911 = 20! Showing signs of the pentagon and WTC attacks in a folded $20 bill. http://www.glennbeck.com/news/05172002.shtml
There are some mental problems that medicine won't cure. Sucks to be you, Disorder. quote from the above linked sight - With just 2 more folds your $20 bill turns into a airplane! Shouldn't that give you a hint that it was a parody site?
This is the original, as noted at the bottom http://www.allbrevard.net/ You call yourself a counsellor? If this is what you do, accuse people of having a mental illness while simultaniously being a foppish, cabbage brained oaf yourself, then I don't want to send anyone to you to be brainwashed.. I mean 'cured'.. into thinking they actually are when in reality they were probably more mentally capable than you; a man so delusional with self importance you put Sigmund Freud as your profile icon when it really should have been Herman Munster. If Freud knew you were turning regular people into retards, so that your feeble mind had something on the same level to interact with he would turn in his grave I'm sure. It would help if you spelled things correctly, like "Site" for instance, when trying to accuse me of having mental difficulties, but I'm sure someone as intellectual as Freud himself would never have that problem when putting someone down, oh wait, you arn't.. you just think you are. Oh and of course the same man, would at least be sound in reasoning that a persons comments made on a site over a year ago are in no way related to me, here in the present. I'm also assuming from your very limited scope of thought and conversational skills that you're a retard so; Here is a quick reminder. Fantasy <> Reality Opinion <> Fact Them <> Me The NWO love cattle like you, they love it because you arn't a threat to them.. now shoo, I think the grass is longer in the north west acre of the field, you'll be happy there.
Like my new avatar? My point is simple - numerology is the product of superstition. Superstition is the evidence of ignorance. In the absence of ignornace, it is the evidence of delusion. You do the math.
Firstly, anyone who finishes with a condescending 'you do the math' is an arrogant parasite and will usually be found wondering around on all fours with his head up his arse, bumping into coffee tables and regularly failing to find the light switch. I don't need to be a mathematician to work that out. Secondly, your confusing me with the original creators of my sources, the links posted and any research done in google, again, has nothing to do with me and I really don't make any specific claim at all, I do however provide food for thought and an idea for discussion. So your diagnosis of somebody else (for the second time), doesn't really have any impact on me. By linking to them or discussing them, I am just taking an interest, as I find factual knowledge intriguing. A delusional person, will, for example, believe that everything is fine with the world, when in actuality, it isn't. They will also believe something of fantasy to be reality, hence seeing as you always accuse me of being delusional when I propose some ideas, must make you as delusional as you claim I am, having basing it on your own presumptions. You are in denial of what you really dont want to know and this is called Transference. So, instead of blaming somebody else like you usually do, you should try and resolve the problem at the source: You. Your delusion is that I am delusional and that makes you dangerous. Your delusion is that you think anyone like me or Nursey 'need help' and that makes you inadequate for practicing 18th century slavery, let alone medicine.
If I keep pushing your buttons you will manifest a spazout in front of us all. I will practice mercy and stop. For today anyway.
If someone is financing my whims, I am getting screwed out of it. But I'm not a freemason, or a paid mason, or a bricklayer. I have trouble hammering a nail. Anyway, Disorder, I don't think you'll get an succint diagnosis from Barry in this forum. I can't speak for his practice in the "real world" as I am not a customer, but I don't think he takes Fugly too seriously. But in my unprofessional opinion - I think we're all a little nutty just for being here.
Thank you for understanding that. This place is a diversion from the stress of real life, for me anyway. I genuinely hope that no one takes it too seriously. That may be the surest fact posted on the forum. The common thread I see (among the regulars) is a very high IQ and a natural bend to be a little atypical. Although I really do believe that the conspiracy section members are idiots, I do not equal idiocy with stupidity. Carry on.
I don't think it really matters what you think, Barry. If millions of masons, occultists, kabbalists etc practice it, i think it one way or another, numerology, (which has been around since Ancient Babylonian times) has significance. Next you'll be saying both the occult and the bible are a lot of 'superstitious nonsense'.