SPECIAL ALERT! NBC to mock the Crucifixion of Christ

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by TheGrimJesus, Feb 2, 2006.

  1. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Hey Dio
    yeah, but he has a point that there has to be an unmoved mover somewhere. We'll never be able to completely rule out religion. If you have some time research something called Godel's Theorom. It states that any equation which refers to itself will have at least one unprovable premise. Therefore there can never be a complete Unified Field Theory, and we can never truly understand everything about the universe. Take that.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

    I have read "Goedel , Escher, Bach" that is an attempt at describing that in laymans terms. ( I am no math-head )

    I allso believe in such a sum of entity. G-d or such. That does not neccestitate an unmoved mover though. ( Thats old greek by the way ).

    An expanding universe gives new subroutines to this equation of ours
    ( F.ex ). As does evolution on a planetary scale. I do not agree that a unified field theory needs a total set of subroutines to work. It only needs to explain what rules an unknown subroutine abides by.
  2. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    That may or may not be true, I don't know enough to deny it, all I'm saying is that for all we know what we'll find beyond the last theorom is an angry god waiting to punish us for our indiscretions. though I don't believe that.
  3. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    True enough, but it is a bad preconception for a scientific aproach.

    You introduce the added factor to G-d that he/she/it is angry and mad and punishes like a father that lost his job and hormonal ballance a long time ago, and that might have been abused as a child. ( During the creation of the known universe ) ?!?
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Xerx said
    So Xerx you’re looking to deep into this one. I went to high school back in the eighties and as I remember the best thing they could come up with was that there was nothing but space, From within this space gases formed (where the fuck did this gas come from?) then there was an explosion water and carbon molecules blah blah blah. .... The first organisms were single celled blah blah blah... It struck me as all so freaking ridiculous that they would actually teach bullshit like this. Certainly 80 percent of the students were sitting there thinking, "what an absolute crock of shit they served us today for our intellectual enlightenment".

    Simply tell me Xerx : Which came first? Was it the chicken -or- the egg?
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You sure can Barry. It takes a centrist point of view to give me some confirmation that at least something I said made since.
  6. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    I'm just saying that I don't think religion will ever go away. I'm an ambivalent atheist. I don't know, and I don't care if g-d exists. I don't know he/she/them, and it doesn't involve itself in my life, so I don't care.
  7. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Hi Joe.

    There were forms of life predating the bacteriae abundant now. Scientists have a hard time deciding where "life" starts and non-organic chemical reactions stop. Thats the answer to your question.

    Simply tell me Xerx : Which came first? Was it the chicken -or- the egg?
    Thats a non-question. Like this one.
    So who are the good guys ?
    Is it the Republican party or is it the Democratic party?
    Evolution does not start with an egglayer. Not all eggs have shells. At what time does the egg leave the womb. etc.

    If its matter vs energy then E>instein has answered it thusly. They are equal. In the chicken lies the potential egg and in the egg the potentiel chicken. He further makes it clear that time itself is relative and there can be no "before" that clear this up. The chicken and the egg exists side by side. Both as ideas ( as here ), and as matter-energy ( nature ).
  8. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    You just went way beyond Einstein, that was like quantum physics version of Plato's ideal reality.
  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You’re making my point Xerx it’s where you end up having to go to come up with these theories.

    Just let go and admit some one created it all. That’s my position. No need to get militant about it it’s just an opinion. :D
  10. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    XerxesX hasn't ruled out god anymore than your statement ruled out Einsteins theory of relativity.
  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You got me there Dio... but I don't want to rule out the other theory just demonstrate the folly it is for mankind to over theorize the beginning of time. It’s something that they never seem in my opinion to get any closer to explaining. The theories just seem to get wackier as we go. While Xerx did not rule out Creationism. It just seem like such a more logical approach to me. The idea of conversing about anything else seems ... silly. I considered the idea years ago and have given up one ideas of evolution and have not looked back.
  12. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    No problem with that. I abstain from judgement, I don't really like either sides argument as it currently stands. In addition, it doesn't really matter to me whether I was formed from dirt or I evolved from a monkey. The amazing thing is that I'm here at all. That's all I worry about.

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