i dont mind so much america, id rather live here than any where else considering the freedoms we get. but i doubt it, hes got to many buddies in corprate america to do that, good ole out sourcing lines the pockets and makes friend at the same time. doesnt matter that the idea lowers the average income of lower income family considering its mostly little jobs that are lost. why does he make it seem like we are fighting the 1980's the league of doom callin them "evil doers"? fuckin evanglists.
So the motherfucker bush won after all. A message from me to all the people that voted for him I hope to fucking god that you get hit by another sep'11, you have it comming and you deserve it. I hope you die slow and painful death that Dwaine couldn't even make up. You will be punished for this, one way or another I 'll make it happen, I'm not a sandnigger for nothing.
may he and the rest of the highclass sociaty be stricken with the worst disease they could imagen, poverty. i hope their fortunes dry up faster than their care for the poor
For years, when asked my opinions on America, I'd say something along the lines of "I don't hate americans, just the american government and its bullshit foreign policies". Now I seriously have to wonder, having gone through a 4 year term under bush where he has made the entire world more dangerous, can I respect a group of people who want to keep him for another 4? It's a sad day
yea our forein policies are fuckin stupid, but its not always the people who agree too it. most americans dont even know what our foreign policies are. this government has gotten too powerful with the patriot in place. its now turning to 1960s anti communist america. they want every one scared so that instead of really thinking logically about whats happening they get led around like sheep by a retarded sheppard.
That's why I'm starting to think less of them, I'll get over it in a week or two and stop caring for the next 4 years..... except I can still register for for an absentee vote for the British election, that must be soon. I Know I don't like ginger haired freaks, and I like the scotts even less, but I might just vote for the liberal democrats in order to get rid of old Tony.
I think the Ginger will get my vote too... give them a fair crack of the whip. Can't do any worse than the sheep we have in at the moment.
It's just great to live in a country were over 50% of the population would rather hate fags and watch Survivor than worry about the environment and war. "This here be Merica , let's go hate us some fags and watch NASCAR!!" I'm fucking moving, I have friends in Montreal that say come on up and stay with us.....
It's strange though isn't it? I'm thinking of voting for them because they're more like labour than labour. Besides, they appear to be doing a half decent job north of the border. At least you'll get free public health care
yea bunch of sheep. wasnt it like 51-53 of the voting populus didnt like the way bush handled things in war and policies but the same ppl vote to relect the moron? talk about fuckin flip floppers
51-53%* and one other thing, i was talkin to a buddy whos only reason to want bush relected was to keep his guns. i guess some people just never learn in school.
I'd say that's a stronger comment on their regard for Kerry than anything else. Face it, the Dems seemed to be smoking crack when it came to fielding candidates this cycle. Dean seemed briefly credible - certainly charismatic and interesting - before his hysteric episode. Then out of nowhere comes Kerry - who the fuck IS this guy? Some career D.C. tool whose voting record out-liberals Mr. Liberal, Ted Kennedy. Yeah, HE'LL appeal to the moderate majority. And everybody suspects that it's his wife Tuh-raaaay-za who's the one that wears the pants in that household. All Kerry brought to the ring was a slick tongue and a self-exaggerated war-hero-cum-protester posture. He claimed to "have a plan" for this, and a plan for that. Too bad he never went into exactly what any of those plans were. And his playing up of a few Band-Aided scratches inflicted by one of HIS OWN grenades he set off accidentally not only didn't impress anybody, it offended more than a few authentic Purple Heart-earners and their friends and family. So if you want to boil down this election: the fuck-off-Kerry-you-poseur bloc outnumbered the anyone-but-Bush haters. The MTV vote didn't rock at all but proved again to be politically inert with a turnout of only, what, about 24% in that age group? And the devil known prevailed. :twisted:
