Anyone remember this thread? Probly not, but anyway... That dude Sparky I was tryin to get people to fuck with is mentioned in this article from the local paper. Before ya ask, no I had nothing to do with anything mentioned in the article. I remember when it happened, Al would call me weekly while he was on the run to ask me if I had seen or heard from Sparky. Anyway, just thought I'd share.
You like Tool? I like Tool too. Especially their Opiate EP. (The band I was in around 8 years ago did a pretty reasonable cover, Ithought.) So see, we're notso different after all. * holds hands and sways * "It's a small world after all ..."
Heya. I hate new people, so when I get done punching myself around the genitals for being said newbie I will finish writing this... <<POW!>> <<SOCK!!>> <<-= BAM!!! =->> Ooooh yeah. Where was I? I found these forums when I finally viewed the entire picture gallery... Yep. I have enjoyed reading in here for a while, figured it only polite to pop in and say hello. (reading the forums and not contributing is kinda like living in someones house w/o them knowing. It can be fun, but a bit creepy...) I will try to make my posts worthwhile and to the point. This doesn't mean you will like it. As a matter of fact, I might as well tell you to lick my dirty asshole now and get it out of the way, since you are going to hate me soon regardless. I am 6'2, about 220. Not fat, not muscular, just me. I restore motorcycles and 2nd generation GM musclecars, don't cut my hair much, and drink a lot of beer. I am married, have 3 kids and my driveway looks like a fucking reservation from all the cars and shit. I am a Marketing Manager/IT guy for a freight brokerage. I work with Truck Drivers all day, just so you know where I get my wonderful vocabulry. I work, ride my bikes, go plinking, and drink a lot of beer. PC games keep me occupied sometimes, especially PvP ones. Did I say I like Beer? Anyway, I have already spoken more to you than most of my coworkers in the 2 yrs I have been here, so I will go back to work now. /wave. Nice to meet ya.
I must be too redneck to understand homoerotic inuendo. Snoodling is unknown to me. Care to broaden my horizons? The sound of the word itself is enough to make me think about washing my eyeballs with Chlorox....