At least there is only one stupid bitch around now what with Mia and medicvet, and grim jesus not posting anymore.
And you know how 12 year old homos punch because they fight harder than sedated 13 year old girls. Feisty, the way you like em.
Diogenes would invent something that would allow you to get penetrated when you recieve an email, first. That way when he emails himself he'll be killing two birds with one stone: finding out how to get more emails and more anal lovin.
Yeah right. You know the other one had a mohawk and weighed as much as Dwaine and smelled like a two year old yeast infection.
Violence, sexual intrigue, gross humor, good ole American ingenuity hell this is one of the more entertaining threads I've seen in a while.
Hey Smurf I hear there is a Girl Scout convention going on this week over in Austin. Run along now ok?
How cute, he thinks he's Nursey. Take your Lithium and go to bed. Dan, I bet your father punches himself in the testicles everytime he sees a picture of you.
Better ask my girlscout friend about that. She's more of a camp counselor now, though, and all growed up. Can you believe they asked me if I wanted to be a lifeguard out there at their summer camp? If only they knew about the dark side. :twisted:
That is pretty damning Dio, seeing that Dan is a confirmed specialist in adolescent homosexuality and punching women and children. Barry
Snip, snip. Dan is a worthless piece of shit, who's one redeeming quality is that he makes an excellent victim.