What the fuck was that all about?? That was, without a doubt, one of the dumbest two or three posts I have ever read on this board (and I have read some dumb ones). "I will be watching." I'm not sure if thats supposed to be percieved as a threat of some sort or what the fuck. For someone that dosn't care he/she sure read a lot of old fucking posts. God damn pillow biter Sprokitz... Keep watching then ya fucking posh boy.
If you are too stupid to figure it out...*sigh* I'm not gonna re-post 8 paragraphs worth of crap, just go and shove your head back up your ass where it belongs please.
Maybe, just maybe, if you grew a brain, and figured out that you can EDIT a quote(by left clicking and dragging the curser(that little arrow thingee) that you can highlight certain parts of those 8 paragraphs, and selectively DELETE them(once it highlights, simply hit your "DELETE" key)...thus preserving exactly what you are refering to, without the hassle of making stoned people hunt around for a 5 month old message YOU are refering to. If you can't stay current, at least be decent enough to quote.
listen pothead, i am already going thru enough trouble explaining to you that i am not going to do that for your stoned benefit, next time you pull your head out of your ass for some air try and posting on a forum that gives a rats ass about your opinion ok, or at least post something that someone ( im not sure who on here) gives a shit about instead of trying to piss me off when all i was doing was agreeing with some of MY FRIENDS on a post that is less than a week old, christ get a fucking clue or better yet why dont you keep posting a bunch of shit no one cares about
I would just leave him to it Schmed. Skitz needs to believe he is *the best* at everything, so the line about Sprokit outwhining him has him immediately going out of his way to prove himself to be the whiniest, bitch on the forum.
yea normally I would'nt let a douchebag get under my skin so much but I was already having a bad night (the ex asaian problem) so I vented on a retard, speaking of retards I'm glad to see sprokits is still WATCHING...
How could I ever leave my little Jerry Springer forums so quickly, especially after only posting so few times. You fags crack me up! Get mad. I love it!
Hmm. Yes, Dick Emery is slightly obscure for the under 30's / American conringent of the forum. Anyway, where's Stalket? It's at times like these when the forums are completely dead that you actually appreciate any useless shit that happens to stumble in. :roll:
Ok folks! The big day is here, and so the time has come to announce the winner! It's been a long, tricky job, but i think you'll agree, the winning shitpiece seems as fresh today as it was when it was originally posted... Congratulations Spooky Action! Your prize is a 'Swedish style milk-rub' and warm, filthy asshole kindly provided by Lucy Harper... Thanks Lucy! This competition is now closed.