I dont't know , it's my bowels or love, either way I don't like it, but Im hopeing a good sit on the pot and 500 mgs of vikadin will help clear this up, or at least help me ignore it.
Actually I'm just going to huddle with the best homemade pillow in the universe and cry myself to sleep so I am well rested for work so I can afford a place to cry myself to sleep...so I'm well rested for work...
*digs up old Wonder Woman underoos, puts them on and makes foil wrist bands and headband where the fuck are my red boots?
oh my god rat stop it this pain is getting worse everytime you post something, wonder woman underoos, mmmmmmmmm. id dig my spidey ones out (which i do have) but i dont think my skinny ass would look any good in them anyways, and they hurt a bit when i wear em...
its a site called br-awl h-all, they are straight up faggots, the ey postr shit to fill up a server to much , do a search youll see, they are homos and what not