scared, crying in a cave dies from complications of fear

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Sep 23, 2006.

  1. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    Oh, we're back to "proving" that point are we? I thought we'd moved onto how the world unanimously agreed that Iraq had WMDs. (All I've seen so far is some spurious claims on a crazy right-wing website.)
  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Yeah you're right Joe. It wasn't a lie - it was a joke.
  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Chester please I mean really UNMOVIC, UNSCOM, IAEA, as well as UN official documents were not disputed and these were official documents of the U.N. inspectors.

    Nursey you prove me point Bush went to the people and informed them that Intelligence reports indicate Iraq still has weapons. Just because there are so many unreasonable press persons out there. Does not mean that our discussion was to resort to this foolishness.

    I produced tons of evidence that Bush was not lying about intelligence reports. Read what I provided then I do not see how it can be possible that you can still make this claim.

    Do you was to see the opposition party claims that Iraq was a risk. There out there......buried but out there nonetheless. Dems were trying to set the stage for an Iraqi invasion during the impeachment period of Clinton but pulled back after "Wag the Dog" came out.
  4. smiles

    smiles New Member


    no no no no nursey what he's saying IS that newsweek KNEW that pimp.... and his fellow liberal-terrorists.... would find out about the 3 other versions of the cover page and would thus make it seem like the american media were biased towards something they weren;t biased to, INFACT they are biased to the opposite of the bias they tried to portray, so their real bias isn’t their portrayed bias but it's a hidden bias.... it's so simple why can’t you people see it?!?!??!?!..... god nursey sometimes you just sound CRAZY
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    No Smiles its that they never knew that people would look at the front covers on their websight and put three and one together. :roll:

    As for Media Bias. Reciently some Democratic hack put two sentences into an intel report likely a friend of Vallery Plame or Joe Wilson. Then information was leaked to the press.

    Christian Science Monitor

    Based on information from US government officials who had seen the document and spoke on condition of anyonymity, The New York Times reports that the NIE document, titled "Trends in Global Terrorism: Implications for the United States," says the war plays a much more direct role in the spread of Islamic radicalism around the world than has previously been indicated by the White House, or in a recent report by the US House intelligence committee.

    The intelligence estimate, completed in April, is the first formal appraisal of global terrorism by US intelligence agencies since the March 2003 invasion of Iraq, and it represents a consensus view of the 16 different spy services inside government. The estimate asserts that Islamic radicalism, rather than being in retreat, has metastasized and spread around the globe.

    An opening section of the report, "Indicators of the Spread of the Global Jihadist Movement," cites the Iraq war as a reason for the diffusion of jihad ideology. The report "says that the Iraq war has made the overall terrorism problem worse," one US intelligence official said.

    The Los Angeles Times reports that the 30-page report presents "an array of disturbing trends in the war on terrorism." The report focuses primarily on the forces that are changing the structure of the Islamic terrorist movement, as it evolves from a highly centralized organization to a much more fragmented ideological movement.

    "It paints a fairly stark picture of what we all know, and that this is a movement that is spreading and gaining momentum around the world," said the official familiar with the document. "Things like the Iraq war have given the terrorists recruiting tools and places to ply their trade and a training ground." The official said the estimate touches on a number of factors fueling the jihadist movement, but that "the reference to Iraq was the main one."

    A US intelligence official who has seen the document said that many of the report's findings were outlined in a speech in San Antonio in April by Gen. Michael V. Hayden, the former principal deputy director of national intelligence. Hayden has since become director of the CIA. Hayden did not single out the Iraq war in the speech as a particularly powerful force shaping terrorist networks. But he did acknowledge "the centrality of Iraq" and said the conflict there and how it is portrayed in Islamic media continue to cultivate support for the global jihadist movement.

    The Guardian reports that the NIE document "contradicts" recent optimistic assessments from the Bush administration. It also "furthers the divisions between the military and politicians in their assessment of the impact of US policy in Iraq."

