Fathers Day falls on the same weekend as my Bike Clubs big Spring Opener. We got drunk, and did a lot of the shit that got us in this mess to begin with. Here's to you, Dad, you sunuvabitch!
And coming back to your misguided statement(s) once more, I realize you're just a fucker. I should have kept hold of my initial gut reaction to you when I first started posting and you p'm'ed me, telling me how gorgeous you thought I was... I told you off then so I can now see why you're noticeably bitter towards me. A big fuck you and a douching enema for you. Bend over, you wanker fuck.
for all the people for us as a community to piss off... ... we have to anger the pre-pubescant turks? No wonder Micheal Jacksons Comback Tour will start in Turkey...
Very nice, there Sloboto! Dwaine knows how much I LUB him! I just didn't "get" his post. Is that okay with you? (God, I'm bitchy tonight...pay me no mind)
BWAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA Here follows the full transcript of Sam's alleged 'veneration'. There was another set of PM's when you complained abouty me insulting your Scottish 'ancestry', but we can leave that for another day. And that's it. Once again Sammy, you're talking bollocks. Get. A. Grip.
Trouble? Trouble is having a huge bill to pay with no cash in the bank, or not having enough food in the house or being down to your last ounce of weed. Sam's mewlings are a mere indulgence. She's so far up herself she cleans her arsehole with a toothbrush. That is all.
Nowhere in my response did I mention asking you if you liked what's going on Iraq or if you want to be attached to what's going on. You misunderstood. Again.
Next time can you keep the hissy fit to at least one or two threads? And yes, thank you for clarifying what I initially said: you said something to the effect that I was gorgeous and I blew you off. Thank you ever so much for reaffirming that.