so my husband and i are having a debate on top 5 romantic songs. my list is as follows: 5. Love Song, the cure 4. Come Talk to Me, Peter Gabriel 3. Just the Way You Are, Billy Joel 2. At Last, Etta James 1. These Arms of Mine, Otis Redding so i give him the list and he's never heard of 'these arms of mine'. what the hell? my husband is 14 years older than me - he's been in the music industry for 20+ years and he's never heard 'these arms of mine'? we do top 5s frequently.. top 5 songs with the phrase 'rock and roll', top 5 songs with a count off in them, top 5 songs from a movie... actually, we do top 10 but we also have a huge book that has every song recorded up to about 2000. i can't remember the name of it, i usually just refer to it as 'that big ass fucking music book'.
The Mentors - Golden Showers GG Allen - I raped the Boston bitch GWAR - Love Surgery Cannibal Corpse - Bound, Raped, Strangled And the Mentors again with - My Daughter's a strawberry Actually, anything by El Duce' is a love song. Peeping tom, Sex Education, so many more classics
now, see? i figured you to be the kind of guy that gets out of bed in the morning and blares 'silly love songs' while you dance your way to the shower
No disrespect, but I would think asking a man to name his 5 top love songs is about like asking him to pick up a box of Tampax on the way home. I guess the fact that your hubby is a muscian, (and an impressive one I might add) makes it easier to understand. Personally, here is my list of Love songs. 1. Meat Loaf - Paradise by the dash board light. 2. Disturbed - Get down with the sickness (trust me, its a love song) 3. Meat Loaf - I would do anything for love (but I won't do that) 4. Hank III - My heart would still want you 5. Fm -Devils Dance Floor (maybe not a love song, but it makes me want to get jiggy.)
except that he's incredibly secure in his masculinity. but trust me, we have our top 10 to fuck to as well. it's amazing - the differences in people. meatloaf - really?
Romantic. Hmmm. Me So Horny - The 2live Crew Let's Get drunk and screw - David Alan Coe Freak a Leak - Petey Pablo Automobile - NWA and if it's 'in process' pretty much any song from Ginuwine's "The Bachelor" CD. Some good grinding music on it. Of course getting down with some RunDMC isnt too bad either....'it's tricky' got a good beat to it, Christmas in Hollis, not so much.
phateo, that would be top 5 fucking songs. ROMANTIC songs. top 5 to start out with.. i'll give you a class on it at our date.
Why do I feel casually insulted? now I'm praying for the end of time..... Thats the angstest of love, no? Oh, and Phat jogged my memory for David Allan Coe. He's there somewhere.
Women just don't get it do they? Let me help you ImP - from a man's point of view, what is the purpose of ROMANCE? Right. So just cut to the chase.
Everything about you, how did I miss that one? How about 'My own worst enemy' by lit? I know Barry is secretly wanting to put in 'Beth - by Kiss'....... How about 'Cherry Pie' by Warrant? 'Unskinny Bop' by Poison? 'Pearl Necklace' by ZZ Top?
yeah but remember that chicks dig a little poetry to help relax them and shit when you're trying to weasel your way into their 'cooter'. music will work just as well.
Oh, if David Allen Coe could hear you right now... That's actually a Jimmy Buffet song "Why don't we..." But you should seriously look for a Coe song called "Jimmy Buffet don't live in Key West anymore." He really rags on ol' Jimmy.
Maybe that's been my problem all along. I wrote this one about three years ago. Can you guess why? Murder my character, ruin my reputation, Spread vicious lies through your personal nation Cover your crimes with the blood of a friend It will hide your guilt, but expose your sin. Steal from the rich, and give to the YOUR, Self righteous hypocrite, collection plate whore. Greed has darkened the light that once shined. You gouged out your eyes, and now you want mine. I bowed at your feet, though I knew they were clay What more could I do? What more could I say? Unquestioning devotion was all you required Blind sighted devotion to a pathological liar. So silence your critic with the stroke of a pen. Sign my dismissal, as your means to an end. Judge one that loved you, declare right is wrong and pray that light does not come with the dawn.
Yeah, i have been kicked out of every tittybar in central NC, dosent mean I want to chop up strippers.. Oh, and don't get me wrong, i do want to cut up strippers but it aint because i was kicked out of the tittybars
I think I have a new idea for a thread. ' I got kicked out of.....and why...... That would be histerical. or is it hysterical. either way, I have been kicked out of more places than I can probably remember. but got some funny stories about it none-the less.
I always thought Danzig's "Let it be Captured" would have been a good romantic funeral/wedding song.