Rilly *Kewl* New FUGLY.COM Feature!

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Emetic, Nov 22, 2001.

  1. Emetic

    Emetic New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fugly:
    I...installed it... Here's what happens:...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    OK, fair enough - I stand corrected on the disclosure particulars of this dialer.

    The rest is up to the foolishness of the user, ie. a quick 10-min skin skim for US $39? A leisurely half-hour browse for $117 ? Jeebus H, it'd be cheaper to hire a crack-whore for a real boom-boom {if only it were easy to bill it to someone else's phone...}

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote
    Didn't necessarily think that, but the possibility remained you were unfamiliar with the details. I imagine your life is hectic enough - what with your ongoing love affair with rotgut booze as well as caring for a drooling feeb of a brother in constant need of eliminatory assistance - that fine print is easily missed in the double-visioned blur.
  2. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Emetic:
    {if only it were easy to bill it to someone else's phone...}<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    For convenience’s sake, most houses have an easily accessible outside box wherein the telephone cables lie... For a measly ten-minute time investment, one could feasibly hook a laptop up to a house during the night...

    I'll leave the rest up to your imagination...
  3. Emetic

    Emetic New Member

    The hookers, I meant.
  4. Stranger

    Stranger New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fugly:
    That had nothing at all to do with the dialer program, asshole. You didnt't sign up for it either, or we would have seen it. The 'sign up for this three dollar site' thread was for Trafficcash Gold. We get paid $35, regardless of whether or not you cancel after the $3 trial period. We made that offer and not one of you did it. Thanks for the support.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I did indeed sign up for it!
    I actually signed up for the more expensive celebrity one ($4 something). As soon as I read that pay by the min crap I called my bank and cancelled the payment. So technically I was signed up for about 5min.

    The thread could only have been up for a few hrs so you can't really complain about ppl not signing up for it. I assumed when you took it off it was because you had realised what a scam it was.

    [ November 27, 2001: Message edited by: Fugly ]
  5. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stranger:
    I did indeed sign up for it!
    I actually signed up for the more expensive celebrity one ($4 something). As soon as I read that pay by the min crap I called my bank and cancelled the payment. ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    You're talking about two completely different things. There is no "Pay by the minute" option for the offer I posted about the free t-shirts. Even if there was, your subscription would have been tracked and we would have been able to see that you signed up. Are you sure that you're not confused? (That's a funny question.)

    [ November 27, 2001: Message edited by: Fugly ]
  6. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    nice one asswipe.. i see marty has removed my free porn post already, i bet he kept the links tho .. oh and i'm keeping a copy of this one too, just in case it gets the same treatment.. aka 'the hand of sod'
  7. kitana

    kitana New Member

    why did fugly edit those posts???
  8. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kitana:
    why did fugly edit those posts???<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    ..i dont know.. why DID fugly edit those posts?
  9. kitana

    kitana New Member

    its b/c he's hiding something from us!

    Martin is part of a spam
  10. Stranger

    Stranger New Member

    Yeah righto Martin, I'm confused.
  11. Emetic

    Emetic New Member

    Oh, Stranger, you know Martin - he's such a lush he can't remember to wipe his ass after taking a dump - forget more complicated operations and details.

    At least he doesn't play with poop like Kitana.

    [ November 28, 2001: Message edited by: Fugly ]
  12. Emetic

    Emetic New Member

    WTF...yeah, very funny, Martin. Like I really said that.

    When what I meant to say was, it's not her own poop Kitana likes to play with.

    [ November 28, 2001: Message edited by: Fugly ]
  13. Emetic

    Emetic New Member

    Are you amusing yourself, you drunk fuck? Putting words in my mouth?

    But I suppose that's better than putting turds in my mouth like Kitana. That's what she really sucks and bites, people, no big mystery there: thick, steaming brown ones.

    [ November 28, 2001: Message edited by: Fugly ]
  14. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Martin fucked me in the goat ass last night. I loved it.

    [ November 28, 2001: Message edited by: Fugly ]
  15. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    come to and ..
  16. Emetic

    Emetic New Member

    He's 'part' of a 'spam'? Which part would that be?

    Has prolonged butt-nugget poisoning rendered your brain as totally useless as your snatch?

    [ November 28, 2001: Message edited by: Fugly ]
  17. kitana

    kitana New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Emetic:
    He's 'part' of a 'spam'? Which part would that be?

    Has prolonged butt-nugget poisoning rendered your brain as totally useless as your snatch?

    [ November 28, 2001: Message edited by: Fugly ]

    see! he's editing your stuff!
  18. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Kitana... I love you.

