Scalar elctromagnetics / HAARP

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Nursey, Dec 29, 2004.

  1. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    it has come to my attention that i have given the impression that i would in fact accept a proposition from your wife if she had not been at the time fornicating with fido... i must apologise for this barry because it is not the case... sorry for any offense caused :oops:
  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    As usual, Barry can't resist twisting things. What i actually said was that as Pimp and i grind our way towards simultaneous orgasm, my mind is flooded with a torrent of images... of electric chairs, large cattle prods, straightjackets and state penitentiaries... but the bit which always tips me over the edge...Barrehhh :eek: leaping out from between my ass cheeks, screaming at me at the top of his lungs (with his mouth gaping wide open bearing lots of sharp, pointy little teeth) while shutting a prison cell gate on me. I usually have such a sharp, firey orgasm that i dementedly spring about on the bed with my back fully arched for a minute or so until a small seizure brings me twitching ecstatically back down to earth again. No big deal.
  3. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Are you deliberately attempting to confuse things here? You quoted me responding to your comments about the first article i posted a couple of days ago in this series of exchanges, not the one about Harry Mason which came from a different source and was only posted today. I'd hardly be quoting comments of yours on an article which at that point you hadn't yet seen.

    As did i, but the article drew its information from a variety of sources, including geologists and commercial fishermen. But why bother with a small detail like that, eh?

    I only quoted that story as an example of UFO sightings being associated with possible scalar electromagnetics. If that source lacks credibility in your eyes, i'll find another.

    As for the rest of your post...i'm not going to waste my time going through each individual point. After all, i already said that this is not intended as proof of any sort and that it should be taken 'for what it's worth'. If you didn't have such a knee-jerk reaction to anything that doesn't fit your preordained opinions on things then we'd actually be able to discuss the information i post in a constructive, thought provoking way. But then again, that would get pretty bloody boring eventually.
  4. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Actually, i'll post as far as i'd got before deciding to ditch it. I got sick of clarifying then reclarifying everything because of Barry's inability to control his prejudices.

    (subjective) - maybe, maybe not.
    (subjective) - ditto
    ("seems" is very subjective. Seems by whom? By illiterate and superstitious people, that is who.) - arrogant, presumptuous
    (ships can't report anything. The captain of the ship might. "strange signals" is subjective. "Jammed radios" is probably due to the huge amount of radio traffic in the area due to rescue efforts and loss of land based communications. Proves nothing.) - possibley. But nobody said it proved anything.
    (who are these experts? This is ridiculous) - obviously only the 'staff reporter' can answer that. But i'm pretty sure it won't be some illiterate, superstitious witch doctor that's being referred to.
    (no it is not. It is only strange if you choose to want it to be.) - how do you know? Are you also an expert in the field of geology, have you also been closely tracking and logging the events? It is only not strange if you choose you don't want it to be with no first hand knowledge if you are arrogantly dismissing it straightout.
    (How normal is the third largest earthquake in the past 100 years? This earthquake behaves exactly like all other major quakes) - well apparently not to the experts!
    (No surprise here. Aftershocks are random events and have never been know to follow patterens) - really? I look forward to seeing some evidence to back that up. Can you provide any?
    (superstition.) - arrogance
    (duh, there usually is no pattern) - evidence please
    (does this really need a comment?) - well i'm sure it'll all become clear why that is so irrelevant once you've provided us with the information i requested to back up your claims.
    (a sailor -subjective as it gets. And how does the Bermuda triangle look?) - subjective, perhaps, but worth a mention all the same. I remember years ago reading that the area known as the Bermuda triangle has an unusual surface / waves. I'll look the info up.
  5. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member



    At my age, just knowing that is enough to keep me going for another month.

  6. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Uh, as a matter of fact, yes.

    Uh, as a matter of fact, yes.

    Background Information About Aftershocks

    Like most earthquakes, the recent earthquake is expected to be followed by numerous aftershocks. Aftershocks are additional earthquakes that occur after the mainshock........Aftershocks tend to occur near the mainshock, but the exact geographic pattern of the aftershocks varies from earthquake to earthquake and is not predictable.

    See full article from a fairly reputable source - The National Seismic Network at Cal-Berkley

  7. whipone

    whipone New Member

  8. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    This seems makes sense to somebody, and it seems appropriate for this thread.

  9. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    An expert you say?

  10. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    From the same article you quoted above - "So seismologists can advise the authorities immediately after a large earthquake that a certain area can expect x probabilities of aftershocks of y sizes for z period of time. That's as good a forecast as we can make, and probably the best possible given that earthquakes are inherently unpredictable."

