Rock the vote, or at least smoke the vote rock.

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Fugly, Nov 1, 2004.


Who's it going to be?

  1. Bush

    0 vote(s)
  2. Kerry

    0 vote(s)
  3. Nader

    0 vote(s)
  4. I'd rather write one in.

    0 vote(s)
  1. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    kerry is richer now that he has married the ketchup bitch, and to many houses are redicuouls. i have two one in houston and one in mexico, and that one we had to build and repair our selves.

    tax write off for company expence = paying less taxes

    as for the company shit, i got it off Nova on PBS. companies have the ability to export their profits over seas to the Caimin island or such with a low income tax there for paying less US income taxes. the average blue collar or even the average white collar work doesnt have the ability to do that.

    and 40% is still too high, its seems retarded to pay most of your income for rent.

    and for the war thing, id rather have some one who has seen battle, war the carnage of the aftermath behind buttons of the US cause he is seasoned in and will be more hesitant to send troops understanding what will happen as he has seen and experinced what war is like.
  2. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    that was beautiful schmed
  3. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    I never thought about the universe, it made me feel small
    Never thought about the problems of this planet at all
    Global warming, radio-active sites
    Imperialistic wrongs and animal rights! No!

    Why think of all the bad things when life is so good?
    Why help with an 'am' when there's always a 'could'?
    Let the whales worry about the poisons in the sea
    Outside of California, it's foreign policy

    I don't want changes, I have no reactions
    Your dilemmas are my distractions

    That's no way to go, Franco Un-American
    No way to go, Franco Un-American
    No way to go, Franco Un-American
    No way to go, Franco, Franco Un-American

    I never looked around, never second-guessed
    Then I read some Howard Zinn now I'm always depressed
    And now I can't sleep from years of apathy
    All because I read a little Noam Chomsky

    I'm eating vegetation, 'cause of Fast Food Nation
    I'm wearing uncomfortable shoes 'cause of globalization
    I'm watching Michael Moore expose the awful truth
    I'm listening to Public Enemy and Reagan Youth

    I see no world peace 'cause of zealous armed forces
    I eat no breath-mints 'cause their from de-hoofed horses
    Now I can't believe; what an absolute failure
    The president's laughing 'cause we voted for Nader

    That's no way to go, Franco Un-American
    No way to go, Franco Un-American
    No way to go, Franco Un-American
    Where can we go, Franco Un-American

    I want to move north and be a Canadian
    Or hang down low with the nice Australians
    I don't want to be another 'I-don't-care-ican'
    What are we gonna do Franco, Franco Un-American
  4. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    [quote="PimpDaddythat was beautiful schmed[/quote]

    It's fucking sad I even have to write that... so fucking sad...
  5. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    I know, Im not funny... sorry
  6. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Nursey thank you for, that info, it was quite eye opening. as usuall, you kicked my ass back into line... Now come say hello sometime
  7. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Sorry...i've been a total recluse and off. I'll emerge sometime soon and confound you with the mystical works i've been smearing on my walls with the passing of every butt-log.
  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    No problem, if you met me in person you'd part your ass down to the base of my dick.

    Well when you consider that the 1% in question accounts for at least 95% of the nations wealth, it doesn't seem nearly enough.
    And i'm not against people being well off, but i am against the huge amount of unfair concessions being made for the rich, creating a an ever increasing wealth divide.
    Why the rich should pay more taxes
    The Rich are not you and I. Tax The Rich.
  9. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    yea companies like the air lines get big bail out while the poor who really need it get nothing a boot to the ass and told "meh survival of the fittest"
  10. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Aww, well, i still miss you!!! plus you wewre the only person to call me and use a cali-accent ...

    No seriously, I miss the hell out of you, Ms. Recluse...

    Now Get Tori to type wjhat you say and visit damn you !!!!
  11. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member


    yes i know its huge just like my .... feet
  12. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Thankyou Mr. Dwaine Scum...from Tori* and me. :oops:

    *Speaking of Tori, i think at this point i should mention that she has gone through quite a bit of major upheaval lately. You may recall the last i mentioned of her was when i was struggling to cope with the all-ammonic, vapourous, couch-human *hybrid* of a woman she had blossomed into due to an increasing lack of harassment from me. This was all well and good until her burgeoning pussy also started to bond with the surrounding fabric in voracious fashion, despite all efforts to halt this process by me.
    Unfortunately, when the constant heroic battle to prevent Tori's lower mucous membranes from fully grafting with the couch was eventually lost, so too was my main source of income - the steady stream of punters eager for a quick lay on my settee. As bills started to pile up, and Tori looked like she was now starting to incorporate my five thousand pound persian carpet into her being, i decided enough was enough and called in the local council to come and clean up the mess. Apparently, it is illegal to fuse with an inamite object, and the authorities immediately confiscated Tori and proceeded to brutally sever her from her beloved 'upholstori'. Unbeknownst to them, Tori had, over the past year, been gradually 'dripping' through the gaps at the back and mushrooming out in the rectagonal space underneath, and once seperated was incapable of containing herself, quite literally.
    There she was, blood rapidly draining from those rosy large cheeks, her lips forming 'Nursey! Help me!' to the sound of a gurgley wheeze...gazing at me imploringly from atop of a sprawling, quivering mound of writhing intestinal mass and slimey 'sweet meats'. At that moment, i had to struggle to resist the urge to beat the thing out of it's misery with a spade, and instead swung into action to rescue dear Tori, and in my quick thinking... called up BT!
    They arrange for Tori to be decapitated, frozen and sent to their American contacts for state of the art treatment..
    And here is what they returned, magnified by 10000 x . Say hello to Tori, everybody...

    She can now fly small 'unmanned' planes, interacts with an F-22 fighter jet flight simulator and plays a variety of computer games ('Command and Conquer' is her current favourite). Quite an improvement, i think you'll agree!? Soon she will be encouraged to attempt grander deeds, such as control a small robotic device whose purpose will be to carry out a variety of household tasks for me. Her new form may seem pitiful to us, but her neural fronds are branching quite nicely, and she has assured me that she is happier than any other time in her life, incredible as it may seem!
  13. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    The election and reality television... SCRIPTED

    The shit was decided way before the first vote was cast.

    ... and Schmed had the nerve to call me a bleeding heart. :roll:
  14. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    I believe it was something like your heart bleeds for all the wrong people.
  15. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

  16. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

  17. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    What a load of crap... typical doomsday/dystopia Hollywood narrative, to cause panic and lead people to buy his book. A book which he hasn't studied for (he's a lawyer, he didn't study business or markets at college). I may just print that out so I can wipe my ass with it.
  18. whipone

    whipone New Member

    This holiday season's hot gift item: A barrel of oil and a shotgun.
  19. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Nice to see you approach things with an open mind. America needs more budding young geniuses such as yourself.
  20. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I don't agree, and if you do a search you'll the subject has been covered by numerous writers. It's people who can't believe that things could change very drastically (overnight in some cases...look what happened to German inflation in the 30's) who are least able to cope psychologically when such changes take place. And things are changing...very drastically indeed. Forget the stability we'd come to imagine would always be around, we're plummeting 'into the abyss' if you ask me...

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