The BE REAL thread

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by ucicare, Apr 27, 2005.

  1. Belladonna

    Belladonna New Member

    Unlimited time has shown me the error of my ways...I am wrong to hijack Ucicare's B real thread with my questions of Medicvet....I will move them to a new thread to minimize any further disruption. My apologies to the members of this forum for my rude behavior.

    CBWIFE New Member

    I think we should keep this off dip-shit and on topic for ~unicare~...and UT...I'll work on it......ask ROBMAN97....he got he's kicks....he visited our site...... :oops: :D Hey likey????? :oops:

    CBWIFE New Member

    183 COOKIES for you..... :wink:
  4. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Really? You irritate me at times, and I really don't think that you fully understand what it is like in America, but yes I actually LIKE you. I LOVE my wife and children, and Cheeseburgers.

    You are fairly well informed on things that are bigger than your local city, and you are the only person here (maybe) that understands that China could whip the US if it had too, or at least could destroy the entire planet trying.

    Don't push your new found favor though. I am still upset that you won't let me have a 8x10 pic of Nursey.

    Oh, and marry her why don't you? Playing house confuses her daughter.

  5. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Come on BellaDonna, stay on topic. I am serious for once. We all know that Medic has problems with the truth. Do we have to get her to fall on a bayonet before we are happy?

    This little thread is a first for Fugly. (I think) It will probably destroy us all, but play along for a while. Tell us a little about you. Nothing that would put you at risk - just what you like, dislike, etc.

  6. Belladonna

    Belladonna New Member

    You are right Ucicare...I was wrong to go off the topic...I'm trying to remedy my error.
  7. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Didn't see this before i posted the one above. Sorry.

    P'Cola or Eglin by any chance? That's were all the other military moms are. Really nice places, if the sound of jet noise and the whine of snowbirds don't bother you!

  8. Belladonna

    Belladonna New Member

    I live in Alabama but work in Pensacola. I am not a military mom...I am a veteran and the wife of a soldier recently returned from Iraq. That says a lot about me...enough for now...consider it my penance for disrupting your thread.
  9. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Me in a nutshell

    1) I work far too much, 3 jobs and some sidework to boot. All of whcih are shit paying jopbs that I shojld quit and actually put some effort into a real job.
    2) I drink a bit too much perhaps, but not nearly as much as I did b4 the age of 25 (Im almost 30 now)
    3) I really do hate a lot of the planet, which I know is unhealthy and probably a sign of a mental condition.
    4) I have a really big heart and would walk into a traffic to help someone I cared about. I've been told I have a white knight syndrome when it comes to females.
    5) I have only dated asain women for a long time, but only a few of them, it's just what I'm attracted to..some people like blondes...
    6) I respect a few people on these froums immensly...Dwaine,Pimp,Nursey Barry,UT,Dubya,Sam, Rez,Ratty,Nauseous and probably a few others I failed to mention.
    7) I too love my country, but NOT it's president. But I have a bit more anger towards it citiizens than a few other americans on this forum, which leads me to side with Nursey and the Pimpster a bit more often. But it is still my country. I wish to see it fixed as it is a beautiful place.
    8) I have liked and collected Spider-Man comics toys etc since I was about 4 ys old.
    9) I spend too much money on vinyl and go broke and hungry sometimes because of it (but never sober!!)
    10) I write a lot, but am typical in the sense that I think my stuff sucks and am semi embarrased to show it to anyone and anytime I do I desperatly seek their approval of it.
    11) I am not shy by any means and would pretty much answer any question ever asked of me...

    and I think that is a good note to end it on..

    Love Peace and El Pollio fried chicken grease...
  10. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Also I really diudnt know how to make the cool fac e but now I do...
  11. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Awww hugs to you.You can come back in my thread now.I won't kick you out again.
  12. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Having to drive to Pensacola with the sun in your eyes every morning is punishment enough. (That and the Ivan repairs on I-10.)

    You are pardoned.

  13. mia

    mia New Member

    I know that Mia annoys everyone here, and to be quite honest she is starting to annoy me too! I am a 34 yo mother of three boys, 13, 9 and 6. They mean everything to me. I have been accused by friends and my eldest of being to protective towards them. It is something that I am aware of but cannot change! They are really beautiful boys, kind hearted and helpful to others. I am a very proud mum!

    I work in the mental health field, and run a small business. I love my work, but feel guilty at times that it takes up some of our family time. Even if I am dead on my feet, I will always make the time up to my family.

    I should have been born catholic as I feel guilty about everything!

    I like to think that I am kind and caring.( I am a godsend to people who beg on the street )! I hate to see people being hurt or hurtful and to my husbands embarrasment get involved if I am witness to such things! He thinks I should leave people to it, and he is probably right!

    I love my friends, and am very protective of them also. I do not see my mother.

    I love art, books and music.

    I am not very good at insulting people, which is only a problem on Fugly!

    I am a cheap date as I am pissed after a couple of glasses of wine!

    I smoke too much, talk too much, worry too much and dont sleep enough!
  14. sawdusty

    sawdusty New Member


    I had incontinence problems as a child, though they weren't at night. My father was a binge drinker and his towering rages produced a fear in me that made me piss my pants quite a bit 'til I was about fourteen.
  15. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    "towering rages" are an old Southern tradition. Have you always lived in the South?

  16. sawdusty

    sawdusty New Member

    They do go with the scenery don't they? I lived out west for some years after leaving the military. I lived in Reno and Las Vegas.
  17. Dimples

    Dimples New Member

    ok heres me in a nutshell:

    1. there isnt much you can say to annoy or insult me. i am very easy to get along with.
    2. i turned 21 yesterday. happy birthday to me.
    3. i first had sex when i was 19, but have done it over 200 times now.
    4. my ex boyfriend beat me
    5. both my parents are dead. we were all raised by our grandparents.
    6. i am a diagnosed dyslexic
    7. i dont hate anyone on this fourm. i think its fun.
    8. i didnt really have lesbian sex with my sister(s). that was just a joke.
    9. my middle name is hayley but i use it for my first name because my first name is frances (everyone called me FANNY)
    10. i got accused of having a fake ID today from the walmart in somerset because "theres no way shes 21".
    11. i am vegan
    12. i have clastrophobia
    13. i have a birthmark near my vagina
    14. i have quite a few piercings

      my right ear

      my belly button
  18. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    At least fanny only means your arse over there.In England you'd hate that name even more.
  19. Dimples

    Dimples New Member

    YEAH i hear you crazy english say fanny is a hoo hoo!
  20. mia

    mia New Member

    Thats the one :roll:

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