Screw that kid, you'd just be ruining the valuable life experience and reinforcing some pretty bad 'get my way' behavior.
Considering that it is deaf, name it the same thing Hellen Keller named her dog: "GNNNNNAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHAAHGGFFF!!!!!" (I would name it that just to see the look on the vet's face when she prints the paperwork out...)
Name her. She needs a name. Keep her. She needs a home. Cats are fun. They are fun to play with. They do flips and get high on catnip. Buy her one of these: If still had your address, I would mail it to you. Fun for hours and she may stay away from your stuff. Give her weird shit to play with like the tops off of milk jugs. They can entertain themselves with just about anything. Get fucked up and play with her but not too rough. If my dogs weren't freaks, I'd have a cat or two.
Ulfur! You're alive! After smelling some of this kitten's horrendous gas, and taking into account that she's white and blue-eyed, I couldn't help but think of you... Thought about naming her Ava, but I don't think anyone would get it... After much debate, I've narrowed it down to a potential name: Daisy. Two reasons: She's white, and so are daisies. In the first Mario game for the Gameboy, Mario sought to rescue princess Daisy, instead of princess Peach. Kinda keeps things in line with my video game fetish. Fuck it, it's still up for grabs, if anyone comes up with a better name... Not like the cat's going to develop a complex after I switch her name or anything... : Oh, and Nauseous: I'm still a bit offended that you haven't used my testicles as your avatar yet... :-[
Yes, my friend, I am still alive and fighting. I am trying to make it on more often. (My free time is still really random, though....)
Just call it pussy. Then you can go around and ask people if they have seen your pussy. Or you can say, "My pussy is always scratchy" Or, "My pussy smells funny"