plutocratic positivism next :wink: BUT IF THEY USE AL THE OIL, AND THEN HAVE TO FALL BACK ON THOSE ABUNDANT DEPOSITS OF BROWN COAL !!!!!!!!!!! Then I will get very depressed.

    And here`s a potential conspiracy:

    Technology for producing clean energy, threatens the big energy-monopolies that exist.
    Luckily they used their monopoly to rais the prices through shortage of refining. ( If not govermental requirements for cleaning did it ).
    It gives some incentive towards efficient cars and other goodies.

    Automated factories could allso help. Then te price of labour would be a non-issue. Ofcourse it would be a blow to capitalism , introducing 4-hour workdays, and giving americans decent hollidays, or would it :?: :wink:
  17. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    You're beginning to sound like a Marxian analyst. Wouldn't want that. They'd chase you right out of the states for that.
  18. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    You only say marxian, because there were many words.
    Or maybe I got some of that neo-liberalism wrong :eek:

    I don`t have to go to the states to get chased.
    The states could probably be quite relaxing. A
    few nuts with deficcient intel, and a lot of cool people.

    I really like those ravenhaired american beauties as well.
    And it really wasn`t my fault , what they said was my fault.

    I think I have some cousins down in Texas as well :wink:
  19. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Well maybe there is hope really if the "Big Oil" companies can increase there profits maybe we all can profit in the long run.

    Chevron is donating $12 million over the next five years to a Georgia Tech research program into alternative fuels.

    Neal Boortz wrote:
  20. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    If anyone should be dumping money into alternative fuel it's big oil. The long term profitability of the company that discoverd a viable alternative fuel source would be astronomical. They would be making money on oil and the replacement for it. They would thus insure the current level of profit and profit into the near future.

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