Qana massacre (#2)

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Nursey, Aug 2, 2006.

  1. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    You're a good two years ahead of your time, Barry.
  2. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Yes Nursey, you are the ideological opposite of Joe, but tactically and logically you use the exact same tactics. You select your facts from a far end of the spectrum and then use those to support an opinion that the vast majority of facts contradict. Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon was on the condition that southern Lebanon not remilitarize, which it steadily allowed during the entire peace period. They stockpiled weapons and are clearly not afraid to use them against a civilian population. They use subversive and criminal tactics against a civilian population, and then claim that the civilian population deserves it. Your zionist conspiracy theory is bullshit, but you cling to it as though it were the blanket of your childhood.

    And somehow you believe that all of us are the ones who have been made delusional by slanted propoganda.

    The definition of insanity is repeating the same behavior over and over again expecting a different result.
  3. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I wish i was in the mood to argue about it. But it just depresses me that i should even have to, considering how blatant what i'm saying is as far as i'm concerned. Instead i will leave you kindly folks to smugly defend the destruction of a whole country and the murder of hundreds+ of its civilians - a third of whom are children. I hope you really are secure enough in those views to confidently accept the inevitable karma they will produce.

    More than 100 MPs sign petition attacking PM

    Fury at Blair as 100,000 take to the streets over Lebanon

  4. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    So I'll understand your outrage at the use of suicide bombs against Israel's civilian population, since Israel was clearly launching attacks from those bus stations, markets, and schools.

    Your double standard is noxious Nursey. As long as they are middle eastern they can do no wrong. But if they are westerners, they are immediately wrong in any action they take. Israel has no right to exist, nor do they have any right to defend themselves.

    You'd be right to admit that the whole situation is messed up, but these people would have nothing if it weren't for the west and it's petrodollars. And for that chance at prosperity that the west (including Israel) has given them, they turn around and attack us in the name of Allah. If the Palestinian people would stop being led around by the nose by their corrupt leaders this situation may yet end peacefully, but that won't happen. Do you know why that is Nursey? Because you and every idiot and would be demi-god in the region blame problems on Israel.
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I cannot stand it any longer the shit is really way to deep on this one.

    Reuters admits altering Beirut photo

    Reuters employee issues 'Zionist pig' death threat
    Worker suspended after telling American blogger: 'I look forward to day when you pigs get your throats cut'

    UK, US weblogs question inconsistencies in photographs of Qana attack flooding international media

    IDF continuing to check difficult incident at Qana village, and attempting to account for strange gap between time of the strike on the building – midnight – and eight in the morning, when the building collapsed

    CNN's Anderson Cooper Exposes Hezbollah's Media Manipulations

    CNN's Robertson Now Admits: Hezbollah 'Had Control' of His Anti-Israel Piece

    A picture cannot lie?

    Following Palestinian claims and the media reports of Israeli culpability in deaths on a Gaza beach, the real story emerges...

    The words of a Canadian United Nations observer written just days before he was killed in an Israeli bombing of a UN post in Lebanon are evidence Hezbollah was using the post as a "shield" to fire rockets into Israel, says a former UN commander in Bosnia

    They showed reporters video footage of rocket launchers being driven into Qana, from whence rockets were fired at northern Israeli towns, including Kiryat Shemona, Afula and Ma'alot. Israel targeted the building hit early yesterday because intelligence reports indicated that Hezbollah operatives were inside, along with Katyusha rockets and launchers. Typically Hezbollah fighters fire rockets at Israeli targets and then dart into nearby buildings.

    The New York Times published a picture of an angry Israeli policeman
    and a badly-beaten and bloodied man, with the caption:
    "An Israeli policeman and a Palestinian on the Temple Mount."
    The Palestinian is actually Tuvia Grossman, a Jewish student from Chicago

    Now that even the Palestinian Authority has admitted that there was no massacre in Jenin last month -- and some Palestinian accounts speak instead of a "great victory against the Jews" in door-to-door fighting that left 23 Israelis dead -- it is worth taking another look at how the international media covered the fighting there.

    Dissabled children were placed in building that collapsed eight hours later

    Hezbollah installed a base of launching of rockets on the roof from a building in Cana and y piled up crippled children in the firm intention to see a counterpart on behalf of Israeli aviation and to create a new situation, using the massacre of these innocent to take again the initiative of the negotiations "Adding: "they have uses Cana which was already a symbol of a massacre the innocent ones, they fomented a Cana 2".

    For example, the Web site draws attention to a photo by AP's Lefteris Pitarakis time stamped 7:21 a.m., showing a dead girl in an ambulance. Another picture, stamped 10:25 a.m. and taken by AP's Mohammed Zaatari, shows the same girl being loaded onto the ambulance. In a third, by AP photographer Nasser Nasser and stamped 10:44 a.m., a rescue worker carries the girl with no ambulance nearby.

    another of many smoking guns. THIS is the picture that damns Hezbollah. It is one of several, smuggled from behind Lebanon's battle lines, showing that Hezbollah is waging war amid suburbia.

    HonestReporting calls on the media to examine the Qana tragedy in context.

    PRECISELY A MONTH AGO, on April 8, the Palestinian news agency Wafa was reporting that Israel had committed the "massacre of the 21st century" in the Palestinian refugee camp in Jenin. "Medical sources" informed Wafa of "hundreds of martyrs." This was a lie, concocted not only for local consumption--to keep the Palestinian people whipped up in a patriotic, Israel-hating frenzy--but mostly for export to the West.

