The reason no one cares in New Orleans...

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by TheGrimJesus, Sep 2, 2005.

  1. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    You know what is so strange? I LIVE HERE AND IT JUST IS NOT SO BAD.

    Even with the hurricane and everything, life is pretty much the same today as it was last month. Gas is plentiful again, everyone is working, and the Crimson Tide kicked lowly Middle Tennesse State's ass again last Saturday.

    I'll help feed a few displaced people at Church tonight. Their kids are in school, they have found jobs already, and two of them have found houses to rent. My wife is bringing home Chinese takeout. The dog got dewormed today. I live right smack in the middle of this EMERGENCY STATE and everything seems to be getting back to normal pretty rapidly. Relief supplies are plentiful. Nobody is in a panic. The local Homecenter even had a sale on lawn furniture today.

    Face it - A bad day in America is still better than a good day anywhere else.

    You Chicken Little People are freaks. Get a life. (And a job.)

  2. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    the death toll hasn't rolled in yet.. so i guess it is just not so bad.. yet :roll:

    and ps i disagree on the bad/good day thing.. how much have you travelled?
  3. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    well they have to wait for the waters to recide before tthey can get inside buildings and retrive cadavers... its going to be really bad though. Genocide on any scale is bad
  4. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    ooh.. genocide!!.. careful what words you bandy about my well padded friend... barry is on the prowl..

    remember.. shiny happy thoughts :)
  5. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I think that's as a result of fitting the facts around the theory as opposed to the other way round.

    As i see it, the facts speak for themselves. Most of the death and destruction hasn't been caused by the actual hurricane, but by things those in power do have knowledge and control over and have failed to act upon.
  6. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Canadians beat U.S. Army to New Orleans suburb


    Frustrated: Fire crews to hand out fliers for FEMA

    FEMA Urged First Responders Not To Respond

    Disbelief - Former FEMA Officials Speak Out

    FEMA: Corrupt, Negligent, Criminal and In Charge

  7. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    If anyone was shooting at rescuers...i wouldn't be surprised if it was FEMA...
  8. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    yeah fuck rescuing anyone or us even, lets shoot at the helicopters so we can starve and die of thirst... Its social unrest, people don'tr know better... the goverment didn't make the storm Nursey, it was a very unfortunate accident that was handled very misappropriatly... Thats all... no conspiracy... Shit seems like the people with the biggest issues afganst the USA have nevewr ever been on american soil... Why don't we just succed from the earth? Let the third world contries and stupid dipshits living in the sand just blow each other up and die?
  9. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    FEMA is reported to have ordered 25,000 body bags.

    Quote me on this one - the number of dead will be closer to 2500, not 25000. I really think it will be more like 1200-1500 people, which is still a horrible tragedy.

    Mississippi got hammered, and there are 200 dead. New Orleans got missed by the hurricane, and then flooded. Proof that the media fans the fires of hysteria will be evident when the "body count" in New Orleans tops out much lower than the "tens of thousands" predicted.

  10. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Well, just seems a little surreal to me.

    But they're certainly going to be 'making hay while the sun shines'. Ask the billionaires who will be buying up the land ('prime real estate') at a pittance, and also the likes of good ol' Halliburton.

    That's an understatement. FEMA stood by and watched as people died, refusing to follow tried and tested rescue drills. How 'unfortunate'. But these things....just happen?

    Firstly, i visited relatives of mine, you know -stupid dipshit sand niggers - who live in Detroit when i was a child. Secondly, the 'biggest issue' i have with the U.S. is their elite leadership of millionaires of whom the people of the U.S are one day going to discover are as much an enemy of American's as they are of Iraqis and the rest of humanity. And of course, the majority of the American populace's unwillingness to see it makes it all the more depressing.

