racists beware........

Discussion in 'Jokes, Funny Stories and other Text.' started by MANDYG, Nov 30, 2003.


    MANDYG New Member

    And dont even get me started on how to spell LOSING. You fuck-up. Still, as long as you can hold your cheeseburgers eh......
  2. igabfbrn

    igabfbrn New Member

    Our cheeseburgers are still better than fish n chips! OH wait, if your people did not sexually fool around with your cattle, you would not have the Mad Cow issue but, that is what happens when you are into having sex with animals. We eat ours cooked, Not raw!

    MANDYG New Member

    Yeah, cooked, burnt, still moo-ing, whatever. How sad. And if you knew anything about the British it's that it's SHEEP we're apparently shagging. Not cows. Except that's the Welsh. And Aberdonians. (Stop me if I'm using too-big words here.....)
  4. igabfbrn

    igabfbrn New Member

    Here's a big word, MAAAAAAANDYGEEEEE

    MANDYG New Member

    Clever boy. (or girl)
  6. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    just know that we have enough nukes to bomb your shitty island to hell and have enough left to the rest of europe and china.
    too bad your society never discovered detistry to fix them fucked up teeth you have, tooth paste either for these golden rays of sunshine you all teeth. now i dont wanna bother you too long i know how many sheeps dogs cows or any thing that walks with 4 legs that you people have to go fuck so, cheers
  7. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dr.Roboto:
    just know that we have enough nukes to bomb your shitty island to hell and have enough left to the rest of europe and china.

    Yeah and you need them because you're too neanderthal to work things out without resorting to force.
  8. FrostyDaSnowPimp

    FrostyDaSnowPimp New Member

    So as opposed to attacking my argument you chose to instead attack my spelling, this implies that you cannot refute what I have previously stated and instead must rely on personal attacks you fucking british cunt
  9. FrostyDaSnowPimp

    FrostyDaSnowPimp New Member

    also... while trying to say that we were waiting for sides to be chosen... who was the main supplier of weapons and vehicles to Britan during both world war 1 and 2? Oh yea.. the US.. the supplies were being sent before we were involved in the war. Ever hear of the Lusitania?
  10. Dead By Dawn

    Dead By Dawn New Member

    ok check this out, just a quick history lesson... first of all the brits and there huge moldy teeth used to own the usa, and then something happened, our thirteen colonies beat there whole damn country silly. well thats what happens when you send your militery over wearing big red outfits like walking targets. oh yeah, and for those of you who dont know, the british police officers are not allowed to carry guns (snicker) can you imagine getting arrested and having the cops pimp slap you into submission?

    ps. please start shaving your legs over there, you cant imagine how gross that is
  11. igabfbrn

    igabfbrn New Member

    The word is Asshole, not Arsehole. The only reason you pronounce it arsehole, is because of two things, #1. Lack of a superior education. #2. Rotten teeth. Europeans sold us the niggers and we would be happy to give all of them back. Always remember, we saved your part of the world when your countries could not and you think that we are Idiotic Swelled Head Yanks? I think not! We are just better than you, and always will be!
  12. MANDYG

    MANDYG New Member

    At least it means our police officers aren't big fat doughnut eating pigs - they actually rely on their fitness and brains to catch criminals - not bullets. And to frostydasnowcunt - I attacked your spelling because you're obviously just another fucked-up American dipshit with no education - therefore why would I bother attacking your (evidently incorrect) argument?
  13. FrostyDaSnowPimp

    FrostyDaSnowPimp New Member

    OOOOooo... Zing.... . not only did she still not refute my argument but she also sunk to the level of a five year old and playing petty name games. Wow... Mandy... You amaze me with your psuedo-intellect, badgering our educational system and law-enforcement while acting like a fucking baby.
  14. MANDYG

    MANDYG New Member

    Ok. I apologise. I WILL refute your argument. Firstly - yes - I have heard of the Lusitania. It smacks of all things American when you wouldnt enter a War that was devastating Europe until your people were threatened. Not withstanding the fact that your country had been threatened all along - had Europe been taken where do you think the enemy would have set their sights on next? And granted - America did supply arms to the allied forces. This is still not the same as getting in there and giving us the manpower we needed to avoid the 4 years of fighting from fatigued troops. We were NOT the "loosing" side. Although the fresh troops (finally sent) were a help in finishing the whole business - America gained richly from the war debt placed upon Germany (1st and 2nd World Wars). You are a fair weather friend and only in it for what you can get. Your whole country is a parasite - waiting in the wings to scavenge what you can from any situation. Need I rmeind you it was YOUR country who trained, (And gave money to) Al Queda? Only when they turned on you to threaten your country did it suddenly become a big deal. America would quite easily have watched them destroy their neighbours if they had any financial gain to make.
  15. FrostyDaSnowPimp

