I just realized I eat it salmon like 3-4 times a week. I cant find anything on the interweb... but I am wondering if anyone has ever saw something on TV or anything saying that it is bad to eat it all the time. I am guessing it is fattening, but wondered if anything bad was in it. I also eat a lot of tuna and know they say that is bad because of mercury. I am pretty much a vegetarian with the exception of seafood. I have noticed that since I have been on this salmon kick - my skin looks better..and hair is healthier... I wonder if that has anything to do with it. I am about to head out to get my Botox done again, and half way thinking about plumpin my lips while Im there...If I do I will post pics. um ok that had nothing to with salmon but whatever.
It's a good source of Omega 3 fatty acids and I don't think the mercury levels are very high. Even if I ate meat, I wouldn't do fish. I know it's supposed to be good for you and all, but I could never get past the smell. Why do you want your lips done?
I just get them plumped up here and there, however I had not had it done in long time. I got it done today. I am happy with it..I will send a pic tomorrow, see if you can even tell. One thing that is stupid, and I came home and watched a bunch of videos on youtube and the docs all did the same thing. Its a syringe with a tiny needle... and I did not even feel it the first 2 or 3 pokes... but they never put a new needle on it, so it dulls... so then you start feeling it more and more with each time they insert the needle. Seems like they would put a fresh needle on - at least midway. Same thing with the botox... that needle gets very dull since your forehead is a lot tuffer then lips... but your forehead is not as sensitive as skin around your lips. But you dont want to complain ...because I have that fear that he could fuck me on purpose... (kinda like returning food in a restaurant) He used Juvederm... it is supposed to be better and last longer the Restylan. The doc is like sooo fine, I really wish he was not so Muslim. He would be a perfect husband for me... and I would have a flawless face 4 evah
I think I am going to leave my face alone. I don't plan on getting too old, so I don't worry much about it. I have been trying to force myself to use eye cream though but I keep forgetting to.