    [ November 28, 2001: Message edited by: Fugly ]
  19. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Gah! Stop it!
  20. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    I'm not editing anyone's posts. I did delete that one about the free porn though. I am trying to sell porn so that I can eat. What sense does it make to have links to a bunch of shitty free porn sites in here?

    I tried to explain this to Kitana, but things went sour:

    kitana 11/28/20 12:38 PM hey martin! i need to fight with you >

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:39 PM Why?

    kitana 11/28/20 12:39 PM LOL, u r moderating the forums and its supposed to be moderated by NOBODY

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:39 PM No I'm not.

    kitana 11/28/20 12:39 PM yes u r hats that shit "edited by fugly"

    kitana 11/28/20 12:39 PM on Emetic's posts

    kitana 11/28/20 12:39 PM and Lomo's

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:41 PM Instead of hitting Reply With Quote, I hit Edit. That's all.

    kitana 11/28/20 12:41 PM thats not what they said

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:41 PM Really?

    kitana 11/28/20 12:41 PM yeah

    kitana 11/28/20 12:41 PM are u gonna censor us?

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:41 PM Well they are stupid fucks so who do you beleive?

    kitana 11/28/20 12:41 PM its like 3 against one

    kitana 11/28/20 12:42 PM u do need an ass-whooping...

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:42 PM I just told you what happened, idiot.

    kitana 11/28/20 12:42 PM lies!

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:42 PM Quit bugging me.

    kitana 11/28/20 12:42 PM :-{} u know u love me

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:42 PM You promised to send me some topless pics, and you never did.

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:42 PM You're a cock tease.

    kitana 11/28/20 12:43 PM Yeah, so? i am also a blue-baller

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:44 PM Cool. You're probably a fat pig anyway.

    kitana 11/28/20 12:44 PM LOL, no i am a strong and buffed

    kitana 11/28/20 12:44 PM i lift weights and workout

    kitana 11/28/20 12:44 PM something u should try sometime

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:44 PM No you're not.

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:44 PM You're probably a dog.

    kitana 11/28/20 12:45 PM yes i am!

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:45 PM That's why you won't send me those pictures.

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:45 PM You probably have a moustache.

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:45 PM Since you're Mexican and all...

    kitana 11/28/20 12:45 PM LOL no not me whut?

    kitana 11/28/20 12:45 PM Mexican?

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:45 PM Yeah.

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:45 PM You're half Mexican, right?

    kitana 11/28/20 12:46 PM Martin, tell me where your ancestors came from - continent no!

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:46 PM Not Mexico, that's all I know.

    kitana 11/28/20 12:46 PM mine are traced to spain, my last name is a town in spain

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:47 PM Yeah. Right.

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:47 PM Tijuana is not in Spain, chica.

    kitana 11/28/20 12:47 PM i shit u not!

    kitana 11/28/20 12:48 PM LOL no, its not, and thats not where i am talking about

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:48 PM What's your last name?

    kitana 11/28/20 12:48 PM unfortunately, i cannot share that with u, but u probably already have it

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:48 PM Uh huh.

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:49 PM See. You're a hairy, fat Mexican. I knew it.

    kitana 11/28/20 12:49 PM and if u share it with anyone else, i will start shit. here let me get a pic

    kitana 11/28/20 12:49 PM u cant sent pics on this can u?

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:49 PM Ok.

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:49 PM Sure you can.

    kitana 11/28/20 12:49 PM how?

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:50 PM Hang on.

    kitana 11/28/20 12:50 PM ok

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:50 PM Right click on my name and hit File.

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:50 PM Got it?

    kitana 11/28/20 12:50 PM nope

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:50 PM Just email it to me then.

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:51 PM

    kitana 11/28/20 12:52 PM

    kitana 11/28/20 12:52 PM i sent em to u already!

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:52 PM Yeah. I know. Those are either of you before you gained 75 lbs, or they are of some other Mexican that lives down the street from you.

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:53 PM Send me a new one.

    kitana 11/28/20 12:53 PM goat heart...

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:53 PM I've seen that.

    kitana 11/28/20 12:53 PM and its me!

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:53 PM Hang on a second...

    kitana 11/28/20 12:54 PM ok

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:54 PM Look. You want to see something?

    kitana 11/28/20 12:54 PM what?

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:55 PM

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:55 PM That used to be me...

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:55 PM Now..

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:55 PM This is.

    kitana 11/28/20 12:55 PM you're kind of cute

    kitana 11/28/20 12:56 PM oh u trying to say that i might have changed?