    FrostyDaSnowPimp New Member

    Very true... I agree with your statement that we are parasites. We have trained numerous organizations that have been used to overthough governments around the world. During the wars America had a stance of avoidance. It was thought that since we were not immediately in danger that we could avoid massive loss of life while at the same time at least supporting our "allies." It is not a matter of being fair weather either. We help many countries that have in many ways absolutely nothing to give to or even threaten us. Now this is not always true. Iraq for example. That is strictally a plot by an oil barron to get some more oil, and I dissagree with the loss of life. But in the past, the wars in which we supported you were not always for personal gain. I do not see how we can call Britian and her allies as winning at the point of our involvement in WW2. The germans were waltzing around poland, burning through spain and just fucking up france, what is the next logical step? A little hop across the channel. Now we got involved for 2 main reasons, firstly, Pearl Harbor, which it has been revealed could have been prevented, but was not solely to provide reason to the people for entrance into the war. and secondlly, if Britian were to fall, you are very right, we would be the next logical targets. So instead of letting them amass a fleet 3 countries strong and attack the US, (cause lord knows mexico and canada would have helped stim the tides of invasion) we forced them into a multi fronted war. By supplying fresh troops and materials to fight a many year old army and airforce that was already feeling the effects of atrishion, we helped to stop the war sooner and preventing possibly drastic events.

    But alas I digress, yes we are the occasional Fair Weather Friend but at the same time we do help not always for personal gain, we where there when you needed help, not IMMEDIATELY when you needed it but still provided help beforeyou were over ran. And yes we do do things that stim from personal agenda but what country doesn't?
  16. MANDYG

    MANDYG New Member

    But you miss what Im saying. You only helped when your country was personally threatened. Lusitania, Pearl Harbour. You didn't realise that you were ALWAYS at threat - it was only when they had the "cheek" to attack your shores that you stepped in. You should have been with us from the start. What would have happened if Germany (either War) HADN'T threatened America in any way? If they had invaded their way across Europe, destroyed it, and then been perfectly happy? Would you have sat back and let them get on with it?
  17. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey:
    Yeah and you need them because you're too neanderthal to work things out without resorting to force. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    eh we tried to work it out with the japs but noooooooooo they didnt want to surrender.
    what were we supposed to do let them attack neighboring countries?

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MANDYG:
    At least it means our police officers aren't big fat doughnut eating pigs - they actually rely on their fitness and brains to catch criminals - not bullets.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    What the hell are supposed to do if they have guns? let them shot innocent people? and guns are a detterent for many criminals.
    the britts arnt exactly happy go luck people either, remember Ghandi? i assume you do, but do you also remember how many people the britts kill in the town of Amritsar in 1919?
    1516 unarmed civilians, not just me but women and children. what where they doing to deserve such a death? they were having a demonstration. the only thing that kept the britts from using a armored car was that the alley was too narrow.

    [OUOTE]Originally posted by MANDYG:
    Need I rmeind you it was YOUR country who trained, (And gave money to) Al Queda? Only when they turned on you to threaten your country did it suddenly become a big deal. America would quite easily have watched them destroy their neighbours if they had any financial gain to make. [/QUOTE]

    we gave them weapons so that they could fight communist russia. where we supposed to let them die? they had Hind-D heavy attack helechopters flying over head shoting at them. we gave them what they needed to fight back. every thing comes with a price.
  18. MANDYG

    MANDYG New Member

    And apparently that price was over 3000 American deaths. What a tragedy. When will America (an Ive got to admit it - Britain since that dick Tony Blair was brought in) learn to just stop messing with other countries and their problems?
  19. MANDYG

    MANDYG New Member

    You let Germany attack ALL of their neighbouring countries.
  20. FrostyDaSnowPimp

    FrostyDaSnowPimp New Member

    But you missed what I was trying to say as well. The Lusitania was a British passenger liner, it just happened to have 100 US people on it. The germans did not know that americans were on it. They had posted warnings for americans to not travel on british ships. Both cases were used as excuses to enter the war. During world war 2 we really could have defended our country against the Axis. We have lots of coasts but they are all flat and easily defendable. All the borders were being patrolled, we could have at lest put up a good self showing.

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