Various from the Doc - not to pick on him particularly but they beg comment: Why do you believe that combat experience is an important Presidential qualification? (Although I have to say Kerry's exact history in that regard is better described as having briefly been in a "war situation" rather than "combat experience"). So did you vote for Dole over Clinton in '96? What, you think Bush is behind the outsourcing movement prevalent in the IT/customer service sectors? As the proverb goes, be careful what you wish for. Would you really care to personally make up the difference in lost income tax revenue? Ever thought about how much that might be? In 1998, the top 1% of income earners in the U.S. accounted for 35% of income taxes collected by the IRS. This top 1% doesn't include just the hyper-rich like Gates but also those who earn 'only' $400,000 and up - almost half of which (46%) make their money from a self-owned business. By contrast, the lower 50% of income earners accounted for just 5% of taxes collected. Put in simpler terms: out of any 100 people, on the average just 1 of them alone pays over one-third of the collective tax bill; 50 account for just one-twentieth, and the other 49 account for the remaining three-fifths. Does any one of those 99 people really want to make up the respective difference of that lost 35%? Raise your hand if you do. So when some pandering politician accuses that this or that tax cut "only benefits the rich" and "gives nothing to the poor" - well, who do you think is paying the most in taxes, genius? And who's paying practically nothing? Would it make more sense for those who pay most get the least benefit, and vica versa instead? As bad as their cynicism is for selling such bullshit, what's worse is the ignorance and gullibility by so many who buy it. As for the poor....sympathize if you want, but don't let it cloud the facts. Umpteen trillions of dollars (I don't know the exact figure - if anyone does, jump in here) have been spent on the poor over the last 35-some years since Johnson declared the "War on Poverty". The result? More so-called poor people than ever. Throwing cash at the poor hasn't made them un-poor - or, if it has to any extent, it doesn't prevent even greater numbers of fresh poor people from coming up behind them. And just what is "poor", anyway? There's one definition of poverty based on household headcount divided by household income. Whatever that number threshold is, in reality being poor in the U.S. is still doing better materially than being middle-class in many other countries. You can be classified poor and still have cable TV and a car. Maybe it's just basic cable, and the car is a piece of shit, but it runs and gets you where you're going. Maybe it's just me, but it seems everytime I'm confronted with some televised or printed "personal interest" sob-story bit about some poor family, there's always a bunch of children in the picture. Did these hard-luck cases think serial procreation was an entitlement? That raising children is cheap and easy? Never heard of a thing called contraception? Bullshit. I don't think poverty is about money. Lack of disposable income isn't the cause, but a symptom. It's about a mindset. All the time I find myself held up in line at a convenience store behind some obviously not-well-to-do type who's lingering over $10, $20 or more in lottery ticket choices. I'm quite sure they've never spent a moment's thought about saving that money weekly, and how much that would grow to over time with interest. They choose to chase a million-dollar payoff that'll never come versus an investment plan that's absolutely sure money. Then there's these paycheck-cashing outfits for people who apparently don't have checking accounts because they can't afford them. Huh? Any bank around offers basic checking accounts with no minumum deposit for what, $8 - $10/month? How is that more expensive than paying a 3% or more fee to the shysters to cash your paycheck, however small? I don't have the solution to poverty, but the politicians have proven that they don't, either, and should just shut the fuck up about the whole subject. If you think you've got the answer, Doc, I'd love to hear it.
I'm gonna make it really simple right here, if you voted for Bush this year it wasn't just a bad choice, it's a character flaw. If you want a bunch of facts spewed out at you I'll be more than happy to give them too you, but at this point if you don't know better it's because you are a complete, and I mean in all ways possible, ignorant moron. Now I'm not saying Kerry was awesome, in fact he's a douchebag, but i wasn't voteing for him because of what he was, it was what he wasn't...Bush. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/jesus/
Ah, the seductiveness of ad hominem attack scores another conquest. More and more the political process resembles nothing more than - and too infrequently rises above the level of - the froth-mouthed smacktalk of various sports-fan camps: "MY team will kick YOUR team's ass!! You guys are MORONS for liking YOUR team !!" Debate at this point is moot anyway. I'll just say, sorry you're so pissed that your Packers misled you. Glad you survived the horrible riots around D.C. following Bush's win. And don't forget to leave your forwarding address in Canada so we can send postcards.
Your selective reading is annoying at best. And in case you didn't notice there were no riots in D.C. (yes I realize it was you were attempting to be sarcastic), I feel no anger towards you or your ilk, I just feel sorry.