Oh shit!!! LOLOLOL...I laughed so fuckin hard I fell off my chair!!!! http://www.fugly.com/ornot/fugly/images/upload/ani_laugh.gif http://www.fugly.com/ornot/fugly/images/upload/ani_laugh.gif
I want you to know I find it highly amusing, that you have enough time on your hands to make that... As well as the fact that you CARED enough to make that... It must suck like a motherfucker to have no life. :lol:
Yeah, and one of Deebo chasing the fucking heineken truck because he somehow thinks that drinking some mass produced shitty beer makes him sophisticated and hard. When in actual fact he looks like some stray dog with a chubby chasing a rats piss van.
yeah! call me nigger some more! cos that really winds me up! :roll: ok, cmon, get out all your insults....... nigger.....coon........your mom sucks me off.........oh shit....i heard em all..... oh well. Back to that 'lame ass insults generator' you are so fond off.
As did a number of others :lol: This, from a guy who waters plants for a living. Heh. :roll: I can just see Kaptain's heaviest intellectual challenge at work: "...Now, do I water the pot before or after I put the seeds in? Ummm, err-r-r....oh yeah, after, that's right.....Jeez, I gotta start writing this stuff down!" So how's that book deal coming, Kap'n? Any takers yet?