The Mighty Mighty Dwaine

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Fugly, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

  2. Gibbyhaynesbrowneye

    Gibbyhaynesbrowneye New Member

    Has nothing to do with dead baby jokes at all. I remember him telling a poster that their kids were going to grow up and be dope. Here is the thread for you to look at and soak up all his wit and charm.
    And a link to a site for you for you to check out. Thankyathankyaverymuch.

    I mean when you look like the fat retarded love child of Carrottop you have no right to talk about anyone kids.

    How do you make a baby cry???

    Punch it!
  3. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member


    I could be wrong (though I doubt it) but your posts appear to present you as the asshole here, and you do have browneye in your name. Maybe you could learn not to take shit here too seriously.
  4. Gibbyhaynesbrowneye

    Gibbyhaynesbrowneye New Member

    So telling someone that you are going to turn their kid out at 12 is not a asshole thing to say? Seriously I dont take it too serious, I just think when someone drags someone kids into something that its weak. It shows that the person saying it has nothing in the chamber and they have to take the low road. Obviously he/she was offended when he said it. I am sure if I came on here making comments about Icenhours kid being a future terrorist or that he is planning the next Jihad she would be offended. I am not doing that I am just making a point. And you are right I am a asshole but I do have a little class which apparently the board hero (zero) Dwaine does not when it comes to someones kids.

    So yeah that guy is a asshole and if the shoe fits his fat little foot perhaps he should go buy a XXXL sock to go along with it.
  5. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    I hope my kids grow up to be dope

    not only do I wish your kids grow up to be stung out on crystal meth... but I hope they have the ugliest trailer in the whole trailer park.

    seriously do you think ANYONE here cares about your or anyone else's kids... enough to wish bad on them?

    why not leave???? we will not miss you
  6. Gibbyhaynesbrowneye

    Gibbyhaynesbrowneye New Member

    Why not spay yourself?
  7. Gibbyhaynesbrowneye

    Gibbyhaynesbrowneye New Member

    The fat defend the fat!
  8. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    yeah buddy we do... then we hit the buffet

    I am defending anyone... can you read? I was just saying if you are so sensitive ... maybe another forum is for you. You will not be missed.

    oh and BTW I hope your daughter is 16 she brings home the ghettoest black guy she can find and has his name tattooed on her neck... in cursive

    and may your sons be techno club kid fags.


    btw... post your pic
  9. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    duh I cant type... Meant - I am NOT defending anyone.
  10. Gibbyhaynesbrowneye

    Gibbyhaynesbrowneye New Member

    I hope the next time your husband flies out of the country his plane is highjacked and he is killed and you are left sucking dicks to feed your kid.
  11. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    MEEEEE TOOOOO ... then I would rich from Life Insurance, and would only be sucking dicks for fun.
  12. Gibbyhaynesbrowneye

    Gibbyhaynesbrowneye New Member

    Go draw on some more eyebrows!
  13. Gibbyhaynesbrowneye

    Gibbyhaynesbrowneye New Member

    I am not gonna argue with you anymore. You can say I am sensitive because I think talking shit about someones kid is lame, but you get all bent because I make fun of some fat fucking retard who post on a message board. I hope his cholesterol shoots through the roof and the fat bastard dies a painful death.
  14. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

  15. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Hey, if you just want to do it for fun.............


    I think we found out who has the cops hounding dwaine, geez, gibby is a little girl. I am guessing someone turned gibby out when he/she was 12, so they are pretty sensitive about it. Then he/she wasnt dope back in school and probably has a list like Steve Buscemi in Billy Madison (more lipstick though).

    It's okay gibby, let it out, barry has the punchy pillow available if you need it, and the anatomically correct dolls. Just dont let barry see you nibbling on them again.
  16. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    no one is bent over you talking bout doowayne. we just all think you should leave the forum... and that means ALL your screen names and personalities... go rock out to some metal and chill
  17. Gibbyhaynesbrowneye

    Gibbyhaynesbrowneye New Member

    I only have one screen name.
  18. Gibbyhaynesbrowneye

    Gibbyhaynesbrowneye New Member


    Do you speak for everyone?
  19. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    After my divorce, we took my then 4 year old to a shrink (because they say you are supposed to with divorce) we only went 3-4 times. The last visit I was talking with the crazy indian shrink and Evan was digging in her toys and crap and found those dolls. He got completely freaked out and for a week - he would ask everyone "Do you have pubic hair?"

    Thanks Doc... now my kid will grow up with a pubic hair fetish.
  20. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Hey, thats a good opener at a bar.....


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