    Aftershocks may follow certain patterns that are unique to each event. You will notice that aftershocks can occur for years after a major quake. The article you quote speaks of "probabilities" not patterns. The original article that started this thread states that "no pattern could be established", "and somebody must be controlling the aftershocks."

    My point is that aftershock "patterns" are vague and general, not precise. To declare after just a few weeks that "no pattern is emerging" is BS. To surmise that "somebody" is controlling them is paranoia and insanity combined.

    The only seismic events that follow patterns closely are geysers such as "old faithful" in Yellowstone Park. Even "Old Faithful" fails to erupt on schedule sometimes. When it comes to seismic activity, the Earth does as it damn well pleases.

  11. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    7,378 exact details can be given, but a general pattern can be found. I believe that is what is meant by 'fairly well behaved'.
    No, it mentions patterns. "Aftershocks are also interesting because they're fairly well behaved-meaning that they have a detectable pattern, unlike all other quakes."

    Well here is what it actually says:
    *This body of quakes fits three mathematical rules, more or less. The first is the Gutenberg-Richter relation, which says that as you go down one magnitude unit in size, you get about ten times as many aftershocks.

    The article i posted which specifically deals with the subject of aftershocks never said they were exact or precise, but did say that aftershocks can be generally calculated using any one of three mathematical equations. In other words, a general pattern can be detected.
    Well if the geologists who are closely monitoring the aftershocks find that they are behaving so unusually that they can be described as seeming to be controlled, then that should be enough to, not prove anything, but to warrant closer inspection and analysis...
    And considering how poorly your 'professional' opinion faired when it came to profiling the area of expertise that you are employed in, i'd rather not trust your 'professional' opinion on this either, *ahem* 'Dr.' Swope...
  12. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Here is an interesting string to cut and google. DSM IV 301.22 Cluster A

    I like the European version even better -

    I am not a Doctor, so I can't diagnose. You should probably seek a professional opinion if you have questions concerning a diagnosis.

  13. DrBungle

    DrBungle New Member

    I bet Nursey types super fast.
  14. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Yeah whatever, Barry. Me and William Cohen might even get placed in adjacent padded cells!

    I need to consult my lawyers before responding to the above post. :|
  15. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Andaman quakes leave seismologists worried

    Friday, 28 January , 2005, 17:54

    Mumbai: Unusual events "unheard of in the history of seismology" have been recorded in the Andaman and Nicobar islands, with more than 120 such events being recorded in the last one month, according to seismologists.

    The seismology department of the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre and the Earth Sciences Department of the Indian Institute of Technology here have recorded over 120 such unusual events in the islands following the December 26 earthquake measuring 8.9 on the Richter scale that triggered tsunamis which wreaked havoc in several parts of the country.

    Of these events recorded at BARC's Gouribidnur station in Karnataka, at least over 33 events were above 5 on the Richter scale, they said, adding "this is unusual and alarming as large amount of energy is being released so frequently."

    Eleven events with surface wave of magnitude 5, indicating large amount of energy close to Nicobar Islands was also recorded, the seismologists said.

    "Since yesterday, 16 events which range from 5.2 to 5.8 on the Richter scale have been recorded," they said.

    "Whether these events are foreshocks or aftershocks - it is not clear, and has to be taken up seriously and the data analysed as fast as possible," the scientists said.

    "Both `strike slip and `dip slip are taking place simultaneously and these factors have to be taken very seriously both by scientists and authorities," they added.

    See also: 'Unheard Of' Seismic Events Continues In Quake Areas
  16. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Strange occurences noted before the Asian earthquake...
  17. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

  18. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    It's a useful round up of interesting news and views from both alternative and mainstream sources. I don't agree with everything i read there. And stop changing the subject please.
  19. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Can't you see that I am trying to be reasonably nice? Give me a little credit here. One of my New Years resolutions was to stop being so nice and "touchy feely" as you describe me.

    Ohhhh I hate you Nursey. (not really, you know the code) :)

    ....and what was the subject again?

  20. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Ok. I'll come clean. I type at the rate of about 120 words per minute. Using two fingers. So COME THEN, you angry rabble...STRING me up and CRUCIFY me...take PICTURES of it next to ~Barrehhhhhhhh~ giving the 'thumbs up' sign and POST THEM...i don't care!!!!! I don't care!!!!! I don't caaaaaaaaaaare!!!!!

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