The reason no one cares in New Orleans...

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by TheGrimJesus, Sep 2, 2005.

  1. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    maybe the reason no one cares about new orleans is because were all busy talking about sodomy and anal fisting. New Orleans is much less appealing then acting out the aristocrats.
  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Talking about New Orleans is much less appealing when the intensity of feeling surrounding the subject damages friendships and impedes our willingness to communicate with each other.
  3. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    As bodies recovered, reporters are told 'no photos, no stories'

    Tuesday, September 13, 2005

    New Orleans -- A long caravan of white vans led by an Army humvee rolled Monday through New Orleans' Bywater district, a poor, mostly black neighborhood, northeast of the French Quarter.

    Recovery team members wearing white protective suits and black boots stopped at houses with spray painted markings on the doors designating there were dead bodies inside.

    Outside one house on Kentucky Street, a member of the Army 82nd Airborne Division summoned a reporter and photographer standing nearby and told them that if they took pictures or wrote a story about the body recovery process, he would take away their press credentials and kick them out of the state.

    "No photos. No stories," said the man, wearing camouflage fatigues and a red beret.

    On Saturday, after being challenged in court by CNN, the Bush administration agreed not to prevent the news media from following the effort to recover the bodies of Hurricane Katrina victims.

    But on Monday, in the Bywater district, that assurance wasn't being followed. The 82nd Airborne soldier told reporters the Army had a policy that requires media to be 300 meters -- more than three football fields in length -- away from the scene of body recoveries in New Orleans. If reporters wrote stories or took pictures of body recoveries, they would be reported and face consequences, he said, including a loss of access for up-close coverage of certain military operations.
  4. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    so what your saying is that it's not that no one cares, it's that no one really knows what's going on because the administration is limiting access to information. And if talking about Katrina damages a friendship, it was never really that strong of a friendship to begin with, just a thought.
  5. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I was just posting an update on the press censorship story i'd mentioned earlier in the thread...that's all.

    Well, if all it took was a quick bit of friendly butt-punching to diffuse the situation, the friendship couldn't have suffered too much damage in the first place, don't you think?
  6. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    given on the update, I was just saying that was a possible reason no one cares. As for the butt punching, whatever gets you out of bed in the morning. Butt-punching, is that what they're doing in group therapy now days. Should recommend it to Metallica for when they do "Some Kind of Monster Pt. 2" You could make some money off of that.
  7. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Thanks, but as you can see i've already got that part of the market covered.
  8. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    So the big one cometh, guys.

    One of the greatest concerns of mine is over the Australian Continent earthquakes of this past week and whose antipodal counterpart is the southern edge of the North American Plate where it meets the Caribbean Plate, and has in turn begun the movement of lava in both the New Madrid and Northwestern Regions of North America.

    In the New Madrid Region this is evidenced by the seismograph readings of this area showing an increasing number of what are called Long Period Events, and are described by the American Government Scientist, Dr. Bernard Chouet, that discovered them as being, "The concept of long-period events was originally used by people at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory to describe an event that has characteristics distinct from a so-called tectonic earthquake. If you’re looking at a seismogram of a tectonic earthquake, its spectrum is very broad. In contrast, a long-period event has a very, very sharp spectrum, what we call a resonant spectrum. If you compare seismic traces, it’s immediately apparent that the long-period event looks like a ringing bell and the other looks like a mess of all different frequencies piled up on each other. That very, very narrow spectrum is the telltale sign of a resonator. Think of a bell sound. An organ pipe. They’re all different types of resonators in nature."

    To the power of Dr. Chouet’s to correctly predict volcanic activity prior to even earthquakes occurring by the detection of these Long Period Events has been reported on many times in the worlds media, such as the BBC’s program titled ‘Volcano Hell’, and wherein they stated about this American Scientists discovery, "This is the story of a signal with the power to save lives. It is a line on a graph that scientists had puzzled over for years not knowing what it meant. Then a man announced that he had uncovered its secret. The line, he said, was a volcano speaking to him. He believed it would lead him to a scientific Holy Grail - understanding when a volcano would erupt, but not everyone was convinced. What followed would shatter the world of volcanology and destroy lives."

