Hmmm. I think Dwaine might be keen to help out if you'd like assistance removing all those unsightly old breezeblocks that are cluttering the garden.
I consider it adopting, not collecting. The bricks were orphans. The builders here are required to take any left over brick to the landfill. How stupid is that? I go to the landfill about once a month and pick up a truck load. I like to build paths with them. from this - To this - Barry [/url]
I'll send you some cuttings later in the year. The quickest way to get some improvement is to buy a 59 cent bag of Morning Glory seeds, and plant them along a fence. Morning glory grows fast, requires little water, likes poor soil, and is disease free. My old house had a nice yard that took me five years to finish. I hope the new one works out as well. Here are some pics of the old one. Barry
damn barry you've done all that in 8.5 hours? or is that just a pic of the same scene except more to the left?
The brick pile is still there. I did the patio brick work several weeks ago. See the grass growing through it? I didn't mean to imply that I had used the pile of bricks to do the patio. Barry Barry
Aren't you supposed to lay down that black plastic to avoid the weeds sprouting through the cracks? It looks really good though Barry, hope yer family appreciates you keeping busy.
I just feel like postin to make everyone nauseated and barf up big junks. *MWAH!* now regurgitate and swallow!
Stop it you dolts! Can't you see that Nursey and I just started our first exchange that that could end up "touchy feely" before it is over? So Nursey, how long did you live there? Barry