I want to know why all these damn people write in and complain!! If these dumbasses are so disturbed or offended why in the hell do they take the time and read everything you guys have on here. You would think if they read something that pissed them off they would have some fucking common sense to leave the site. But no, they click on every link and then write to you and bitch about what they read. What the hell do people expect from a site called fugly.com? I think your site is funny as hell and keep up the good work. My boyfriend and I laughed for hours when we read your jokes. Keep 'em coming. This is to the dumb shits that don't like this site, if you don't like it, leave and keep your mouth shut!! Shelly Frigetto
Right on! I loooove harlan! That's what keeps me coming back! Plus the pics and videos and all the weird ass shit on here...it's kinda addictive! I totally agree! If you don't like it, don't bother to open your dick suck! Just leave! Obviously, people are drawn to what Fugly has to offer, or else they wouldn't keep coming back and looking at it! ------------------ Dig it or fuck off!