  11. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    if its so horrible here, why don't they simply go to some other contry? there is canada, the UK, even japan? Im just tired of being lumped into one catigory, when the U.S, is a true melting pot. I have a friend from NYC on 9-11 when the first plane struck, there was a small knick knack shop some pakastani's owned, thier employees went out in the street and danced, and sang. They were quickly surounded by a mob of 300+ people who placed them into the emergancy ward, and burned the store to the ground. I mean you want to be here, then dance when shit like that happens?
  12. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    What the hell are you talking about? Why doesn't who go to some other country? The relatives of mine i have living in the U.S? I'm sure if they disliked the U.S. they would. Sorry, but you seem to have missed the whole point of my post.
  13. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    yes I did I appologize.. Ill never post to you again
  14. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Well, no need for that. Sorry i misjudged the level of openness and straight talking our friendship and mutual respect was able to withstand.
  15. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator


    Will we ever really know the full extent?

  16. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    You can take that as some sort of cover-up, OR you can take that as people having respect for the dead.

    I mean, would you want a full-color photo of the dead body of one of your loved ones circulated on every newspaper and website on Earth? I wouldn't.

    If I had a child who was still missing, I'd be pretty grateful not to have to find out that they died by seeing a picture of half of his head on CNN's front page.
  17. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    What difference does this disaster have to any other disaster the press have covered in the past? And i see that it's a simple case of black and white - with no halfway measures of moderation in between - as far as you're concerned. That it has to EITHER be no images of the dead whatsoever OR full on close ups of dead children's faces with mould growing out of their mouths etc? I think the press are well aware of how to achieve the balance between doing their job whilst at the same time respecting the sensitivity of the situation, they've been doing it for long's not as if '' are in charge of the coverage.
  18. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

  19. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

  20. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator


    The Voice of the White House

    September 8, 2005: “What the scrotum-heads in the power elite (a la C. Wright Mills) are doing now vis a vis New Orleans is this: First, all of the poor blacks (and other unproductive and non-spending individuals) will be forced out of their sodden homes because of ‘health reasons.’ Then, if fires don't level whole poor neighborhoods, FEMA will order these buildings raised to the ground as 'unhealthy" and 'uninhabitable.'

    The owners, or residents, will have been dispersed throughout the country but will be duly notified by a proper advert placed in an obscure official New Orleans legal paper that the houses are being torn down and that the owners will be liable for the costs of destruction. Naturally, these people will not read the legal notices and their houses will be smashed flat and the remains put into trucks and used for landfill somewhere else.

    Following this, liens will be placed on the property for the costs of tearing down the homes and again, the owners will not be aware of this and will not pay. The vacant lots will then be siezed by the authorities for non-payment and put up for sale. And a cartel, already formed, will purchase these vacant lots for five cents on the dollar and after this, the government will proudly announce that "new, affordable, housing will be built for the citizens of New Orleans."

    Bids will be let, contests held for the designing of attractive buildings and much hype will follow with, no doubt, a smirking President telling the world, and potential voters, that he and his people are indeed showing rare compassion and concern for the dispossessed. Of course, 'affordable housing' does not mean cheap housing and the new homes, built out of government (read taxpayer) money will be sold, or leased, through another government agency, to affluent members of the middle class, businesses and others. In one stroke, undesirable welfare blacks will be chased off of valuable lands and the many friends of the current Administration will become further enriched.

    As far as the helpless and exploited exportees are concerned, the President will thank, on behalf of the American people, all those wonderful communities who now house and clothe the dispossessed and newly-homeless of New Orleans and, most especially, pay for their food and living out of local, and not Federal, funds.

    And of course, the levees will quickly be rebuilt, by Republican-friendly and well-paid contractors, and New Orleans, like the phoenix, will be reborn from the shit-filled mud, commerce will blossom and thanks to FEMA and the President, the Administration will be much richer on a personal basis.

    Isn't capitalism wonderful?

    And note how the glow of Celestial Approval will beam like rays of sunshine out of the President's raddled fundament.”

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