Qana massacre (#2)

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Nursey, Aug 2, 2006.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Sorry for the picks being taken down off the sight but here they are anyways for you to laugh at I could have sworn I did a preview but maybe I did not.

    I guess IDF troops are feeling a little humanitarian and decided to assist Beirut with disposing of their garbage.

    U.S. News must feel like a bunch os asses on that one.

    Anyone care to guess who the guy is holding the machine gun? The answer is laughable.

    Time used the same photo series also read this:

    When I saw the US News photo I knew I'd seen it somewhere else as well. This exact same scene is shown on page 45 of the July 31st issue of Time Magazine. The caption reads: "The wreckage of a downed Israeli jet that was targeting Hizballa trucks billows smoke behind a Hizballah gunman in Kfar Chima, near Beirut. Jet fuel set the surrounding area ablaze." The photo credit is to Bruno Stevens - Cosmos. Upon closer inspection the blaze indeed appears to be a tire fire.
  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Thankyou, my quirky, verbal-protuberance-thrusting, martian friend! I considered using Joe's throbbing neck veined, frothing mouthed rabies monster approach "Did your prostate go into violent, orgasmic spasms as the still-twitching, waxy baboushka was dragged gurgling from your lusty, moist ass crevice, XERXESX!?!?!?!!!!!?!" to attempt to intimidate you into agreeing with me, but opted instead for the subliminal Disney MKULTRA mind programming catch-phrase to bring you around to my way of thinking. :idea:

  3. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Is that the new lebanese bullet proof vest?
  4. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I think XerxesX understands...
  5. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    In response to the accusations in the media (originating from a website) about the Qana massacre being 'staged':

    News agencies stand by Lebanon photos

    NEW YORK - Three news agencies on Tuesday rejected challenges to the veracity of photographs of bodies taken in the aftermath of an Israeli airstrike in Lebanon, strongly denying that the images were staged. Continue...
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Lebanese Shia Dr. Explains How Hzbullah uses Human Shields

    Title: Lebanese Shia Dr. Explains How Hzbullah uses Human Shields
    Source: FR and the Tages-spiegel
    URL Source:
    Published: Jul 31, 2006
    Author: Dr Mounir Herzallah
    Post Date: 2006-07-31 16:57:10 by Crystalk

    A Lebanese Shia explains how Hezbollah uses Human Shields Der Tagesspiegel ^ | 7/30/06 | Dr. Mounir Herzallah

    Posted on 07/31/2006 1:49:58 PM PDT by abu afak

    In a letter to the editor of the Berlin daily Der Tagesspiegel a Lebanese Shia explains how after Israel’s withdrawal from South Lebanon, Hezbollah stored rockets in bunkers in his town and built a school and residence over it.

    ""I lived until 2002 in a small southern village near Mardshajun that is inhabited by a majority of Shias like me. After Israel left Lebanon, it did not take long for Hezbollah to have the say in our town and all other towns. Received as successful resistance fighters, they appeared armed to the teeth and dug rocket depots in bunkers in our town as well. The social work of the Party of God consisted in building a school and a residence over these bunkers!

    A local sheikh explained to me Laughing that the Jews would lose in any event because the rockets would either be fired at them or if they attacked the rocket depots, they would be condemned by world opinion on account of the dead civilians. These people do not care about the Lebanese population, they use them as shields, and, once dead, as propaganda. As long as they continue existing there, there will be no tranquility and peace.""

    Dr. Mounir Herzallah Berlin-Wedding

    (translated from the German by David Ouellette)
  7. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Hi there Nursey.