    But The New York Times reports that some Democratic and Republican politicians felt the report was another indication of an already bad situation in Iraq. Democratic Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts said it showed that the Bush administration policy in Iraq was acting as a "recruiting poster" for terrorists. Republican Sen. Arlen Spectre of Pennsylvania said on CNN that "the war in Iraq has intensified Islamic fundamentalism and radicalism," although he added "that's a problem that nobody seems to have an answer to."

    In a related story, CBSNews reports that Al Qaeda has scaled down its leadership structure in Afghanistan, and is preparing to shift its main decisionmaking component to somewhere else in the Middle East, probably Iraq.

    [An Arab diplomat in Pakistan] said there were reports recently of al Qaeda ordering its Arab members who remained in the Pakistan-Afghan border region to move to the Middle East, after the group's leaders concluded that their followers in local militant groups around the region were capable of carrying on al Qaeda's work. "This decision was meant to close the Al Qaeda Arab chapter in this part of the world. But Al Qaeda remains in the shape of local non-Arab militants who would carry on its work" he added. A Saudi security advisor told CBS News that the exodus of Arab Al Qaeda members, mostly originating from the Gulf countries, including Saudi Arabia, began in mid to late July, and continued throughout August. Saudi intelligence has not yet determined why this exodus has taken place, says the advisor.

    Another Arab diplomat said he had seen reports just in the past fortnight of Arab fighters moving from the Pak-Afghan region, either using the land route via Iran or one of the central Asian countries, with some trying to pass through Pakistan.

    "The destination of these people is back to the Middle East. Iraq we know is right now the biggest battleground for such people and I have heard enough on the subject of Iraq working as a magnet for militant groups to go along with the view that some may be heading to Iraq," said the diplomat who also spoke on the condition of anonymity.

    Pakistani officials said the reports of Al Qaeda movement might be connected with recent reports of the death of Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden from an illness, or they could just be an indication of the continuing decentralization of the terrorist movement.[/quote]

    Of course there were hundreds more. And what did they "leak" out of the report to come to that conclusion?

    The Iraq conflict has become the cause celebre for jihadists, breeding a deep resentment of US involvement in the Muslim world and cultivating supporters for the global jihadist movement. Should jihadists leaving Iraq perceive themselves, and be perceived, to have failed, we judge fewer fighters will be inspired to carry on the fight.

    These two sentences. It is obvious the media does not report news it spins news for the Democratic Party.[/quote]
  6. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    So smiles, is it just that ~Al Newsweeka~ is extremely jealous of America's freedoms, such as the freedom to print fake media bias in favour of the U.S. government, while indulging every other country on the planet's irrational, unwarranted hatred of the U.S. with vicious lies and slander designed to mock the glorious, indisputable victories America has suffered, even going so far as to undermine their own credibility in order to bring down the U.S. with their blatant fake bias, not too dissimilar to a suicide bomber bringing the country to its knees with a set of boxcutters!? :eek:
  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Go ahead stick to the talking points dispersed by Soros. Your idiot theory has been soundly put down. Maybe if you keep repeating it though.
  8. smiles

    smiles New Member

    joe let's try it this way... you tell me what all of the events following 9/11 have done to make the world a better place or america a safer place to live. what victories have you won? and what purpose have said victories served......
  9. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    Too easy, smiles. Joe will just bang on about HOW MUCH WORSE it would have been if the cavalry hadn't stormed in.
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Actually Chester it is easier than that. In the five years after 911 how many times has American soil been under attack?
  11. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    Mmmm. Good point.

    By the way, how many times was it under attack in the 50 years BEFORE 9/11?
  12. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You make another very good point so go ahead and answer your own question how many times?
  13. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    The U.S. is bringing the fight to the terrorists. Democrats however are hoping for some carnage here at the states they think it will give them an election advantage if it happens before November elections. They are working with the terrorist on some type of arrangement the terrorists are all for it cause they know they get amnesty and freedom to run their operations if the Dems get control. So it's all out for the next month or so. It makes it hard to operate cause the Dems on the intelligence committee are scouring over top secrete documents for something they can leak to help the terrorists out.
  15. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    This Democrat-terrorist conspiracy theory of yours is completely insane.

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