The ducks are still here

Discussion in 'Random Media' started by Joeslogic, May 15, 2009.

  1. mercury69dc

    mercury69dc New Member

    and if soylent green came in teriyaki , that shit would sell too.
  2. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I know this may appear as sudden, but... Have we met in some past life?
  3. mercury69dc

    mercury69dc New Member

    Haha, not sure if we have, but my father was born in the panhandle, so i grew up learning how to shoot, kill, and then slow bbq in a cynderblock smoker if that says anything. Guess ive just had a knack for being somewhat of a smartass and getting into cool shit and blowing things up. Im so much of a pyro , that i now have tattoos from blowing myself up. yeah, it was a stupid and hard lesson to learn, but i did find out, yeah human flesh when burned smells like a sirloin. gross yeah, but at least i gained something out of it
  4. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    You and Ulfur would've hit it off, I tell ya.
  5. mercury69dc

    mercury69dc New Member

    haha, im not proud of blowing myself up, i was pretty shaken when it happend, but i came out of it a little more wise

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