    I am glad you didnt go for this text, but opted for that cute picture. That way my ass hurts only in my head, and the matrushkas stand unsullied :)

    It would be practical for muslems to organize themselves in states with borders that carried the responsibility of peace and war ,( inner and outer jihad ), on behalf of its citizens. This system has been practiced for some time now and can be recomended. That the Koran was written with a one-state system in mind is nobodys fault. Its just that old platonic school going at the aristotelians again.
  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Well seeing as Joe seems to have had his rabies booster shot, i thought i'd keep things nice and civil around here.;)

    Even if that letter is true (and, call me cynical, but after the 'BABIES THROWN OUT OF INCUBATORS' and the 'IRAQI RAPE ROOMS' stories which were later discovered to be fabricated, it takes a bit more than some lone voice that conveniently 'justifies' U.S. or Israeli actions to convince me), it still doesn't account for the scale of devastation (see also: Updates on the aggression against lebanon).

    Have Hezbollah also built bunkers in the Christian areas of Lebanon?

  9. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    7,378 this thread, anyway.
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    First of all forget about religous affiliation. War sucks regardless. Pictures of Christians and pictures of Muslims can be equally compelling they are humans.

    Looking from a cause and effect perspective. What caused the South to be predominantly Shite Muslim? What was the predominant population of the South 10, 20, 30 years ago? How did it come to be that the predominance of individuals located in the line of fire are Shite?
  11. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    I have fractured my lower left rib and will go somewhere warm, nice and cheap. Have to work a few days next week and then I am off. Nasrallah is a damn fine warlord. ( As warlords go ). A true hero to his cause. Forced IDF out in 2000. Gives real damage now, six years later. The israeli response seems desperate and it is. Not even the jewish tribe can take that much pressure for such a long time. I am real proud of my own tribes doing in the world. Us germanic norse have been all over and produced loads of technological and cultural gifts that the world is free to enjoy. If the arab and the jew could find pride and peace I would be a happy man. It is tragic that these gifted cousins cant get along. Could Nasrallahs resistance provide the point of pride and identity from witch a psychology of peace could ensue ?

    The price of supporting the Hamas in their regional strugle has anyways been far greater than ( I guess ) Nasrallah suspected. Maybe he thought 15 000 rockets gate him clout ? It would be a shame if they blew up all those places and people and nobody got closure.
  12. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    They have both drus and christian "jihaadis" in their brigades. Nasrallah grew up in a christian neighbourhood in Beirut. The production of hashish could be suffering as well. Ther was good stuff coming out of Libanon before it became a battleground. PLO and refugeecamps and "the good old days", Major Haddad and his christian militia...
    And it was more christians than muslims there 50 years ago. Nowadays a lot of them live in Brazil and that could ofcourse be nice. Prime reason for demografic shift is muslem fuck anyway :lol:

    I will not forget about religious afiliation. One is responsible for ones religion, as well as ones politics.
  13. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    I meant fucking muslem. Literally !
  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Ah he forced IDF out like the Mexican Federalis forced out Poncho Vila.

    If some one beats you black and blue and before signs of rigimortis set in feel sorry for you and back off therefore you forced him away by exploiting his compassion. Then I can see that.

    Rockets gave him clout? (Rocket*Media Praise) = Clout

    If they could only get along yes very true if only. I under stand that the extream sects of the Shia believe in the 12th prophet some crazy shit hastening the end times with a war with Israel.
  15. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    IDF actually took quite some damage there. Suicide bombers and remote controll did it. They left because they took unaxeptable casualties. The germans gave much more damage than they recieved during WW2. They still lost. The red army absorbed most of that damage. They absorbed it and then they won.

    It is a dangerous situation down there.
  16. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Truly it is but you cannot totally forget that they left at the pleading of the U.N. and Lebanon with an agreement that the U.N. reneged on. If cutting a deal to save your ass and then not holding up to your side of the agreement is heroics then ... That can be twisted around in the minds of fanatics who want to believe so that Hezbollah bravely ran the oppressors out of South Lebanon.
  17. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Disgusting comparing the germans during ww2 w the IDF now. I stand chastized. On a practical level there are allso to many discrapancies. The totality of that war and the scirmish-like nature of this one. I would still claim that Hizbollahs actions forced IDF out in 00 though.

    As for broken promises that puts blame and blood on all our hands. Not just Hizbollah and Israel and their closer buddies.
  18. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    This is true

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