I think everyone should put up a real picture of themselves as their icon or whatever it's called. Here, I'll go first. Grim, I think that if there is a bigger kid picking on you then you should tell your teacher. Or.. wait. Yours would be called what, a Care Giver? Who takes care of you during the day? If that doesn't work, I think you should tell your adversary about these forums. Then you and he can battle it out in here verbally. Mano a mano. That would be fucking awesome.
Ummmm Jeffy my little friends it was like 12 years ago, I'm over it. I was trying to give dingle dick some advice. Niggers and yes I said niggers still have that tribal mentality. Its not there fault in the least. I did a paper about it in school got an A on it also The teacher who gave me the A was also black. Without getting too deep into a social neo political debate with you I will give you the cliff notes because that's about all you can handle. Basically I compared Black tribes that live in Africa who still battle over land and shit that does not matter to us the same they did in the 1800's. Before we came over and bought blacks as slaves from the clans that had defeated others the same way it is done till this day. So the blacks that came here where forced into our way of life and there social growth was forced as blacks in Africa have not advanced that much from Cave man mentality. So blacks and the way they live in the hood or ghetto is much how they would live in Africa because they are behind in the social growth that is needed to be on the same level as us. That is why Blacks like the one Dingle is dealing with basically only understands pissing on a tree and saying it is his now. Sometime to survive as a race you have to piss back when that is all the other understands.
yeah it has nothing to do with famine, ruined economies, disease, profiteering western companies, and my persional favourite..... political struggles i'm sure it's none of that stuff tho... must be the tribal mentality.... voodoo dances and such......... can i ask you one question? how many actual africans do you know? that have come streight form africa? i can tell you they are NOTHING like the blacks in american ghettos
Yeah they are nothing like the blacks in the ghetto, Nope not at all. They do not fight each other over land or turf they do not own. Nope they sure don't. Face facts. Black in Africa where spear chucking living like Indians and cavemen when we the white man found them. We had over 800 years of culture and social structure on them at the time. We enslaved them thrust them into our culture and swallowed them like most things. Then we set them free and wonder why after 100 years they act the way they do. Its is very simple why they are still developing as a race. I mean look at the blacks here and over there. They may look and act different in some ways but the basic instinct is still there. That is why we have the gangs the turf wars and all that shit. That is why blacks are more aggressive then whites. I mean come the fuck on its not a raciest thing its simple fucking fact if you take off the rose colored glasses. By all means the blacks in America have come along way but Socially and mentally they are not that far removed from there African roots. Are they better off today if they would have never been enslaved and brought here in my humble opinion yes.
thats all your little rant is..... opinion.... and like an asshole everyone has one..... an opinion which you have aquired in your vast worldly experiance and deep insight into human nature that you have aquired through a variety of form such as traveling and hours spent on tireless study i'm not even going to quote anythign you said as that would be cruel..... but i will let you know that white people are just as territorial, just as savage, and are caipable of as much ignorence as the lowliest bushman.... live through a war, visit an eastern european country, read a history book about any period..... as far as them being savages while we were kings..... are you an idiot? do you know where the worlds earlyest civilizations originated from? the first written texts? no? please stop trying to sound like whawt you have to sayt on the subject is anything other than a stereotypical rambling
France is always preaching peace and never want to attack anyone and surrender at the drop of a hat if anyone looks at them funny.
Ahhhh.... But didn't they save our asses and help us (and by help I mean they are the only reason we ever) become a country?? How quickly we forget..... And didn't you surrender to smiles by stopping the fight right as he made a huge and factual point??
And wait, is preaching peace and not wanting war a bad thing?? I'm not sure I follow this line of thinking, let's try calling smiles something different. How about... Whatever you say you worthless little shit stain smiles.* *Disclaimer-I don't think that smiles is worthless nor little or even a shit stain. I'm not saying that it isn't possible, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.