Hmm, well that sounds intresting, but neuroscience not being my strong point, i'll need you to explain to me exactly how you came to that conclusion, what it means and why it isn't a good thing? I must warn you though, that after your last few failed attempts to cyber-diagnose and summarise my psychological profile, i'll be keeping a large pinch of salt handy, Doctor...i mean councillor Barry. :wink: Who knows, I might even agree with you, but interpret the significance differently. Maybe your view reflects a standard scientific classification - of 'mental illness' - the very thing which represents the most revolutionary and pioneering forefront of scientific thought today... non-linear 'three-dimensional' thinking. :? Yeah, well...y' doesn't take me much. I even got a small burst of seratonin when i noticed how well a meditating Buddha fitted into that diagram i did up there, not only visually, but in demonstrating the same principles....far out, huh!?!! What is...'tired'? *Emits heavenly aroma from Seat of Being*
*Squelch* !?!...what the hell was that!!?! UUUUURGH!!! OH GODDD!!! BARRYYYY!!!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING DOWN THERE!?!! *hops off to scrape mess off shoe* :x
get in the queue barry :twisted: .... and she does not have thunder thighs :shock: ... they are slim and sexy.. and awaiting chichi's arrival in a few hours....
I rattled this out earlier before going to hospital to see a specialist about my broken little finger which the doctors there had given me conflicting advice about, and as a result it is now irreparabley fucked. I was offered amputation as one of my options. Hooray for the post-Thatcher NHS! Here it is in its raw, unchecked state... 'The eye is the lamp of the body. So if your eye is sound, your whole body will be full of light; but if your eye is not sound, your whole body will be full of darkness.' (Mathew 6:22,23)(Jesus) If i were to choose one sentence to sum up my whole philosophy, I should say: allow no evil in your thoughts. (Confucius) Has it ever occurred to you that being the culmination of many thousands of years of generations...that when you look in the mirror, you are looking not just at yourself, but the self of millions of others of which you are the end result. That if just one out of the millions that went into producing you were someone else, you would not be you. That the point in space and time where the beings of all these millions of others who went before you converge is you. That the precise thoughts and actions of individuals who lived even 10 000 years ago are responsible for producing you. That each sexual coupling that resulted in an ancestor of yours is sexual energy that you embody. That the intent that stemmed from each of your ancestors beings that directed them to the exact point where they produced another step on the way to you is part of the sum total that is you. That you, at this exact moment are the culmination of every one of your thoughts, feelings and actions that preceded this moment. And everyone that went into making you at the exact moment of conception of each of their children. Everything around us is connected to everything that went before. So really we are the past, present and future rolled into one, as is everything around us. The very beginning set into motion the process that brought us to this point right here. The point right now where i am writing this. Or you are reading this. And as you read this, you are being affected by me. And all that has gone into creating me. You will never be quite the same again. You have been changed by this, and whatever you do next will be slightly different to if you hadn't done this and done something else instead. All my sum life experiences which brought me to this point, to think these exact thoughts is what is altering you. All my ancestors right back to the dawn of time are the sum total that is represented by me, and all that is affecting you right here and now at the exact point where the information i am conveying to you enters your consciousness and creates a response in the way you feel, which will affect what you think and do and also set into motion. Every colour, taste, shape and smell alters you intrinsically. And you go on to affect evrything else. It's All happening right Here. Wherever Here happens to Be at any given moment in time. Everything is affecting everything. We are even affected by gravitational pulls from planets and galaxies billions of light years away. The light of some stars you see have been travelling for thousands...millions...billions... of years before reaching your retina where it alters your exact experience. Some of the light comes from stars which no longer exist, yet their energy continues to change the universe. A spark of electricity that generates a / is generated by ...thought will forever alter the universe. And the exact thought itself is the product of what you (entirely) are. at any given moment. Great or small, solar system or atom, each is equally important in shaping the entire universe. Each has its role which fulfills in its entirety. Size is relative. This whole universe might be one atom in a far more vast universe which itself is only an atom in one far greater still. An atom in our universe might contain a whole universe. The seed of an enormous tree contains as much genetic information as the whole tree. Each is equally important to the life force of the tree in enabling its presence to manifest. Each moment is as important to the whole as all time itself. Each one of us is as important to all of humanity as all humanity is to each of us. Each of us expresses an aspect of the human race that defines the human race. We all have at source the same life force (pure, brilliant white light). We are all a unique expression of that light as it manifests in the physical realm. Each one of us is a different facet of the same thing. When i see a person i've never seen before, that person will create a reflection in me of myself reflected in a different way. I will have experienced an aspect of humanity in myself that i would never have before having encountered that person or seen that face....which itself is a result of the sum total of all their dna and life experience. Each one of is is also a reflection of conditions in the universe at any given moment or place. It's All energy including ourselves. Our physical bodies are energy vibrating at a dense rate. Our thoughts, spirits, souls are energy at high frequency of vibration. The spark of life enters dark matter and animated life begins. A thought is light or energy or electricity entering the uncharted dark matter of the brain. "From wonder into wonder opens wonder". Is anyone still reading this?
