Well, I am a registered Independent, but I voted for Bush. I think Kerry is a freaking Moron and the mentality of anything is better is no way to think. I think the two party system blows ass, but who would vote for Nader? I don't agree with everything Bush does, but I believe he would do a better job so.....
What do you guys think is the worst in post-election-chaos that can happen? Consider Bush winning. Do you think there will be riots? What about if Kerry wins?
Well either way there will be pissed of people, if riots broke out they would few and far between. I am more afraid of it being like 2000's election, the nation is already divided by the election another debacle would make it ten times as worse. Then, there is the economic problems that would arise, no one likes to buy shit when a major election has gone bad, the dow would dip big time. Lastly, not that I care that much, but the rest of the world would think even less of us if we screw another election up. How can we help other countries do it if we can't even do it. My 2 cents if they mean anything to ya.
the chaos that will ensue here will be related to the election officials miscounts of all the FL votes. again. but no one will riot because they are all too scared to break a hip.
either way man what's sad is that neither party of the self proclaimed greatest nation in the world could select an actualy qualified candidate, it's all good though the EU's gonna l20X j00z soon enough,
i hate that fucker bush, the one thing i hate most about his fuckin ass is how he misrepresents texas and makes it look like a bunch of fuckin redneck dipshits. i dont care how much ppl think texas sucks or this or that, fuck bush hes not even from texas but seems to think he is. all he did was fuck us over when he was here, he didnt make any thing better for the working blue collar man, even though he says hes for the people. all thouhg his tax breaks over whelmingly favor the rich and high class. his EPA standard breaks allowing his buddies to work in places they normaly wouldnt be allowed. cut more trees drill the shit out of land an strip mine the fuck out of every thing. i know we need resources but shit like that could be done more sensiably then they are. not every one wants a fuckin oil refinery right behind them. whos stupid enough to fuck up speach after speach after speach, written by highly paid writers and read and rehersed for television only to fuck up. then on war, id rather have some one whos atleast been in some sort of war situation instead of protecting texas and alabama from the communist and vietcong. all in all bush is a stupid lame ass fuck. any one have any info on the proposed changes for overtime?
America does suck. But I don't think I'll be moving to any other country anytime soon. Maybe when ALL the jobs are finally gone here I will. Let's see if ol George can get that done in the next 4 years.