Last night I went to a girlfriends get together, basically my sister and 8 chicks she went to school with and one fag... all these 35-40 year old bitches could not stop talking about the RedLine drink. They were all hyper and looked like they were on some new happy meth. The first chick that got all the others hooked has lost like 20 pounds. Anyone ever try it? They all said the grape flavor was the only good one. The way these women we acting, I would say the drink is pretty damn strong... I was waiting for them to start dancing with glow sticks and raveing it out in the middle of an Italian restaurant. Since I was the only one not on it, it was fun to watch how many times they blinked and nervous ticks of making one leg hop in fast motion. My sister tried for the first time around 4pm and at 8pm looked like she on Ecstasy...and since I was making fun of them, I could tell she was trying her hardest to hold it back. They were telling stories of how kids have died drinking it... WTF? and you buy it at gas stations and Walmart. so I guess I will follow the sheep and give it a try, just will not take it with my Adderall.
I'd steer clear of that shit. I just saw on the news about Hydroxycut and liver damage. One person died from it. All of that diet shit is poison to your body.
Just drink several expresso Will Redline Energy Drink Help You Burn Fat? The main active ingredients in Redline are Caffeine, Evoburn, Hydroxy, Yerba Mate, and Green Tea. This drink is chucked full of stimulants, and should be taken with caution especially if you’re sensitive to caffeine. Users of Redline have reported serious side effects such as severe insomnia, dizziness, headaches, jitteriness, anxiety, stomach aches, chills, heart palpitations, nausea, and the list goes on and on. These extreme side effects is your body’s way of telling you something is NOT good for it. Redline Energy Drink in my opinion should be taken at all, and if you do chose to use it do so in very small quantities. Also you can expect a pretty hard crash after Redline’s energy boost wares off. Users also report that Redline Energy Drink has a terrible taste, this is most likely because it has 0 calories. Price: $3.00 per bottle of Redline Energy Drink. You can buy a case of 24 for $42.00 - $44.00. The cost is $0.36 per ounce. Very expensive to be using all the time. Read the reviews and see that people disagree however. The reviews are much more positive.
I drank a half of one at 7am... it is 8:16 am ... I feel like I am on coke. I am dressed and ready to be called in to work. For once I hope I have to work- wtf? IF I disappear- my fat ass had a heart attack on redline today.
I hope you just shave your head... and dont try the comb over deal... is that hat hiding a comb over?
Great. I can see it now. You're gonna be looking in store windows like this slut I know wanting to rob them for your next fix.