Well you're right that things are slipping. We were slowly sliding towards Socialism but now that slippery slope is accelerating our progress. Reagan inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression certainly worse than this. Not only did he inherit double digit unemployment but also interest rates and inflation both in the teens. He lowered taxes and turned things around. He was a Conservative Republican. Fiscally Kennedy was a Conservative Democrat. Bush on the other hand was no fiscal Conservative. As for his foreign policy well I back him on that its the only reason I did..... Well that and the fact that there was no better alternative.
Check this out. States weigh campaign rules for Internet age... FCC ponders Internet data laws... White House boasts: We 'control' news media Communications chief offers shocking confession to foreign government TEL AVIV – President Obama's presidential campaign focused on "making" the news media cover certain issues while rarely communicating anything to the press unless it was "controlled," White House Communications Director Anita Dunn disclosed to the Dominican government at a videotaped conference . "Very rarely did we communicate through the press anything that we didn't absolutely control," said Dunn. "One of the reasons we did so many of the David Plouffe videos was not just for our supporters, but also because it was a way for us to get our message out without having to actually talk to reporters," said Dunn, referring to Plouffe, who was Obama's chief campaign manager. "We just put that out there and made them write what Plouffe had said as opposed to Plouffe doing an interview with a reporter. So it was very much we controlled it as opposed to the press controlled it," Dunn said. Continued Dunn: "Whether it was a David Plouffe video or an Obama speech, a huge part of our press strategy was focused on making the media cover what Obama was actually saying as opposed to why the campaign was saying it, what the tactic was. … Making the press cover what we were saying." I'm not making this up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLR5jHlytRg Dunn was speaking at a Jan. 12, 2009, event focusing on Obama's media tactics and hosted by the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development, which seeks to promote collaboration between the U.S. and the Dominican Republic. The event was held in Santo Domingo and was attended by the country's president. Dunn has been facing some criticism since she led a White House campaign last week against Fox News, slamming the top-rated network as an "arm of the Republican Party" and "opinion journalism masquerading as news." Fox hit back this past Friday, releasing a video of Dunn speaking to high school students last June in which she lists her two "favorite political philosophers," including Communist Chinese leader Mao Tse-tung, whose draconian policies are blamed for the deaths of tens of millions of people. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fi1zg2NOCn8
I liked the google ad that pops up on his opponent's link, it's the kind of innovation I like. Well I think that white house press secretaries are mouthpieces, no matter who's in charge. I recall Tony Snow dodging questions and rehashing the same old stuff over and over again: "can't discuss an ongoing investigation". Fuck I hated that guy's guts, remember, I like dirty tricks and skill, not total silence. I'll come up with a few good ones I saw a couple years back; we'll have a good laugh.
Republicans Top Democrats on Ten Issues The economy National security and the war on terror The war in Iraq Immigration Government ethics and corruption Health care Social Security Education Abortion Taxes Conservatives Maintain Edge as Top Ideological Group * Perceptions that there is too much government regulation of business and industry jumped from 38% in September 2008 to 45% in September 2009. * The percentage of Americans saying they would like to see labor unions have less influence in the country rose from 32% in August 2008 to a record-high 42% in August 2009. * Public support for keeping the laws governing the sale of firearms the same or making them less strict rose from 49% in October 2008 to 55% in October 2009, also a record high. (The percentage saying the laws should become more strict -- the traditionally liberal position -- fell from 49% to 44%.) * The percentage of Americans favoring a decrease in immigration rose from 39% in June/July 2008 to 50% in July 2009. * The propensity to want the government to "promote traditional values" -- as opposed to "not favor any particular set of values" -- rose from 48% in 2008 to 53% in 2009. Current support for promoting traditional values is the highest seen in five years. * The percentage of Americans who consider themselves "pro-life" on abortion rose from 44% in May 2008 to 51% in May 2009, and remained at a slightly elevated 47% in July 2009. * Americans' belief that the global warming problem is "exaggerated" in the news rose from 35% in March 2008 to 41% in March 2009.