Stop being a small minded media sheep Grim come up with something on your own for a change. Kerry is pompous ass, an elitist who thinks he is in a class above the military. His comment pointed that out. He then tried to cover saying he was talking about Bush. Two facts contradict that 1. It is the troops for the most part that have not gone to college. 2. Bush did go to College Kerry saw the backlash of his accidental showing of his TRUE feelings. I also feel it’s important to point out that Kerry himself was a marginal student making four d's his freshman year. Apparently this news revelation gives you the opinion that you have the need to go on some anti-Bush warpath and attack the messenger. Your an idiot Grim read your words seems like you are speaking to yourself.
Me the Media sheep? I'm not the one who comes here and posts every random right wing story I find. I speak my mind on the issues in my own words. You just copy and paste propaganda.
Wow and coincidentally exactly in tune with mainstream media’s popular en vogue opinion of the day. Katie Kuric raises the ire of suspicion then SNL actually makes a joke about it. Two step process then its like epoxy permanently established in Grimm’s peanut size brain. I ask him to elaborate.... no can do. Katie Kuric never did elaborate on details and neither did the SNL skit.
Which is nice I don't watch SNL & I sure as hell don't watch Katie. Your a typical republican thou I give you that. You make assumptions about people and things you don't know shit about.
Grim you can take Katie and SNL and look at them as examples. I do not know the specifics of where you get your information. But it is obvious its your style. You know nothing of substance on any one given issue. I have rarely seen you stand for anything that was not simply "lick finger stick in air find the direction of the winds of popular opinion." You demonstraight it here and now. You would be more credible to say "I f e e l like it s e e m s as if the impresion I get is that John Kerry is honestly saying he made a mistake and botched a joke. Because I f e e l as if I have no r e a s o n not to bel lieve him. At which point I take the opertunity to point out and demonstraight the fact that he has a history of these type of remarks and further go on to point out that his version of what he ment simply does not stand up to reason. By compairing his collage history as well as George Bushes to the basic military personel. Then you say ..... "Aw I see what you mean Joe you are right that is true gee you must have taken more than just a surface look at the issue. I'll have to remember that next time" You could try this and gain some credibility on the issue.
I could also sit here all day and copy & paste shit Bush fucked up in his speeches and watch you double talk your way around it. How it's OK for Bush to make a mistake because of blah blah........ Your problem is your narrow minded and only see things one way you have no bend. I feel sorry for you. Also him fucking up a joke is the least important bullshit going on in this country right now. How about the Gay Republican Child molester. Or the Evangelist who is talking to the White House every week & his Drug fueled Gay Sex. I mean really in the grand scheme of thing is Kerry fucking up a joke that big a deal. Also if you get your news from a Credible Source which not one link you have posted is. Mostly some assholes blog. You would know they showed the transcript of the speech and you can see where Kerry made the error. Again no big deal. So STFU already.
So with the overwhelming evidence before you still you say that he flubbed a joke. When he talked about the problems with not going to college he was not talking about the military that did not goto college he was instead talking about Bush who DID GO TO COLLEGE. I thought I maybe could talk about showing you some examples but then would it not be better to just simply show you some instead of talking about it. :roll:
Joe I know Bush went to college. I never disputed that. I never said it was a good joke or a relevant joke. I have just said he did not mean it like the Media spinned it. I can careless about Kerry he committed Political Suicide with the joke and what happened. Any hope he had in 08 is done. Regardless the joke wasn't aimed at the troops. It was aimed at Bush. Even if there was any truth in the joke or not. Truth & Politics don't go together you know that.
Yeah...such as 'Iraq was better off under Saddam Hussein'? It takes guts to speak your mind where such 'politically incorrect' facts are concerned.
A known and documented liar says he was not talking about what he said he was talking about, had a history of saying. And you blindly take him at faith that he really meant something else. And you call yourself independent minded?
No I read the transcript of the speech. He fucked it up. Bush is just as much of a proven liar as Kerry.
The only way he fucked up the joke is to say a shitty ass joke. He defiantly claims that what he said is not what he meant but that does not make it so.