The BE REAL thread

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by ucicare, Apr 27, 2005.

  1. DrBungle

    DrBungle New Member

    Yes, but a hoo hoo is just a *whistle, slaps knee*
  2. redskin

    redskin New Member

    Barry you had a good idea with this thread. I rtetired in 91 after 21 yrs in army. now I play on my puter. from the bluegrass state. Been banned once LOL :roll:
  3. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Thank you.

    Want a little more real stuff?

    I worked on Alabama's Death Row (as a MH therapist) for a short time. I hated the job. The guards are scarier than the inmates.

    Tonight Alabama is "lethally injecting" one of the people I got to know.

    I still fully support capital punishment, but it makes me sick to know that this guy is going to die in a few hours. He was really messed up mentally.

    I really want to throw up just thinking about it.

  4. Belladonna

    Belladonna New Member

    I heard on the news tonight that it was his wish they carry out the execution...that he would rather die than spend the rest of his life in prison. Not sure if that helps.
  5. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Severe depression makes you think like that. The guy (dead now) was a classic sociopath. He had zero ability to feel empathy or remorse. Very cold eyes.

    He might have chosen death over life in prison, but his first choice would have been to kill everyone of the guards and walk away a free man.

    The world is a better place without him in it, but it is still sad.

  6. Belladonna

    Belladonna New Member

    Scary picture you are right...the world is a better place without him than. It is sad that there are such "people". From what you described I was tempted to use the word "creature"...because I seriously doubt the "humanity"of one completely lacking a soul/conscience.
  7. Paladin

    Paladin New Member


    New here so this will be my first post.

    Don't really know anyone so I will post something later on.

    I am a middle aged white male.

    I am a veteran (non combat).

    I am bored so I came to see what this site was about.

    That's about it for now.
  8. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I was hoping that a few more of the "regulars" would "be real".

    It is funny to me that the people who bash everyone the most, and are so critical of things, are the most secretive. Go figure.

    I want to know the real person behind the persona. Any more brave souls?

  9. Dubya 2.0

    Dubya 2.0 New Member

    I'd rather keep my private life exactly that. Though I have enjoyed viewing your soft underbellys...
  10. Dimples

    Dimples New Member

    i was born without an underbelly.
  11. Dubya 2.0

    Dubya 2.0 New Member

    Do you have a fanny?
  12. Dimples

    Dimples New Member

    american fanny or english fanny?
  13. Dubya 2.0

    Dubya 2.0 New Member

    I thought 'merican fannys where the same as english fannys?

    Surely a fanny is a fanny the world over?

    *checks picture of chinese fanny 'cos he heard they went sideways*
  14. Dimples

    Dimples New Member

    in my country a fanny is a butt

    in england a fanny is a vagina
  15. Checkmate

    Checkmate New Member

    Being Real.....

    1) I live my life with this firmly in my helps to keep it open when I feel it start to narrow and close.

    "When I meet people from other cultures I know that they too want happiness and do not want suffering, this allows me to see them as brothers and sisters."

    2) according to nursey I need a least a proper one...

    3) I work in addiction counselling.......

    4) Had a new baby girl on April 13th/2005 named Kennedy

    5) I would have never got into university if i couldn't play hockey

    6) I have been assalted 18 times this year....good thing in Canada we are aloud to restrain the individual with the necessary force required...Males only...the police look the other way...for the most part...I look the other way when the police use "necessary force"

    7) I definatley want to speak to schmed on the ol msn, sounds like an interesting guy.
  16. FredVegas

    FredVegas New Member

    I turned 30 in January.
    I live in Fredericksburg, Virginia.
    I do residential remodeling for a living, mostly tile and stone work.
    My father was in the army for 20 years, he's a West Point graduate.
    I'm a military brat, but was never spoiled. My father was pretty strict (puttin it lightly) and from the age of 15, if I wanted something I had to work for it.
    My mother was a real estate agent for years, but stopped working after her best friend and co-worker was murdered while closing the office up for the night.
    I graduated high school with a 1.2 gpa, but I scored a 1300 on my SAT's. Not too shabby considering I was still drunk from the night before.
    I left home when I was 18. My father and mother hated each other, my brother and sister hated each other too. It's hard to be happy with that much negative energy around you at all times. So I left.
    I'm the middle child of three, and I've been told that I'm the poster child for "middle child syndrome"... whatever the hell that is.
    I drifted around for years, but moved back to Fredericksburg five years ago after I found out that my parents had gotten divorced.
    For the past two years I've become somewhat of a social recluse. I stopped goin out and partying and since November I spend most of my free time playing WoW. Which reminds me... what server do you play on, UT?
  17. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    See how easy that was? I don't hate you nearly as much now. :)

  18. FredVegas

    FredVegas New Member

    Yeah, it is pretty easy repeating myself. I've posted many many things about my real life before you came along, Barry. Hell, when I was bartending I invited everyone that posts here to come on over for free drinks. I've thrown parties and invited anyone that posts here to show up. Another time, I had Ulfur drop in on a friend of mine that works at the Trocadero in Philly just to say hi. I didn't think he would do it, but he did... was pretty fuckin funny hearin my buddy Gordon rehash his meeting with Ulfur. Me bein real has nothin to do with you... I was gonna start a thread much like this one but ya beat me to it. Good for you.

    Well that's a relief...
  19. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    More in the REAL LIFE category -

    I always considered men that liked flowers sissy assed pansies. I hate to admit it, but as I get older I have gotten interested in growing things. I like palms and tropicals, but will grow some other things. (not flowers or pot, I'm not goin' there)

    I moved recently, and lost all my plants. I am starting over with a "green spot" in my yard. Here is the "before" pic. I will post the "after" pic when I am finished.

  20. DrBungle

    DrBungle New Member

    I see you collect bricks.

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