    How the Times Distorted Jenin

    Welcome to the marquee performance of "Qana: The Fraud and the Furious," brought to you by the Acting Guild of the Religion of Perpetual Outrage.

    An investigation in The Atlantic asks: Was the Mohammed al-Dura death scene staged for anti-Israeli effect?

    Watch this video of Palestanians staging news footage while major news networks join right in as accomplices
  6. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

  7. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I'm fully at peace with my conscience, diogenes. I'm not the one who is condoning extreme violence and destruction as a means to remedy a problem that could have been settled diplomatically.
  8. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Right. They have only had about three thousand years to work things out. Obviously diplomacy is the answer in the Middle East, seeing how everyone over there is so rational, logical, tolerant and peace loving.

  9. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    ... as opposed to "over there" where you are?

  10. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    You got a problem with big guns?

  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Just look at Slates middle east buddy list. Its a volatil region over there anything you do pissed someone like a chess game that has got to a point where you just cannot win no matter what
  12. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member


    Quoth the historian ! :lol:


    Only by strengthening the ad-hoc`s like Hzbollah and thusly providing jurisprudence for their "muslim" power. That is unwelcome amongst "christians" and "jews". It is the hard-wing vs hard-wing solutions that have won. Everything good about our religions lies gagged in a ditch. 6.66 billion "humans" and counting. Everybody wants cars and fridges and sorry nursey , but they cant all have it.
  13. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Is you sayin that's all these folks unnerstan, Buzza? May as well juss nuke em, y'all!

    Yes. Thankyou for that XerxesX. And bippidi boppidi boo to you too. :?

  14. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Is it all they (Jews and Muslims alike) understand? Apparently, yes.

    May as well nuke them all? Of course not. Not really. It just gets frustrating sometimes watching people with irreconsilable differences try to "work things out." I figure that God is capable of fixing the problem eventually. His other attempts at mass extinction didn't work (see flood epic), so I hope his next plan is better. I heard that he was tinkering with a thermonuclear meteorite.

    Oh, and when you come over on holiday this fall, you can stay in my newly renovated bomb shelter free of charge. I look forward to catching up on old times.

    ...and quit making fun of my Southern accent. You should hear the way you sound on my listening devices. Talk about an accent.....

  15. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  16. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member


    Caption reads:

    I have no idea where these alleged prisioners are kept but would it not be ironic if they were blown away by a hezbullah rocket?

    watch the video top right. “How can you expect the people to love you especially that you are selling democracy when your own media is discrediting you?”

    In light of all the fake journalism and anti-American propaganda that I have attested has been going on for years. That is a very telling statement.
  17. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Yes ! Bebopalulah and greetings !
    It is indeed terrible that they hurt eachother. Maybe you could get them to trade insults and puns Nursey. That would probably count as diplomacy and you could get government support :lol: Bip-bip bipod. The humanitarian heritage lives strong in you young sky-nursey !

    As if americans are any better ! Deathpenalties and gun-yahoo and bunches of poor semi-literate fat people, just like the iraqis.
  18. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Now the story is going around that those ambulance pictures are fake.

    For instance the areas where paint is removed at the allegid bullet holes are rusty and the origional image going around had this photoshopped to cover the rust.

    No actual journalist too the pictures that by the way only showed the top of the picture which was apparently in that picture even missing any siren.

    Here is a video of a forient news service asking questions to an Israeli military personel and cutting his reply and editing it and mocking what he says over and over. Is this fair and balanced to you?

    Ever wonder why all the pictures are from the top angle where someone had to go out of their wat to take and none from the sides? Well thisa is supposed to be the picture of the ambulance in question. See the hole in the floor as well as all of the black siut from the smoke as well as puncture holes from the inside going out? ...... If you don't then neither did I.

    Actions speak louder than words. Do you see on the dates of the alleged occurrence the International Red Cross taking up space on their sight to mention the alleged bombing of a red cross vehicle? Scarcely :roll:

    Look at the Palestinians with smiles on their faces for this photo.

    And does this one remind you of the previously posted video of Palestinians posing for fake photo shoots?

    Here is the real photo while there is another photoshopped with several flares instead of one. The caption reads about several rockets launched from an Israeli warplane. It's the "Fakers" ignorance speaking though as those are flares set off to confuse heat seeking antiaircraft missiles.
  19. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    For those to tend to still believe that the Ambulance was bombed or hit with a missile here do a google image search for the picture of Hammas bigshot Abdul Aziz Al-Rantisi's car that was struck by an Israeli missile.,GGLG:2006-28,GGLG:en

    Rescued becomes the rescuer is re-rescued. I guess its all in a days work

    I guess IDF troops are feeling a little humanitarian and decided to assist Beirut with disposing of their garbage. :lol:

    U.S. News must feel like a bunch os asses on that one.

    Anyone care to guess who the guy is holding the machine gun? The answer is laughable.

    Time used the same photo series also read this:

    *director* Cut! hold up! Hold up! I got an idea lets get some kids toys in here. Ah .... something with dramatic effect Disney...Yeah thats the ticket who can get their hands on some toys? Preferably Disnry toys the world will related to that. Hurry up so we can continue footage. OK now rollem!
  20. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Fauxtography. That's great.

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