The reason no one cares in New Orleans...

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by TheGrimJesus, Sep 2, 2005.

  1. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    'Conspiracy theory' is going a bit far. I mean, we already know they're doing whatever they can to take away people's freedom in every other area of life in America ( and the U.K. ) Why would this be any different? I might be wrong, but I doubt they're going to miss a trick as they steam roll ahead to their 'New American Century'. It wouldn't be the first time they capitalised on a disaster to further their agenda.
    But as i said, it wasn't really the point of my post, which was that you were capitalising on GrimJesus' post to come accross as superior. I believe it's 'in' just now to put them down, or something. If you'd stated your point matter of factly without all the bullshit, i'd have said nothing! :eek:
  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

  3. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Well, I apologise to Grim for seeming to acting "superior" then. It just seems so far fetched that a government would hate people so much that they would do nothing when they are truely in need. Those silly Americans voted GWB into power, and now they are reaping the benifits. Down here in Australia, the blacks get more rights than the whites.
  4. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    The same happens here, Black can and do get away with murder with goverment benfits and the like.

    But when it comes down too it they cause most of the crime in America on top of other things. Cops see any black person they see them as a criminal and not a person. Now when they called for everyone too get the hell out of New Orleans I knew who would get out "Whites" And who would be stuck "Blacks".

    Its of our own doing we take care of them we don't make them work we give them welfare and housing so they think that when something likes this happens the Goverment will be right there to save them. Well guess what they learned the hard way that it was not going to be that way.

    I bet you when Pres. Bush was told at his Ranch that there where problems down in New Orleans he said its ok Its just a Bunch of Niggers.

    You know how many times I have heard that exact phrase during the week from Work too getting Gas its just a bunch of niggers.

    Hey I don't care for blacks all that much myself but no one deserves to starve or die of thirst.

    Yeah they think different then us they start looting and shit but fuck I been seeing people trading Shoes for water and shit. It fucking crazy down there and they do need order.

    But the Goverment should have had a fucking plan in place.
  5. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    the only reason people dont care are assholes like you who just whine, "My gas is so expensive goddamned looting niggers" seriously a;; the looting I saw was white, black , polive officers, lationos, asians, not just one griup... Please use a little candor , shitcock
  6. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    I'm not bitching about the looting, Let them fucking Loot and just get them the fuck out. I can see you do not understand what you read.
  7. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    I don't but you are still a shitcock, and everyone else here thinks the same of you... Isn't there a poker tournament you can be directing?
  8. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    Exit: Michael Moore. Does anyone really care what Michael Moore has to say? Can anybody really take that guy seriously?
  9. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    GrimJesus: you're obviously extrememly racist. Who else includes a handgun and a swastika as thier signature? You have a very " it's us against them" mentality but I doubt you know very well who "they" really are.
  10. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    I hate everyone equal.
  11. smiles

    smiles New Member

    because the man sprinkled a little hollywood magic on his movie to make it more dramatic means that he doesnt raise valid points?
  12. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    barry.. where do you live again?.. daphne?.. mobile?

    is it true what i read about the residents of daphne calling up the mayor and asking him to close the nicholson centre to refugees from the hurricane because they were too 'scummy' (black) and he actually went ahead and did it?
  13. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Yes, that actually happened. Except that the people were not black, they were poor, and the "residents" were about three influential assholes.

    Then the rest of us that have some sense and morals raised holy hell about catering to the arrogance of a few, and the city reopened the shelter. There are now hundreds there. There are six families living at our church. (35 people) Black, Cajun, Polish, Caucasian, and Hawiian. Nice community huh? Their kids (all flavors) swam in our pool today, and five of them are here right now watching a movie. My daughter is driving two of the girls to school tomorrow.

    Both my kids and my wife spent the whole weekend in Biloxi feeding people. We have washed their clothes non stop for days. My neighbors have literally opened their doors and have taken in complete strangers.

    Our county (Baldwin) has taken in a huge influx of the displaced without complaint. Everyone I know has made great sacrifices to help.

    Every city has it's Racists and Elitists. Judge a place by the the overall response, not the attitude os a disgusting few. Or better yet, stop looking for the tiny flaw that justifies your unfavorable opinion of America. This country is better on a bad day than any other is on their best day.

  14. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    So after doing all this can you sleep now feeling like your so much better then the rest of the world?

    You know people who only help when something major goes down makes me sick. Its only when something huge and over the top happens that you get touched and must feed the masses or what the fuck ever.

    When in reality you probally step over ever bum you have ever seen on the street.

    Any of you can say whatever you want about me, But at least I'm an asshole thru and thru. Not only would I step over the bum I would spit on the refugee.
  15. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


  16. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    OK, Barry. Your obsession with Dan is starting to really get out of hand.
  17. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury on New Orleans: "Americans Are Being Brainwashed"

    "(Roberts) also went on to admit that the military was turning on the people, treating them as subjects, overturning the Posse Comitatus Act.

    Roberts agreed that FEMA has deliberately withheld aid, and cut emergency communication lines, and automatically made the crisis look worse in order to empower the image of a police state emerging to "save the day". He even insinuated that the shoot to kill policy was part of the overall operation in order get an awful precedence set to aid the military industrial complex takeover of America.

    "The power of the Federal Government is now greater than at any time, it'll never go back and the Posse Comitatus Act has been eroding ever since it was passed in 1878..." Roberts asserted.

    Roberts further commented "There is no excuse for this, we have never had in our history the federal government take a week to respond to a disaster...this is the first time ever that the help was not mobilized in advance. The proper procedure is that everything is mobilized and ready to go"

    Mr Roberts commented that the American people are being "brainwashed" and no longer believe what the founding fathers said over and over, that your worst enemy is always your own government and never confuse Patriotism with support for the government. He asserted that the mentality is "like that of the brown shirts that followed Hitler" and that the government is deadly dangerous, "you can't let the military take over policing".

    15 States Now in State of Emergency! Bush declares emergency in 8 states!
    We have received this information and are alerting the nation since local coverage is scarce. We have also received word that foreign troops are now entering the US.
  18. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Beyond Incompetence (scroll to bottom for video)

  19. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator


    Obviously the whitehouse 'mole' comments can't be proven, but make interesting reading.

    Gee Whiz - Halliburton Hired To Do Storm Cleanup

    Bush's Staged New Orleans Photo Ops
  20. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Thank you nursey. These are the only kinds of things these people listen to. Will they even look at that though and come to any conclusion other than Ooohh that's bad? No.

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