I'd say "yes." I got gum in my hair, then cut the hair out with my grandfather's razor. I then wiped my thumb across it to remove the hair. That didn't require stitches, just a few band-aids.
My father was a Professor at university, and I was with him at work when I was about 9 years old, and I thought it would be cool to take a scalpel to all the lecture room seats. He threatened to lock me in a cupboard after he found them.
i REMEMBER TAKING A SHIT ON THE TRAIN LINES WHEN I WAS ABOUT 11-12 TOO JUST TO SEE WHAT WOULD HAPPEN,WHAT HAPPENED WAS THE TRAIN drove over it and it hit me straight in the face,i seem to have a thing about trains when i was a kid.
When I was around 10 or so an older girl in my neighborhood had me convinced that the crazy cat lady on our block was a witch. And the only way to destroy her was to break this big ass rock in her front yard, I spent a good day or so trying to break that rock....