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:56 PM Yes. I'm saying that you are now all fucking gross, like me.

    kitana 11/28/20 12:56 PM i still look the same, still get carded for lottery tickets, i look like i am 16

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:56 PM I don't beleive you. Not about the lottery tickets though. All Mexicans play the lottery. That I beleive.

    kitana 11/28/20 12:57 PM no, if u shave and smile u will look ok

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:57 PM No. was taken two years ago. I am much much worse now.

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:57 PM Like you.

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:57 PM If you shave, how much better will you look?

    kitana 11/28/20 12:57 PM oh, i dont want to share my recent pic of myself, i only shared it with my babe, disorder

    kitana 11/28/20 12:57 PM oh, hold up, let me upload it...

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:58 PM Right, becaue you and disorder are both fat cows and can talk about it together.

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:58 PM Ok.

    Fugly 11/28/20 12:58 PM This ought to be good...

    kitana 11/28/20 12:59 PM LOL, not really. dont save it or post it anywhere

    Fugly 11/28/20 01:00 PM Did you send it via email?

    kitana 11/28/20 01:00 PM no, i am gonna upload it

    Fugly 11/28/20 01:00 PM Ok.

    kitana 11/28/20 01:00 PM give u a URL

    Fugly 11/28/20 01:00 PM Use that Fugly uploader if you want.

    Fugly 11/28/20 01:00 PM

    kitana 11/28/20 01:01 PM hey, do u have a girlfriend?

    Fugly 11/28/20 01:01 PM No. She dumped me a few weeks ago.

    Fugly 11/28/20 01:01 PM Why?

    Fugly 11/28/20 01:01 PM You want to date me?

    kitana 11/28/20 01:02 PM LOL, no thats ok, i was just wondering

    kitana 11/28/20 01:03 PM

    Fugly 11/28/20 01:03 PM Ok. Hang on.

    kitana 11/28/20 01:03 PM better not fuck with it whut!? LOL

    Fugly 11/28/20 01:03 PM That's not you...

    Fugly 11/28/20 01:03 PM How old are you now?

    kitana 11/28/20 01:03 PM yes it is, i am 20

    kitana 11/28/20 01:04 PM whats wrong?

    Fugly 11/28/20 01:04 PM Send me another one.

    Fugly 11/28/20 01:04 PM I still don't beleive you...

    kitana 11/28/20 01:04 PM dude! thats ok, why not?

    Fugly 11/28/20 01:04 PM Is your real name Kitana?

    kitana 11/28/20 01:05 PM why dont u believe me? no its something else

    Fugly 11/28/20 01:05 PM Consuela?

    kitana 11/28/20 01:05 PM yes

    Fugly 11/28/20 01:05 PM Yeah. I knew that.

    kitana 11/28/20 01:05 PM well then?

    Fugly 11/28/20 01:05 PM Ok.

    kitana 11/28/20 01:05 PM do u believe me?

    Fugly 11/28/20 01:05 PM yeah, but you still look Mexican to me.

    kitana 11/28/20 01:05 PM so u do believe me? and what was wrong with my pic?

    kitana 11/28/20 01:06 PM oh!

    Fugly 11/28/20 01:06 PM I'm going to go post this in the forums now, ok?

    kitana 11/28/20 01:06 PM no!

    Fugly 11/28/20 01:06 PM Thanks for the picture.

    kitana 11/28/20 01:06 PM dont!

    kitana 11/28/20 01:06 PM martin, come on

    kitana 11/28/20 01:06 PM dont do that

    kitana 11/28/20 01:07 PM come on martin!

    kitana 11/28/20 01:07 PM dont post it

    kitana 11/28/20 01:10 PM and what about the evidence that u r guilty?

    Fugly 11/28/20 01:10 PM Guilty of what?

    Fugly 11/28/20 01:10 PM Hello?

    Fugly 11/28/20 01:10 PM You're reading over the whole conversation again, aren't you?...

    kitana 11/28/20 01:11 PM editing!

    kitana 11/28/20 01:11 PM censorshit

    Fugly 11/28/20 01:11 PM Ok, dummy.

    Fugly 11/28/20 01:11 PM I explained that to you three times.

    kitana 11/28/20 01:11 PM what do u mean? u r guilty

    kitana 11/28/20 01:11 PM and u lie!

    Fugly 11/28/20 01:11 PM Ok.

    Fugly 11/28/20 01:11 PM That's what my girlfriend said.

    Fugly 11/28/20 01:11 PM I am a piece of crap.

    kitana 11/28/20 01:12 PM ok, so dont post my pic, ok - awww, well work on it

    kitana 11/28/20 01:12 PM dont lie

    Fugly 11/28/20 01:12 PM Eat me.

    [ November 28, 2001: Message edited by: Fugly ]

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