...should have read 'From wonder into wonder existence opens'. And there are a couple of bits i would have changed if i had been in a better mood than i was when i got home yesterday. :roll: Here is another way of interpreting the same thing i have already talked about in this thread, this time from a Hindu perspective. It is worth reading the whole thing, but i'll post some of it here.
I was just curious how the above statement can peacefully coexist with a pro-choice position. :shock: Barry
Trust Barry to snuffle the smelly truffle out. When i said there were bits that i would have changed... ...was the bit i primarily had in mind. Anyway, as far as the question of abortion is concerned, here is my view, though i had greater difficulty articulating it than the subjects i'm more prone to discussing, so bear that in mind when you read it... Firstly, i think life is sacred. And that abortion is the killing of a human, at whatever stage. However, the way i see it isn't simple black and you might have guessed. Using an analogy is necessary here, the 'fruit of thy womb' will do. The 'fruit' (baby) fully ripens and then emerges from the womb, equivalent to the point when an actual piece of fruit is ready for eating. The point where the fruit becomes good enough to eat is the point where the child becomes a full its own right. But just as a fruit can be eaten before it is fully ripe, a baby born a bit prematurely with no artificial life support at all still has a good chance of survival, but the further back in gestation, greener the fruit, the less it falls into the category of 'viable in its own right'. This doesn't mean i think nothing of aborting 'non-viable-in-own-right' babies, i'm just trying to demonstrate the difference between killing an embryo and a fully gestated child. The difference between crushing a hard, green, sour developing fruit and crushing a perfectly ripened, juicy sweet peach. Neither are good, but the latter is a greater sin. The goodness / humanness being destroyed is at its pinnacle...ready to eat. I think the choice should be left to the mother, who will have to live with the consequences...whatever her choice...for ever. Don't underestimate that. Who would get an abortion lightly? To me, the idea would be a horrifying nightmare...though there are some who view the whole thing comparitively lightly. A child born of a mother so psychologically twisted or numb is probably going to have a bleak upbringing anyway, and a high chance of turning out the same. Just to point out that nothing is simple black / white. We are living in a very troubled world, and trying to force onto people the sort of circumstances you would expect from a Utopia just isn't going to work. Until the fundamental causes of suffering in the world are properly addressed and eradicated, you cannot have such severe attitudes towards those who cannot cope. In an ideal world, no one would want an abortion in the first place. It's not as if it enhances the life experience in any way. In an ideal world, no one would want to be a desperate heroin addict either, but life's problems can be overwhelming. I don't think embryos/foetuses should be scientifically experimented on, though. That's cold. And unforgiveable.
I believe that this may be the first rational thing you have wriiten. (At least that I have read) Back on your meds are ya? I hope you have a good week. We in the US are enjoying a day off in observance of Martin Luther King day. What a Country! Barry Barry
This coming from the guy who responds to political questions with quotes from the bible. Nope. Thankfully, I'm not a fellow inmate of the chemical asylum you are so fond of advertising the merits of. Feeling nice and secure in that straightjacket?