Well if that opening line isn't crap, why haven't either of you slashed your wrists yet? THE END IS NIGH PEOPLE! I don't know/care if America can't get enough oil, but reading prophecies of some crack-pot who claims WWIII has started and we're all going to die because oil is sparse isn't on my schedule. So how is civilization going to end? Will the rule of law end and we return to a feudal system, live in caves and eat babies? No, it will change, but it does that subtly constantly anyway. I'll repeat it again - what a load of crap. Well it's a shame I'm not American then isn't it, but the one thing America certainly doesn't need any more of is "open minded" conspiracy theorists.
Actually, the 'conspiracy theory' is that peak oil is a myth, and they (and you) might well be right... I still wouldn't dismiss it straight out of hand like you. I'm sure if you'd actually done some investigating and saw how many authority figures were promoting this view you'd soon be singing the same tune...
Here's a link to the page i pasted the excerpt above from: Russia Proves 'Peak Oil' is a Misleading Zionist Scam And here to win over any authority worshippers is a BP scientists view: Oil supply to peak sooner than we think, says BP scientist I think we may be swapping positions on this canine!
well i guess you'd have to ask some questions..like: what is oil?.. how did it get there?.... and if it is true what i've been led to believe... that it is organic matter from aeons ago that has decomposed and been formed by the pressure of having the rest of the world form over it for millennia... (kindof like peat bogs.. but inside the earths crust).... then it's pretty logical to say it's a finite resource.. and saying the commies have an infinite supply.... hmmm.. :? ... anyway everybody should know that the jewgod put it there to cause armageddon :roll:
You are not American...well America breathes a collective sigh of relief seeing as how we have enough morons such as yourself infecting this country, glad to see its spreading!!
What's moronic about what I said? I said I don't know or care about oil amounts but I don't believe that will cause the end of human life as we know it. The author of that link you posted claims his dreams of owning a house, marriage and parenthood are all under question because there might not be enough oil. Kids don't eat or wear oil, I've never attracted a female with a barrel of oil, he's talking shite! The US economy may depend on oil but civilization doesn't, we wont go back to swinging through trees and grunting at each other if oil runs low.
on the contrary, many sythetic fibers and plastics are petrol or oil based. used to make many items including clothes
...and when the price of oil goes up so does the price of everything else...it all has to be transported.
And that therefore dictates that we will lose the need for companionship, the will to procreate and raise children, communicate with others and organise society? You're a fucking genius! And if the price of oil goes up Nursey, people will find ways of doing without it.
i was talking about the "children dont wear oil" statement. in essence they do if a such clothing item, say a pair of starter pants has a sythetic fiber mostlikly it is made of oil or a petrolchemical. the uses of oil are far reaching. start fuckin reading, although the depletion of oil will not be the end of fuckin civilization, it will limit the amount the amount and types of materials to be manufactured. to explain the use of oil lets set up a situation. say you have eggs in your fridge, they come in styrofoam or plastic containers, that are transported on a cooled trailer whos AC, wires, refiridgerant, the insulation, tape closing the boxes or ciran wrapping the pallet of eggs, the plastic air bags incerted in the trailers to secure the load from movement, the tape or cd the redneck is playing the cab including the cab internals, are made or oil or oil based chemicals. thats just some of the shit i can list, and it could go on and on. but im now bored so ill leave it at that.
You know, the sad part is this, (and look back if you don't believe me) I never ever once said I agreed with that article, I said it was an interesting read, which it was, and then you tried to jump all over my shit. The point here is that the article did bring up some interesting points, but you dismissed anything it had to offer. I get the feeling you just don't care about hearing anything that you don't agree with....and therefore I labled you (and very correctly if my assumption is right) close minded.