There maybe that should do it.

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Joeslogic, Sep 27, 2006.

  1. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    They smell like swedish people or swedish fish?

  2. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    Ah, don't sweat it. It's just the "more cowbell" gif was big on the boards here around (I dunno, help me out here Nursey) ... four years ago?

    But if it helps any, I don't really think of you as a n00b. Not while Grimy's still slinking around.
  3. tomm7110

    tomm7110 New Member


    you know wot!!!! that turned me on big time.
  4. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    I would expect you to call me out when I make a rookie mistake. Don't take your foot off my throat too quickly lest you bear Nursey's scorn.

    "Respect" - Ali G.
  5. SPOooOn

    SPOooOn New Member

    Swedish people.. .The Germans smell like swedish fish ..
  6. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    It's for your own good (as well as ours). If you consider this analogy - the difference between a baby born naturally compared to one delivered by caesarian section, you might understand it better. The intense pressure a baby experiences as they are pushed through the birth canal is a traumatic event. The baby is crushed from head to foot, the different plates that together make up its' skull even shifting and overlapping in order to help ease its way out.
    However, the experience is beneficial, in my not overly humble opinion...
    In the same way that the pressure of a massage alleviates stiffness caused by lactic acid that builds up in muscles after excercise, the pressure exerted in the birth canal must similarly cause metabolic toxins and gases (eg. nitrogen) that have built up in the bodily tissues during gestation to be released back into the blood and expelled.
    Also, the slightly angular shape of the skull once the seperate plates settle back into position after the birth will be a stronger shaped structure better able to withstand the force of any knocks or blows (by dispersing the energy better) than the near-perfectly rounded head of a caesarian baby.
    And who knows, maybe significant character shaping takes place during the first major challenge life presents, standing a person in better stead for any other all-encompassing or life threatening events that may arise at a later date?
    So what i'm saying is; an easy passage isn't necessarily what's best for you, particularly if it's Grim's.

    P.S. If you think that Chester was a bit rough with you back there, you should see the sort of 'no0b deliveries' that used to be happen when I Murder Children and I Hate Niggers were at large...those brutes could crack walnuts with their cunts.
  7. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    On the contrary, I thought he was on target. A good zing by someone who knows how to administer it is admirable. A snide shit-slinging by someone with no wit is not worth engaging. When these blisters become callouses, I may wreak "havoc" on the next no0b who dares enter the forum. In the meantime, I'll soldier on. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger.

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