The Duke university incident

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, May 3, 2006.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Very true and this belief is perpetuated by the media. Rodnry Kink and the LA riots are a good example of this.
  2. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    That's funny, because you're ignoring the O.J. trial.
  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    The O.J. trial is so obvious, I really do not want to even bring it up.
  4. smiles

    smiles New Member

    inequalities in the system are mostly downplayed by the media...... racial profiling is a real police tactic, that is undeniable
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Racial profiling that's a tough one. On one hand it can be a self fulfilling prophecy. To that extent it is absolutely wrong. On the other hand for example airport screening. There is an example of where racial profiling should be used the reason is simply to provide for the safety of the country. Now that is a politically incorrect but true statement. But before you get yourself all worked up. Think about it for a second its true.
  6. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    yeah man.. gotta check all those chinks for sars!!
  7. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    .......that would be Southern Conference Football.

  8. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Nobody sees the justicesystem as fair. It keeps a certain check on things though.
    But seriously. With six bill peop pop, and more popping up all the time, its about time to drop the stratagem of humanitarian aid and all these "rights" for everybody. Let the poor people "get rich, or die trying", as that contemporary rolemodel-substitute put it.
  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    True but at least from my perspective in my country no one has had this natural and in many ways healthy insecurity exploited like the black race has.
  10. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Do you mean to say that they exploit the
    , or that they are exploited ?
  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I mean it is healthy to an extent to be suspicious. As a group they are beyond that point and yes are being exploited.
  12. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    And now it seems that you say that the prime reason for exploitation is a preset distrust of the system ? Not systemic malevolence. Thats positive !
  13. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Kind of but not really. This distrust is the tool used to exploit the black race, and that in and of itself is systemic malevolence.
  14. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    (reposted from another forum i frequent, I just posted this there)
  15. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    That’s exactly how I picture it happened and about the same sentiments I have about what should be done now.

    I agree there is a reason why she did what she did it wasn't a thing that was not provoked.

    I think the provocation happened in the form of racial slurs. I think there were a bunch of drunken players in the room and the attitudes went across the whole spectrum.

    I understand there was one black player and I'm fairly certain he was the one interviewed in private by the black reporter my intuition tells me that. If there were blatant racial slurs and he was at the party (and I'm not sure he was) then I believe he would have pointed that out.
    I believe from the point of view of the dancer she was emotionally in a very vulnerable situation even if all it was were a few sneers and off color remarks by the two individuals that were mainly accused. It could trigger this type of reaction from her.
    I think it was probably worse than that though. These days what is viewed as cool and in would be those two guys with the brash NE attitudes you know what I’m talking about "Damn man I can't believe he said that" kind of attitude. They said something to the extent of "Get this skank bitch out of my face!" When she danced in their vicinity. Or "Damn dude where did you get your dancers was it (insert name of local street where hookers hang out) street?"
    I think when this was said several of the other players actually felt uncomfortable thinking to themselves “That’s not cool the chick is standing right there” “How terribly insensitive” Something they could have verbally said instead of just thought. Instead just to add insult to injury they laughed and egged it on.
  16. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Well, Nifong, used a email as "daming evidence" that was sent before the party, and trust me, i have said worse shit about strippers joking on this site...
  17. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I'm no lawyer and understand that that was written text but I believe it should not be admissible in court. For two reasons.

    1. Its like hearsay this could to be proved to be by him actually, (minor argument against)

    2. This is more proof in my mind that there was not foul play and misrepresented to the court by the prosecution for the sake of grandstanding. No one who legitimately intended to gang rape as accused would implicate themselves. (major argument against)

    This is just typical of this day and time, so called dark humor speak (to legitimize it in term) much as we see here on Fuglyforums.
  18. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    yeah it sucks, I mean no matter what these giuys do, they will always have the stigma of "Rapist" on there backs... Just because they stiffed a stripper... I personally think she should be expelled from central, vor causing a racially motivated protest, between duke and NC central... NC central is a shithole btw
  19. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Being a stripper unfortunately put her in a bad position to be exploited and that I do believe happened. So for that reason I feel sorry. But the way she tried to get revenge was worse. I guess the term "Hell hath no fury" accurately applies in this case but it looks like the truth is finally coming out as it tends to eventually.

    The guys will be screwed with the stigma even if they are found innocent. Maybe to some extent at least some deserve it though. That I cannot say because I was not there.
  20. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    The Shock personality cult in action. Its cool it’s popular it generates money!

    You do not have to be brave, courageous, (although the implication is that you do) honesty basically any of the positive socially good virtues. Except maybe wit and creativity. Say "shocking" things and be an instant star, get your own show be a popular DJ. Eventually where does it take you though?

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