    And to the destroying of lives seems to be the intent of our Military Leaders as they are intent upon the protection of our elite citizens and Military Resources but have yet to begin the mass movements from the areas most likely to be effected, and instead are simply mailing out ‘booklets’, and not even to all of our citizens, and as we can read as reported by the Associated Press News Service in their article titled "USGS Publishes Earthquake Book" and which says, "Workers at the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park are busy mailing out what could be life-saving handbooks designed to help people who live in the Bay Area survive a natural disaster. The book called "Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country" tells folks what to do before, during and after a quake."

    Growing concern has also been voiced by our scientist about the Northwest Regions of the United States where evidences for a cataclysmic event continue to grow, and as we can read from these various reports from that area:

    As reported by the scientists at in their article titled "Bulge in Central Oregon may be a volcano" and which says, "Scientists studying a land bulge near Bend, Ore., think a new volcano may be forming. A group from the U.S. Geological Survey is studying the swelling in Earth's crust. It is nearly two-thirds the size of Portland, Oregon."

    As reported by the Canadian CNNews Service in their article titled "The Big One cometh, but our scientists are ready" and which says, "John Cassidy, research scientist at Natural Resources Canada, says Vancouver Island is being shaken by small quakes every two weeks; a discovery that actually helps scientists. "The area that's being affected is like being hit by a very slow earthquake with a magnitude of 6.5," said Cassidy. "People can't feel it but it's adding energy that's being stored up in pressure points of the North American fault." Instead of being fearful though, Cassidy says the discovery will help predict earthquakes along the fault."

    As reported by the MSNBC News Service in their article titled "Slow seismic slip begins in Pacific Northwest" and which says, "An important seismic event imperceptible to humans has begun in the Pacific Northwest as predicted, according to the government agency Geological Survey of Canada. The chance of a major earthquake is 30 times higher now for a roughly two-week period, but the odds are still remote, scientists say."

    And even as these, and many more, evidences mount for the growing cataclysmic changes soon to occur in the United States, it is not to our Military Leaders to prepare for the saving of our citizen's lives, but is instead towards gathering to themselves even greater dictatorial powers, and as we can read as reported by the Hearst News Service in their article titled “Bush says he may need more power in disasters" and which says:

    "President Bush on Monday urged Congress to examine whether the White House needs stronger powers to deal with catastrophes like Hurricane Katrina. Bush’s backing for the congressional inquiry raised the possibility that lawmakers might expand presidential authority to: • Order mandatory civilian evacuations • Dispatch U.S.-based armed forces for emergency search-and-rescue operations • Grant wider leeway for active-duty U.S. military personnel to carry out law enforcement operations. “It’s really important that as we take a step back and learn lessons — that we are in a position to adequately answer the question: ‘Are we prepared for major catastrophes?”

    To the American people believing that our elected representatives would protect us against this massive internal power grab by our Military Leaders they would be mistaken, and as we can read as reported by the Reuters News Service in their article titled "US senator urges Pentagon to review disaster role" and which says:

    "The head of the Senate Armed Services Committee on Wednesday urged the Pentagon to review laws that limit the use of U.S. troops to restore order after a disasters like Hurricane Katrina or a terror attack. "The only entity in the United States that has the personnel, the equipment, the training and the logistical capacity to lend support to the National Guard and other state entities in an emergency of this scale is the Department of Defense," Virginia Republican Sen. John Warner told Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld in a letter released by his office."

    Not even are they able to anymore see the glaring and alarming contradictions among our Military Leaders and Allies of Death and Destruction either. Where the British Fascist Leader Blair threatened his own people with Military Force over their protests of fuel prices ("Blair will bring in Army to beat fuel blockade"), the much freer nation of France instead threatened the oil companies. ("British fuel protests fizzle as France gets tough")

    The perverted logic of our peoples can be seen by the words of the British Intelligence Leader echoing his American counterparts, and as we can read as reported by the Reuters News Service in their article titled "UK spy chief warns of civil liberties sacrifice" and which says, "The head of Britain's security services has warned that civil liberties across the world may have to be sacrificed to prevent future terrorist attacks."

    But without any doubt our people themselves have fallen the furthest from not only the once great ideals we shared, but also the words from one of our forefathers, Benjamin Franklin, who had passed onto us these words, “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

    As the once great United States dissolves around its sleeping people, we will soon awaken into a nightmare for our having failed to understand those words, or perhaps more importantly, to live by them.
  9. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Hey Smurf, with the end at hand, I have decided to go ahead and end it all. Care to join me in a suicide pact?

    You go first.

  10. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    "So that none may perish without first knowing the truth" :wink:
  11. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Ok, I have insulted you repeatedly, questioned your sanity, doubted your ancestory, and ridiculed your sexuality, yet you keep coming back for more.

