The Imprecation, Hope Diamond in the Judiciary

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by judgefloro, Nov 8, 2006.

  1. judgefloro

    judgefloro New Member

    if you have time
    you may read pages 5-10 of this et (a very brilliant skeptics) especially my long discussions about SIDDHARTA, karma

    Buddha had learned about life and salvation from sufferings
    but he failed to see the lights
    that i and st. paul did

    but all will see the light
    by giving to the poor the poorest of the poor
    no matter what religion or no religion he does have

    karma is both ways good and bad

    it returns

    there is no escape
  2. judgefloro

    judgefloro New Member

    oh i forgot the link and could not edit it, please read it here about buddha and karma -
  3. judgefloro

    judgefloro New Member

    go to the beach bring your pics and relax

    do not let NURSEY scare you, NURSEY is a very good lawyer who scares by cross-examination

    he could be a good barrister in london
    do not argue with NUrsey

    he is so brilliant you may end sleepless
  4. judgefloro

    judgefloro New Member

    well researched but would it soothe would it be therapeutic and would relieve?

    Psychological disorders that may cause tiredness include:
    Bulimia nervosa
    Anorexia nervosa
    Alcohol consumption - even moderate regular alcohol consumption can cause tiredness.
    Alcohol withdrawal
    Drug withdrawal
  5. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    I looked up the word GRANDIOSE on Wikipedia. A picture of Judge Floro was there.

    I will now Prophesy - Judge Floro, you awoke today and put on the same shirt that you wore yesterday. You can't remember the last time it was washed. If you look on the front of it, you will see the stains from food that you spilled on it from at least three different meals.
  6. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Don't read too much into a word.
  7. judgefloro

    judgefloro New Member

    my cousin dra teresita floro came from usa to the philippines just to take my pics to bring it to america and to have had it cursed by wicca

    she was studying psychiatry and accused me of ATTENTION deficit bi polar disease or mental block and she said that i had to take medication

    2 days thereafter, the lights on a restaurant fell inch away from me and hit my aide but just slightly injured

    thereafter her parents died of cancer of liver and breast resp.
    and her brother in law suffers brain tumor

    take medication bary
  8. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    So, her because your Cousin told you to take medication, her mother and father died, her brother -in-law gets a brain tumor, Yet nothing happened to HER.

    That sounds like chaos and coincidence, not Karma.

    So please answer for us. Are you wearing the same shirt today that you wore yesterday? You know you are.

    YOU take the medicine Judge. Every qualified person that has examined you says that you need medication. You have admitted that MANY licensed professionals have examined you, and they all say that you need medicine for psychosis. That many people can't all be wrong.
  9. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Maybe I didn't read what was written cafefully enough to take it as serious. Just because it wasn't funny doesn't mean I didn't intend for it to be funny.

    For example, it has come to my attention that you feel that Judge Floro may have some psychic powers. The only thing I have seen that validates this belief is the fact that he calls you a "he."

    Now that was supposed to be funny. In the event that you really do swing a penis, it becomes less of a joke, right?

    Either way, send pics. My curiosity is killing me.

  10. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    you want pics of her swinging my penis??
    surely a video would better capture the effect? :?
  11. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    I Googled Pimpchichi Swinging and got this -

  12. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    you're a weird one berry maybe it's your mental illness that causes you to rush to google everytime i type a post in your direction :?

    funnily enough though... after reading your post curiosity got the better of me so i googled the same.. i didn't find that pic on there.. all i found were threads i've posted on.. just 4 hits

    but this post was the only noteworthy one... it used both keywords!!

    nicely reminded berry!!! :)

  13. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    That is a well established fact. Why point out the obvious.

    I make stuff up just for humor. Surely you don't think that you are important enough for me to search the vast wasteland of the internet for a tidbit of your turgidness.

    I am still amazed that you found my glamor shot pose from my honeymoon. Did Bugs send that to you during one of our spats?

    No wait, that can't be me. My back is hairy and I don't like ducks. :roll:
  14. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    of course i don't.. and i've never googled for 'ucicare' or 'barry swope' or checked out any of the links to other forums or enclaves you've inhabited that have been periodically posted on here...

    i've never searched the internet .. or this forum for that matter .. for pictures of you... i just get sent them unsolicited *shudder*
  15. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    actually berry i spoke horridly.. i mentioned your condition and yet i still said a glib and mean thing out of spite...

    you're not weird..

    it's not considered weird when you're mentally subnormal
  16. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Pimp, I actually am very concerned about my mental condition. Last night the three Dwarves came back. One spoke to me...he looked so haughtingly familiar.... Please help me understand what is happening.

  17. judgefloro

    judgefloro New Member

    she dra teresita floro turned out to be t-bird so her husband left her
    and she's alone in the usa with psychiatry
    i am not scaring you
  18. judgefloro

    judgefloro New Member

    my cousin dra. teresita floro claims that she is gifted like me and maria sagrario floro

    she is right wing, a good counsellor worked in rehabilitation for offenders but she suffers for

    takes medications for ADHD / bi-polar disorder
    due to her being t-bird and break-up with her husband

    gosh psychiatry and medications

    i prophecy bary to be good to repent and be a good christian example
  19. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    So judgefloro what about me what’s my prognosis?
  20. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    What's funny is that you actually expect me to believe that steaming, hot pile of donkey manure. It's fine though, Barry. As i said, you can try and kid me all you like, but it won't change the fact that what you're saying isn't true (of this i'm as clear as is possible without actually being psychic or being you). And if, as my pretty astute intellect and senses suggest, this is the case, then your conscience must be wondering what it ever did to be cast so flippantly aside. Perhaps it's because you're no longer feeling just that little bit spooked. Not quite so 'tired' of the 'whole Judge deal' now, are you?

    So what you're saying is that the reason i took exception to those remarks and that the 'humorous' slant wasn't apparent to me is because i am actually crazy, so it became less of a joke? No, Barry. The reason why it didn't appear funny is because, as anyone else who followed the thread could see, it was intended to be anything but. Were your next comments about smurf actually being an inmate not a worker at the state mental hospital also part of the thread's...ahem...'jovial' tone?
    And the reason i took exception to it was not because i am crazy or even have any personal insecurity as far as that accusation goes. But because i could see what you were, at least, TRYING to do, which was actually pretty nasty. Even going so far as to post your 'deep' poetry in an attempt to have me spooked. I opened up a bit of my private world to all for the sake of helping someone who was in need of some reassurance, and rather than respect that and leave it off-bounds, you selfishly tried to capitalise on it by replaying that same, old, sorry mantra that you've relentlessly used since your first week of posting. The one where you look for any excuse (even if you have to twist words in order to do so, like the post in question) to undermine people's self-belief and convince them they are crazy. Out of interest, what are your success rates in that department, anyway? I'm aware that we might, on the whole, be a bunch of tough, old nuts to crack here at fugly, but what about the kids you counsel down at the young offenders institution?
    And really, whether Judgefloro is in fact a nutcase or a psychic (or both) matters not a jot. What matters is that good Karma really is good, and bad really is bad, and when your intent is wicked or you do something wilfully wrong, it's waiting out there, somewhere, looking for its' rightful home.

    Let the bodies hit the floor.
    Let the bodies hit the floor.
    Let the bodies hit the floor."

    Excuse the last part. I was just having a little 'fun'. :roll:

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