if your getting exicuted in texas its prolly cause u deserve it. there are a couple of ways to avoid the death penalty. <UL TYPE=SQUARE>dont do it dont leave a trace violate a lesser crime that doesnt have the death penalty dont get cought and number one dont do it in texas [/list]
First of all, there is a reason it's called Tex-ASS! Of course, I should expect a moron to twist my words around...must be a state trait, if Bush is any example. As far as this being the "greatest" country in the world....it is far from it. Name me another country that A:has millions of people with no homes or food, *AND* B:sends billions of dollars to foreign countries every year, *AND* C:tries to tell the world what is right and wrong. Answer: None. The USA is the sole candidate for all three criteria. NOW, before you all start telling me to get the fuck out, and all that horseshit...realize that I don't hate this country. Yes, there are many other countries that are worse than this one. Ironicly enough, most of them have governments that were put in place by the US(and/or are third world countries that haven't caught up to the 19th century). Just to take Saddam for an example, does anyone on here know that he was awarded the "key to the city" of Detroit, for being such a nice guy? The Taliban was put in power in Afganistan by whom? The USA. Where did they get their weapons from? Every one has "Made in USA" stamped on them. Why? They were fighting the Russians. Plain and simple. And before you ninnies start spouting off with something about having had family and/or friends die for this country....guess what? ME TOO! At almost 37 years old, I've seen enough of what this government is doing to not only it's own citizens, but the world at large, to know it just isn't what those people fought and died for. The war in Iraq was not over terrorism, but something else. Oil? Maybe...but it certainly wasn't because Saddam was in bed with Bin Laden(they actually hate each other), nor was it because Iraq was a threat to us...Even if Saddam HAD gotten to the point of nuclear weapons, he didn't have a delivery system capable of reaching us. BUT...he could have hit Israel...and since the Jewish influence is so heavy over here, guess what? It's in our "best interest" to protect them. Never mind that Israel has violated as many, if not more UN resolutions than Iraq has...that doesn't matter...they are "our friends". Oh, and something else that seems to be overlooked...Israel will *NEVER* be hit by nuclear weapons, it has the ultimate "trump" card....ownership of all three major religeon's Holy Land(Mecca and Jerusalem)... Oh, and getting back to the Texas thing...about coming down there and stating my opinions TO a Texan... Well, my fiance lived in Texass for 4 years...and she says this to you... "Been there, Done that. The only things in Texass that are bigger are the egos and the belt buckles."
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kaptain Skitzo: Oh, and getting back to the Texas thing...about coming down there and stating my opinions TO a Texan... Well, my fiance lived in Texass for 4 years...and she says this to you... "Been there, Done that. The only things in Texass that are bigger are the egos and the belt buckles."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Bush isnt even from texas, hes just fuckin up Texas's already tarnished image. Bush was born on July 6, 1946, in New Haven, Connecticut. as for the ego and beltbuckles, hell ya nigga. we dun got buckles bigga then yo head foo. and san antonio has some of this biggest fuckin hambergers ive ever seen. but not nearly as big as our biggest belt buckles. where in texas did you live Kaptain?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dr.Roboto: san antonio has some of this biggest fuckin hambergers ive ever seen.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Funny... I don't remember seeing you at my last BBQ...
A:has millions of people with no homes or food, *AND* B:sends billions of dollars to foreign countries every year, *AND* C:tries to tell the world what is right and wrong A. um... are you serious? your pretty fucking stupid for being 37. have you ever heard of a little continent called AFRICA? granted not all countries are 3rd world countries in said continent, but a good percentage of them are. Um, in S.America the middle east, should I go on? Please do fucking leave, at the very least drink paint thinner until you pee blood. B. I thought sending billions of dollars in aid to foreign countries was a good thing? C. Thats the great thing about being a super power, we get to stick our noses in other peoples business for our own personal gain, name another super power in the world that hasnt done so. D. Your fiance sounds like one of those stupid trailer trash people you see on cops, i can just picture her snapping her fingers while shes waving her head back and forth, spitting out that lame ass attempt at an insult.
It started with the burgers, progressed to the Mexican food (mmmmmm... enchiladas, tacos, beans, cheese, fajitas...), and the bacon was just the icing on the proverbial cake...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Retard Wearing a Helmet: As for texas, I would like to see you come in this state, walk up to anyone here and talk shit about it, and walk away unscathed.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes Kaptain...no doubt they'd, after realising they were being required to think of a reasoned counter to your statements, drag you off to the nearest barn, loosen off their big belt buckles and carry out a texan-style SEXECUTION !
do you really think the *AND* is that significant? i read it correctly, but chose to disregard that part as I do not see all 3 being linked together significant.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Retard Wearing a Helmet: WOOOWEEE i love me some SEXECUTION!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Retard Wearing a Helmet: do you really think the *AND* is that significant? i read it correctly, but chose to disregard that part as I do not see all 3 being linked together significant.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> yes it is.. the significance is that america tells other countries how they should be run yet cannot solve it's own problems
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Retard Wearing a Helmet: A:has millions of people with no homes or food, *AND* B:sends billions of dollars to foreign countries every year, *AND* C:tries to tell the world what is right and wrong A. um... are you serious? your pretty fucking stupid for being 37. have you ever heard of a little continent called AFRICA? granted not all countries are 3rd world countries in said continent, but a good percentage of them are. Um, in S.America the middle east, should I go on? Please do fucking leave, at the very least drink paint thinner until you pee blood. B. I thought sending billions of dollars in aid to foreign countries was a good thing? C. Thats the great thing about being a super power, we get to stick our noses in other peoples business for our own personal gain, name another super power in the world that hasnt done so. D. Your fiance sounds like one of those stupid trailer trash people you see on cops, i can just picture her snapping her fingers while shes waving her head back and forth, spitting out that lame ass attempt at an insult.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Let me respond in kind: A: No african nation has ever tried to tell the world what to do....except Egypt, but that was back when they ruled it. B: Not when there are people starving and homeless here....take care of your own first, THEN worry about everyone else. C: Well, that is kinda like saying that if someone a few streets away wants to tell you how high your grass is allowed to grow, you HAVE to keep it under that height. Or they can tell you how many Christmas lights you are ALLOWED to put up...or maybe even that you are feeding your dog the wrong food, and that you HAVE to buy their brand, because "they said so"...you are a class A fuckwit....you know that? D: It pissed off every texan she hit with it....and not a one of them dared to do anything about it. Talk about a state full of pussies!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey: Yes Kaptain...no doubt they'd, after realising they were being required to think of a reasoned counter to your statements, drag you off to the nearest barn, loosen off their big belt buckles and carry out a texan-style SEXECUTION ! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Nursey, I'm not worried...a nigger pointing a gun at me didn't scare me, a bunch of pussy texans sure the fuck ain't a problem. Besides...they drop those pants, and I might be liable to die LAUGHING at them!