    No wait, that was Grim that I treated like that.

    You really are crazy, right Smurf? This is not just an act?

    I like crazy people. They make me feel normal.

  12. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    If knowing what's about to go down is crazy, then sure. But remember that my words only sound crazy because they are assaults of knowledge on the unthinking like yourself, and like your mind treats a new idea the same way your body treats a strange protein; it rejects it. But mmm Barry, you'll see sooooo soon.
  13. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Since when is rejecting a "strange protein" a bad thing?

    Last time I checked, most lethal venoms are "strange proteins".

    Count me in for the anti-venin. (Since I am not a "thinker.")

  14. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Oh well, doesn't change the fact that this shit is going down and that it's gonna suck until five and a half, six billion have died. And this month as well, maybe early next month, maaaaybe.
  15. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Well, maybe youy are on to something. October 3-5 is the Jewish Feast of Rosh Hashana, better known as the "Feast of Trumpets." It has long been said that the end will come " with the sound of a triumpet" so I guess we are all headed out of here. Looks like a sure sign to me. :shock:

  16. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    FEMA, La. outsource Katrina body count to firm implicated in body-dumping scandals

    The Federal Emergency Management Agency has hired Kenyon International to set up a mobile morgue for handling bodies in Baton Rouge, Louisiana following Hurricane Katrina, RAW STORY has learned.

    Kenyon is a subsidiary of Service Corporation International (SCI), a scandal-ridden Texas-based company operated by a friend of the Bush family. Recently, SCI subsidiaries have been implicated in illegally discarding and desecrating corpses.

    Louisiana governor Katherine Blanco subsequently inked a contract with the firm after talks between FEMA and the firm broke down. Kenyon's original deal was secured by the Department of Homeland Security.

    In other words, FEMA and then Blanco outsourced the body count from Hurricane Katrina -- which many believe the worst natural disaster in U.S. history -- to a firm whose parent company is known for its "experience" at hiding and dumping bodies.

    The Menorah Gardens cemetery chain, owned by SCI, desecrated vaults, removed hundreds of bodies from two cemeteries in Florida and dumped the gruesome remains in woods frequented by wild hogs, investigators discovered in 2001. In one case, a backhoe was used to crack open a vault, remove corpses and make room for more dead bodies.

    SCI paid $100 million to settle a lawsuit filed by outraged family members of the deceased.

    A secretary at the lawfirm that sued SCI over the Florida cemetery scandals gasped when informed that FEMA had outsourced handling of Katrina victims' bodies to an SCI subsidiary.

    "Oh, good lord!" she said.

    Peter Hartmann, general manager of the Menorah Gardens Cemetery chain, was later found dead in his car from carbon monoxide poisoning outside his parents' home in an apparent suicide.

    RAW STORY calls to FEMA were not returned.

    Waltrip, chairman of SCI, is a longtime friend of Bush's father, former President George Herbert Walker Bush. The firm's political action committee donated $45,000 to George W. Bush's 1994 gubernatorial campaign.

    The company also contributed more than $100,000 for construction of the George H.W. Bush presidential library.

    "It is appalling that the Bush administration –- which has already badly bungled its response to hurricane Katrina –- would hire a company with a record of gross mismanagement of mortuary services," said Melanie Sloan, executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics, a Washington D.C.-based watchdog group. "I can only imagine that this decision was made because of President Bush's long-time friendship with the head of SCI, Robert Waltrip."

    SCI also owned fifteen funeral homes named as defendants in a lawsuit filed on behalf of family members alleging "macabre mishandling, abuse and desecration of bodies" by Tri-State Crematory in Georgia. The lawsuit accused SCI-owned funeral homes of sending bodies to the unlicensed, unregulated crematorium, where never-incinerated corpses were found piled outdoors and stuffed in sheds in 2000.

    Some vaults designed to hold one body each had 67 sets of human remains stuffed inside, investigators discovered. SCI was among the companies ordered to pay settlement fees to family members, a legal source has confirmed to RAW STORY.

  17. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Still no alarm bells going off? :roll:
  18. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    No one cares, Nursey. People hear it, say oh my gosh, and go on. The Katrina thing is soooo 2 weeks ago.
  19. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Seems so.
  20. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    they'll care when the suspension of the davis-beacon act goes nationwide.. pity it'll be too late by then

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