Well, this afternoon the family and I decide to go out and do a few things. While out, I decide we should stop into Bestbuy, I wanted to see if the had any copies of Brawl left. To my suprise there is like 30 copies, so I grab one and check out. We get home about an hour later and I slip the disc in........unable to read disc??? Ok, I go to the menu and get the latest update reset the Wii and.......same as before. I throw another game in and it fires right up. I take it back to Bestbuy and exchange it. Now on my way back to customer service an employee stops and tells me some Wiis are having a problem running it. Come to find out it is a dual layer disc and dirty lensed Wiis might not be able to read it. My Wii is a year old and my house is dusty, we dust but it comes back quick, so I must be in that category. Sure enough new copy won't play. Nintendo already has its support hotline and website updated with info. Looks like my Wii gets a plane ride to Washington for a free cleaning and possible repairs, and shipping is free as well. Good news is they are expiditing all brawl issues so they estimate 7 business days. I already have recieved a shipping label online and plan to ship it tomorrow morning. So I am not too mad, my Wii has thrown this error on a few games at random times, but it would always play it later. Oh well.
If it makes you feel better, the game is like two mega phonzies strapped together with awesome snakes hurled at a star powered by incredible
bought the game today... will post more later... Toys R us had a special, buy that game and they'll sell another (selected) game for half price. I used my $25 gift card from when I bought Mario Galaxy and ended up coming home with Brawl and the Mario/Sonic olympic game for $50 total.
Sonic/mario Olympics sucks ass, same with no more hero's. Seems all games on the Wii are mini games. I am getting Wii fit as part of my post Op regimen. Other than that, the Wii is useless. I am waiting for my Wii key to get here.
Yeah, no more hereos is a great game. Nintendo is on the ball as always, my Wii is heading home right now and should be delivered on Monday, exactly 7 days and that wasn't even 7 business days either.