Isn't coal the highest polluting fuel in America? Don't you live in the largest coal producing State? Why don't you shoot yourself already? I can't believe that I just wrote that.
That's why better "scrubbers should be developed":
Also city planners need to create large parks around which development takes place so people can get out and mountain bike, run, and exercise. Louisville has a bunch of huge parks and the Democrat mayor has been using city money and donations to set aside even more space for larger parks.
This is the park I run in. This is "dog hill" where all the chicks bring their dogs to run off the leash. I take my brother's dog and check out chicks sitting at the top of this hill.
Good question who wants to see that? Is that where we are headed? How long will it take? Are you with the Al Gore camp that says the end of the world is now 8 Years, 293 Days, 5 hours, 45 minutes, 33 seconds and counting? Teach me if you will about science and medicine I don't wan't to be a dipshit you know. I mean I have to admit I'm a little concerned. The last time I went to the "Smokie" Mountians I was in a gift shop reading the literature about how the blue haze you see over the mountians is caused by industrial polution. Those must be some smart motherfucking scientist. I mean just consider how they figured out about the industrial polution that was occuring back in the days before the pilgrims when the American indians named the "Blue Ridge Mountians". Of course I'm being a smartass but it is not hard to figure out who the gullible dipshits are. Either A: When you fly you are to fucking busy trying to look like a pro-flyer that would not dare do something as nerdy as look out the window. Or B: You do not fly very much save maybe from the South side of the city to the North side of the city. A stretch yeah it is a stretch. Complete bullshit though...well thats just bullshit in and of itself. Big companies are racing to find the holy grail of the better altertnative for one simple and pure reason and that is profit. There are some trying to stunt the ability of the current power brokers to play the game however and that would be the anti-capatilist. As it will be capatilism that hastens the next big discovery. I'm with ya there so the next time you find a car battery (if they ever goto hybrid electric cars it will be a daily occurance) thrown into a creek lets carefully pull that thing out and lets search it for forenzic evidence. If you can prove who did it and tie the individual to a pole I will personally be the one to pull the trigger. The sorry ass piece of shit diserves worse but thats what they get. Just who is this boogie man you speak of that we need to take urgent action against? What is the answer? He sounds like a really sorry no-count so how can we protect ourselves from this boogie man? AHHHHH!!!!!! The solution! And never mind that previous line of questioning I see just exactly who the boogie man is now how could I have been so very blind?
I will get back to this tommorow because I have a test tommorow morning but in the meantime I leave you with some pictures of the Los Angeles Skyline: London: a satellilte photo of the US at night: denver with pollution trapping by the mountains: louisville:
They must have a really great camera. Flying up the east coast out of Charlotte, the only time I saw any accumulation of lights was over DC, Jersey, and then into NY. Looking at that picture I should have had to close my window blind to keep the glare off the TV. The pictures of LA are great. I think California should fall off and sink into the pacific, however on late July afternoons around 5PM, or even 6:30 AM Augusta looks like that. Of course with 100% humidity there is enough mostuire in the air that you can see it. Air Scrubber technologies are improving the problem is there are thousands of plants that have been 'grandfathered' into exemptions from a lot of EPA standards. DSM, PCS, Columbia Nitrogen are just a few in my area. When you are allowed to release an annual amount of 15 metric tons of a gas that is lighter than air, it doesnt really sound like much of a restriction......then the air scrubbers have bi-products, like really nasty water, that has to be processed. If the PPM is low enough they dump it into creeks and rivers. Yes it does suck. Yes they chould look at alternative methods of producing the crap that causes all the pollution. But like Cancer there is too much money in looking for a cure to actually find one.
Good point except I think if someone comes out with a cure for cancer they are not gonna sit on it while winking at their fellow researchers. The will make a fortune instead. AS for the scrubbers this is how the game works its all smoke and mirrors and the people are made out to be the fools. And they never here the other side of the story like the toxic water. And I was gonna sit on this and waite for Daneal's reply but yes the picture that you see is from NASA's published picture series in 2000 of the world at night. They used tones of photos that were taken at clear skys and manipulated them using filters and enhancements. If you were in the middle of Death Vally Arizona camping in a tent reading you National Audoban Society reference guide to desert lizards by flashlight. Then a speck appeared on that map ten square miles in diamater. This leads to the question "Why lie" and yes if you are making a false implication then yes you are indeed lying. I looked up the professor it was not hard to find a picture of her and a breif background. I'm sure she is a very likeable person and passionate about the environment. But she should not discrerdit herself that way. The honest truth is the best solution. There is a problem and it is one that desperatly needs addressing. But lets take an honest approach. Yes they chould look at alternative methods of producing the crap that causes all the pollution. But like Cancer there is too political capital in posturing yourself as for and the other guy against a cure to actually find one. How about this? I vote for the party against hunger, fear, pain, sadness, death, rape, murder, and bad hair days. And since my party proclaims a stance against then it must be obvious that the other party is for all the above right? :